windows 8.1 – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:16:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 windows 8 does not see SSD when installing Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:16:34 +0000 Read More]]> I took the 540 spin drive out of a new cheap laptop and decided to put an old SSD in.  Yes it totally makes a differnce.  However, when trying install off the USB drive, windows would not see the SSD I just installed.  After a number of trying and lots of searching, I found the answer.  So I’m posting it so some person in the future who runs into this problem too.


Does it show the SSD at all? I would check to see that it’s indeed being picked up by the BIOS and if not, check the cables.
Occasionally, Windows setup can chuck a fit when it discovers a drive with an invalid MBR/boot sector and won’t install to it. To fix this, you could try the following
1.Boot up Windows 7 disc.
2.When the welcome screen comes up on Windows Setup, press Shift + F10, which will display a command prompt.
3.Type “diskpart” (no quotes) and press enter.
4.Type “list disk” and press enter.
5.Hopefully you can see your SSD in the list. You should see a number identifying it. Now type “select disk X” (where X is the number identifying your SSD) and press enter.
6.Type “clean” and press enter. This will write a blank MBR, YOU WILL LOSE ANY DATA ON THE SSD if you did have anything on it.
Hopefully one of these tips helps :

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How to fix a blurry, low resolution screen after updating to Windows 8.1 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 21:57:33 +0000 Read More]]> I pulled the trigger and updated to Windows 8.1 and first thing I was greeted with was a blurry, low resolution screen.   What the?  Do I did a bit of digging and found the fix.  It has to do with DPI scaling which I would bet is related to handling tablets screens.  Annoying. However, the fix is pretty easy.  Go to ASKVG for the full explanation of the fix.  Below are the key steps you need.

The users who are facing blurry, bold or hard to read font problem in Windows 8.1, just need to enable this new option and their problem will be fixed forever.

So if you are also facing this problem, just check out following simple steps:

1. Right-click on Desktop and select “Screen resolution” option.

2. Now click on “Make text and other items larger or smaller” link.


3. It’ll open “Display” settings page. You can also directly open “Display” window by selecting “Personalize” option from Desktop context menu and then click on “Display” link given at the bottom of left-sidebar.

4. Now enable “Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays” option and apply the changes.


5. Restart your system and your problem will be fixed.

Since Windows 8.1 is under development, it seems this new feature is not working properly in many computer systems. We hope the issue will get fixed in final version of Windows 8.1.

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Free Windows 8.1 upgrade set to release in Oct. .. it aint much Thu, 15 Aug 2013 18:44:36 +0000 Read More]]> win8 tilesI have Windows 8 on all of my machines.  Not so much because I live Windows 8, but more that I got the licenses when they were on sale and it actually runs better on old machines.  That being said, I have yet to use the chicklet ‘metro’ elements of the OS.  Even on my new touch tablet, I still use the desktop.  Now here comes Windows 8.1.  Its not a major game changer, and if you have not upgraded from 7 to 8, there is nothing new in here that will change your mind, but for those of us already on 8, there are a few welcome upgrades.  Two that make it welcome.

First you can finally boot directly into the desktop.  This is huge for me.  Right now there are two moves I have to make that are a total waste.  I have to first move the splash graphic out of the way so I can get to the login, then after logging in, I have to click on desktop. Sigh.  I’m hoping to find a way to shortcut the landing graphic, but at least with 8.1, I can go directly to the desktop top.  Much better.

The second thing is the return of the ‘Start’ button.  Its not as populated nor as flexible as the start button in Win7, but I expect that will improve as well.  Far better then the window-x option we have now.  Did you guys even know about that?  Also the search UI is suppose to flow better, but an issue I have still does not seem to be addressed; when I type in an app or file, I have manually move from category to category.  Sigh.  Although now they have added skydrive and email as part of the search.  Not sure how I feel about that.

I have read that the metro apps are getting better.  They are really half baked and anytime I accidentally go from desktop to one of these things, I’m immediately struck by just how limited the UI option are on them. Perhaps in a few more iterations they will be become as useful as the equivalent desktop app, but I’m not seeing it. There have been more improvements on the start screen, like more sizes for the chicklets, better filtering and a few other niceties, but honestly, I never use any of them, so I cannot say if this matters or not.

Also there is IE11.  I have lived without Internet Explorer for so long I do not even know the difference between the versions any more.  From what I have read, 11 is suppose to bring IE into the modern browser age, but I read that about IE 9 and 10 and yet they always fall short.  So I guess time will tell.

Bottom line, if you are already on windows 8, as soon as its released, and its free, go get it.  Else if you have not made the jump yet, there is nothing here to change your mind.

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