iphone 4, iOS4 already jailbroken within 1 day! ONE DAY people! Yes, even before the iphone 4 or known as iOS4 hits the market, its already jailbroken using a Pwnage Tool Bundle. Wow. And hoo dunnit? msft.guy Yup, the same guy who did the blacksn0w, ultrasn0w fix for jailbreak and baseband unlock for 3.1.3. He ALSO did the oS4 Beta jailbreak. Now, we… Read More
Pwnagetool (Mac only) and pwnage (jailbreak) iphone 2.2 for Windows and Macintosh is out. Ok, so right off, lets be clear.. There is pwnagetool and pwnage. First, read this from iphone-dev.. Baseband 101 The ‘baseband’ is the generic name given to the internal components of the iPhone that handle the phone calls and Internet access. This ‘baseband’ is a tiny and unique independent computer system that runs inside your… Read More