What is Roll 212 from the Daily Show? For those of us that watch John Stewart’s The Daily Show, already know this, but for those that dont, John has a habit of saying ‘Roll 212’ when he is about to play a clip that will support a point is trying to make; most commonly for showing people who say one thing then contradict… Read More
John Stewart’s The Daily Show QR code page This is fun. CNN showed a QR code for people to go to a website to get more information on the GOP debates. Which seems a bit silly. I have to grab my phone, call up my QR reader, then I get to the webpage. If I’m at home, then I have to email that… Read More
John Stewart Claims FREEDOM from AT&T with the Verizon release Last night on ‘the daily show’ John Stewart did a bit on how happy he is that Verizon finally announced support for the iPhone. BTW john, your traffic speed will be almost 40% slower, so get ready… But, he will at least be able to get phone calls. Now from what I’ve heard, New Yorks… Read More
You KNOW you messed up when John Stewart wants to kick your arse I really do not have much to add here, but safe to say, I’ve never seen john lets his character be ‘aggressive’. Yes, the FAA and AF1 really screwed up here. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Mistakes on a Plane thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis First… Read More