There are two ways to write a pebble app, use c code and release to the Pebble store, or as I have done with NewsSnacker, write in JavaScript and release to the Pebble app store.  They only problem is Apple has not released an update to allow iOS users to install apps written in JavaScript.  … Read More

As it has been reported, the battery life on the Moto360 is so poor you cannot even for a full day.  However, there is hope.  The most recent firmware update had improved the battery life significantly.  So much so that users are reporting more then a day usage.  This assumes you are not using ‘always’… Read More

Its been 24 hours since the Apple Watch debut.  Now that we have seen more pictures of the watch and learned a bit more about it, I think I can finally give my impressions.  This of course is tempered by the fact I have not seen it in person and there are still things we… Read More

So combine this with the Pebble Apps store announcement, and we are getting pretty close to the next full expression of what a Pebble can be.  Already I’m seeing caloric burning counter beta apps coming out for Pebble 2.0.  Nice. Here is the press release email thing.. We have just released a release candidate for… Read More

I have no idea how long it will be on sale, or how many they have, but this is pretty good price for stepping into the smart watch world. Doing pretty well on customer reviews as well given its still not fully baked.   Customer Rating(4):    3.5  (143 customer reviews)… Read More

Let the smart watch war begin.  Now to be fair, the Pebble is not from a major player and thus does not have the money to fight a full fight, however, the Pebble is able to surprisingly hold its own from a use point of view.  So lets compare the Gear and the Pebble.  BTW,… Read More

Today Pebble released update 1.2.   So far, the only thing I have noticed is Gmail support.  But that is huge. I know with Android you can already do this with various tools, but for non jailbroken iOS users, this is a great new function. Now this is not the greatest thing in the world if… Read More

This was a question posted on Reddit.  It brought up a good conversation, but I think I can condense it into a few point to help you decided between buying a Pebble or other smart watch now, or wait for the Apple iWatch. Before I bought my Pebble through kick starter a year ago, got… Read More

Almost exactly a year in fact I wrote about an Apple smart watch. It makes sense given what can be done with siri. Well now rumors are flying around ( broken by mobilegeeks and  BI ) that Apple is finally getting around to building a watch. Given the move to more portable and wearable computing,… Read More

This watch is not on the market yet, but basically its a smart watch that lets you load applications.  Using bluetooth, it will connect to your iphone or android and get alerts, run apps and who knows what other apps will come in time. The phone is called the Pebble and its on Kickstarter. (Check… Read More