Simple enough, you are talking on skype or some other VoIP app and you realize, you need to record this since if you are talking on your iphone, odds are you are not at your desk to take notes in the first place.  Do keep in mind that you have to let the other people… Read More

End of year holidays are coming and that means one thing. Lots of new iPads. There are even some that have got them early. So now that you have a new ipad, what apps should you put on it? Well, normally I would give a top 10, however, not everyone will use the ipad the… Read More

Yes, I wrote about a phone call scam last week and now there is yet another scam I just came across using VoIP and voice to text.  This time, it calls your skype account with the name “System update information’ or something weak like that. This one has been around for a few months but… Read More

Sure. All you need is WIFI access.  Basically the non 3G iPad is an iPad on steroids. So if you could get your ipod touch to do a VoIP call, then you can do it on your iPad… And there are plenty of Apps to choose from. Line2 has the most professional options. (My Review… Read More

UPDATE 2!! It’s gone again!!  I’m guessing the same reason. Hopefully it will be up in a few hours. UPDATE!!! They pulled it from the store because of a DNS attack.  I just went back into the store and its back.  If this is something you can see using, I recommend jumping on it now.… Read More

Heck, I did not even know this could be done.  I have not tried it since its still in invite Alpha only, but based on what i’ve read on TechCrunch, that seems to be the case. Its called the Black Swan Edition.  Features listed are: Native iPhone look and feel. Syncro of Google Voice™ data.… Read More

Ok, so we all knew Skype’s app was coming out soon. And we ALSO knew that Truphone has something is mind to reply to it. The answer? In my email of course. Here is what I got.. Lets the VoIP wars begin! Get even more value from Truphone with an Unlimited calling plan (find out… Read More

I use skype, not as much as in the past, but every now and again.  Now truphone has brought in skype support. I can call skype people, skype’rs can call me and I can do IM.  That’s all I need really. I’ve talked about truphone before (link) and VoiP in general for overseas calls (story… Read More

Just read in TechCrunch about a new itouch app by UK-based Truphone that allows you to make phone calls on your itouch if you have WIFI access. Sounds pretty good. Calls are free to other itouch users as well as other supported mobile devices and low rates to those outside the system, much like Skype.… Read More