My wife come in and asked me to listen to a voice mail. It was a recording of someone with an english accent saying that he was from the IRS and they have been trying to reach out to her for a 1040 audit. ( WTH is a 1040 audit anyway?) They never used her… Read More

This is a cool post I just read on Reddit (OP link). Check out the links, they mostly go back to the original authors. If you like something, go back and give them an upvote. Here is a compilation of the top 80 70 real life cheat codes written by reddit community. The original submission… Read More

I want to install Windows 8 on my tablet but do not want to dig around to find my DVD player, so I decided to grab an old 4gig USB key and creating a bootable install for Windows 8.  There are two ways to do this. The easy way is to simply download the Windows 8… Read More

I cannot believe this has not been realized before, and yes its not perfect, like my Perfect Midnight Grilled Cheese Sandwich; but this approaches brilliance. Caution, do this at your own risk.  Mess this up and you can ruin your toaster or worse.  So really, be careful. Now let it be said I have not… Read More

I really hate that itunes launches every-time I connect my iphone or ipad.  At first I thought it would be an easy fix, simply uncheck iTunes Summary “Automatically sync [this device] when connected”.  Right?  #FAIL  Yes the iphone will not autosync, but iTunes will still launch!  What is the fix? Turn on the setting ‘Allowing… Read More

Such FAIL that its almost epic.  I have only recently started to play with iphone voice control after a VERY pleasant experience with Google Androids voice control, which work very well.  With my Droid I could get directions, play music and even call people.  And although calling people was not 100%, it was pretty good.… Read More

I ran Firefox beta off and on, and it was fine but a bit buggy.  Then I download FF4 final release and it was REALLY buggy.  Screens not fully rendering, browser getting stuck, buttons not working, etc..  Never did fully crash though funny enough.Even killing the browser and restarting did not help. I then started… Read More

This is pretty interesting.  Ebay has a new feature to make buying and seeing of used (and new ) iPhone easier.  You basically select the phone you want to buy its condition, and the carrier and you can buy  if someone has placed a advert for that phone.  Now what is different is the filtering… Read More

There are still a bunch of iPhone 3G users out there. I still use mine despite having access to quite a few phones now. However, my phone has been going slower and slower.. What gives.  Well, since I run SBSettings I can monitor the memory usage of the phone, kinda of like task manager from… Read More

This just came in via email:  Seems that in Jamaica, a large number of laptops are being stolen out of cars by thieves using cheap wifi finder fobs.  It works like this.. The go to malls, or other places that business people may do a quick dash into to get something.. But not TOO fast. … Read More

Just under a week ago, my iphone’s battery life took a nose dive!.   It would be out of power in 3 to 5 hours instead of keeping over 80 at the end of the day.  My first thought was I had some rouge apps running in the background.  I turned off backgrounder.. Still dying. Killed… Read More

I just read this today on ismashiphone (link).. The posts describe the steps required to tether your iphone 3g(s) IF you are updated to the new 3.0 firmware. Since I use PDANet (paid for it too) I have not tried it personally, but I’m sure there are a few readers who love to have this… Read More

This did not take long did it?  But the funny thing is that it did not come from the Dev-team, but instead instead from George Hotz. Now this is windows only (sorry mac people) but I’m sure it will be ported soon enough.  Now remember this is 3.0, so if you are running the 3.1… Read More

I’m not holding my breadth though. Since the 3.0 update, I have had more issues with dropped calls and poor cell performance. I’m not the only one to see it.  Since my first post on this issue, I have received quite a few comments from people experiencing the same thing, and tips to help reduce… Read More

With exception to cut and paste, there was not much that I though was really useful in 3.0, but there are a few.. here is #16 Open Link In New Tab In Safari Safari now uses tabbed browsing, like big boys do on the desktops, and this new hidden feature is great. If you tap… Read More

I wrote this article for iphoneLife over 1/2 a year ago.  For those who remember before the 2.1 update on the 3G, dropped calls was a continual pain.  Well, I’m not sure what the story is; or if its just odd coincidence, I and others have been having issues with dropped calls once we did… Read More