I took the 540 spin drive out of a new cheap laptop and decided to put an old SSD in.  Yes it totally makes a differnce.  However, when trying install off the USB drive, windows would not see the SSD I just installed.  After a number of trying and lots of searching, I found the… Read More

Well this is a treat.  Via reddit I checked out a preview of the new Microsoft.com preview website.  Its pretty clear they are all in with Metro, and also all in with 1 view from many devices as demonstrated by the use of dynamic media response. {Update}  Seems they have this redirecting now.  Shame. The… Read More

I have been using Windows 8 for awhile now on my home computer. The first thing I noticed about windows 8 is how fast and clean everything feels.  It does not have the lipstick on a pig feel that was Windows Vista. After reading Brooke Crothers post on cnet, it reminded me as to why… Read More

As a TC1100 fan, I was looking up installing Windows 8 on my machine.  Although installing the wifi card is a bit tricky you can still do it.  And for fun I checked up on the TC1100 wiki page only to see the reference to popular culture section deleted!  WTH?  So I grabbed an old… Read More

One thing that bugs me about windows 8 is I have 2 screens I have to get pass to get to my desktop.  First the splash screen, or whatever its called, then the login screen.  Well I just found out by accident that if you click on the spacebar, that will execute the ‘slide open’… Read More

I want to install Windows 8 on my tablet but do not want to dig around to find my DVD player, so I decided to grab an old 4gig USB key and creating a bootable install for Windows 8.  There are two ways to do this. The easy way is to simply download the Windows 8… Read More

This is mostly a repost from teknobites. I took a few screenshots out, edited a few things, add a few others. The instructions for setting up dual boot for windows8 is pretty easy. If you have every setup a dual boot system before, you will see there is not much new here.. Before you start,… Read More