So sweet. I had to login to Reddit just to upvote the rant and comment.  Instead of reprinting the text, I screenshot it for justice.   The basics of this is someone ranting, and rightly so, that a grilled cheese is ONLY bread and cheese.  You add anything else and its a melt.  Now one may… Read More

I have been trying to get into Reddit since the started and its totally down. Check out the post from venturebeat with more info in case you do not know what IAMA means.  Normally, unless you are a Redditor, you would not even know about this and thus, “I” would be able to see this.… Read More

The news is moving through the blogs now, so I will assume you already know that the ‘new’ asymmetric screw was a fake.  This happen quite a bit with Apple, especially around new iphone / ipad releases. But what was different about this rumor was the post analysis by the guys who started the rumor… Read More

This is a cool post I just read on Reddit (OP link). Check out the links, they mostly go back to the original authors. If you like something, go back and give them an upvote. Here is a compilation of the top 80 70 real life cheat codes written by reddit community. The original submission… Read More

This is so funny.  First off, you need to know what this Ocean Marketing fail is in the first place. tl;dr  This (1man?) marketing shop that represents a game controller failed to keep a customer informed about a shipment date miss.  After 3 times the customer started to get angry about the lake of information. … Read More

I don’t know whats up with me but  I have been writing a lot about rage faces lately.  Perhaps because work has been more busy then normal so I have not had the energy to write like I normally. Do. Anyway, I came across the History of Rage Faces on Reddit and thought I would… Read More