Samsung Gear VR Internet is out. And here are 10 things that would make it even better So VR Internet, called ‘Samsung Internet’ for some reason, just came out today. It is a Beta so some things we are going to overlook, like youtube not always loading and playing and drift; instead lets focus on the things I think will make it a great 1.0. Before we start, PLEASE SUPPORT .GIFV. If you… Read More
SimCity in VR? No, not yet, but that doesnt mean it could not happen With the Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, and Samsung gear VR there are many options for low cost VR. As a long time SimCity mayor, my first thought was, how cool would it be to explore my city in VR! So I waited. Nothing. Why? As you already know, SimCity is full 3D, you can navigate… Read More