Sculpting in VR is nothing new.  Actually, very little in VR is new, instead its what happens when things get lighter, faster, cheaper.   Back in the 90’s we could create sculptures and move walls around in VR but it was very cumbersome, lacked the high feedback fidelity required to really make sculpting in VR productive… Read More

Here is a great life hack.  If you do not need ice for your drinks, then put something else in there.  Like candy!  Of course you can put fruit or mochi or anything else that is small and taste good either frozen or just thawed.  I can see berries or grapes as well.  I wonder… Read More

This is a great video for all those Portal fans out there. Now if you are asking; ‘What is Portal?’  It’s an addictive puzzle game where the player has a portal gun which opens two portals between surfaces, allowing players to literally walk through walls.  This is a bit of an over simplication, but watch… Read More

If you really like beautiful and interesting aquatic life , then this app is for you. Real Aquarium HD.  At the basic level, its a series of HD videos of various sea creatures chill’in (sorry) in the sea.  However, this app provide a second layer where you can learn about each sea creature you are… Read More

UnstoppableGorg is not out yet, but they did release a preview video. I like this. I like the variation of being able to move defensive weapons around, even if its just orbit. I also have to give them an upvote for the fun B movie horror flick theme. Fun. Unstoppable Gorg is a lovingly crafted… Read More

Well if you are the non trusting type, or actually do private investigations, or heck or your a spy, there is some cool stuff that dropped in my emailbox.  So again. with no comment or implied recommendation, here are some cool stuff that if you are using, well, I hope you have a good reason.… Read More

I’m sure how else to say but just microphone check as Groover kicks this jam with early holding the beat.  Ahhhh yeeaa..  The Sesame Street gang mix it up Beatie Boys Sure Shot. Its a great world with video editing becomes so easy that someone would take the time to make a music mashup like… Read More

I have put forth many times that Apple could kill off or make life REALLY hard for jailbreakers if they wanted to, but they don’t.  In this street interview by Haroon, Cydia Creator Jay Freeman talked a bit about how the new features in iOS 5 will not make jailbreak irrelevant nor are they trying… Read More

This just popped in my email today.  I’m going to download it later and mess around with it, but from what I’ve seen on YouTube, this app does a great job of creating cartoon like effects from iPhone videos.  Very impressive.  Check out the video at  the end of the post.  I’ll update this later… Read More

It always seem to be the way with smart phones isnt it?  Just read in Gizmodo of a hack that will give you 320×480 resolution video at 30fps.  Sweeet.  And have a look at the video below.  Nice.  So what does this mean?  Well, depending on the GPS abilities of the Pre we could (perhaps)… Read More

So now we can get Qik from the Apple store, BUT no live streaming.  Piff..  However, Qik does have two cool features; it will upload the video automatically when you have stopped filming, and it will Geo tag that video.  Nice eh?  So its not live steaming, but if you are shooting is short bursts,… Read More

First off, I’m not your typical user, and if you read my blog you would know this; I use jailbreak and LOVE it. However, I also cannot resist experimenting with the iPhone, so once I felt satisfied I heard the jailbreak for 3.0 was relatively stable, I decided to go for it.  However, just as an… Read More