pwn – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Sun, 11 Mar 2012 19:04:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 Jailbreaking the iPad HD – It ‘should’ come within a few weeks. Tue, 06 Mar 2012 06:53:45 +0000 Read More]]> Wed the iPad HD should be out and in a few days or a week, we should have a working jailbreak. Although there has been evidence that there is an iOS6 out there somewhere, I’m not sure they would want to release a new OS on a non number release.  Odds are we will see iOS6 on the iPhone 5 before seeing it on the iPad HD, but you never know.

So if we can assume its going to be the same A5 chips as we see in the iPhone4s and Ipad2, then the current jailbreaks should work as a good starting point. Two separate tools were released for jailbreaking A5 based devices, one was Absinthe for Mac by the Chronic Dev Team, and the other one, which was a command line-based tool for both Windows and Mac users by the iPhone Dev Team.  Read more here.

I do expect there will be a few odd things with the firmware on the iPad HD, so do not expect any of these jailbreaks to work out of the box, but barring a significant iOS update or new chip, it should not take more then a few weeks at most.

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Top 10 ish iPad jailbreak applications Mon, 03 May 2010 19:22:09 +0000 Read More]]> The iPad just got its official jailbreak with ‘Spirit’ from MuscleNerd.  WIN!  Now many of my top jailbreak apps for the iphone does not make sense for this version of the ipad since it does not have a camera, but we all know the next version will.  So for now, I’ll list the jailbreak apps I use on the iphone that I think would be good for the ipad.  I normally like to have a top 10, but because I use my ipad as a consumption device, AND I do not have a camera, AND I did not get the 3G version, I found I really do not have that many jailbreak apps on there.  However, now that ipad2 is out, I will add 1 camera hack that I really like and 7 and backgrounder as 6.

So for now, here are my top 7

7. Snappy Super Fast Camera loader
I hate how slow the iphone camera app is. There must be an app that will load the camera faster. And there is! Snappy. Jailbreak of course. Snappy will let you take a picture faster with your iphone; like one second fast! Really, this is the faster camera app I have ever seen. Even better, is that version 2 supports Video for 3gs! Nice.

I took the entry for UNIX tools out from here. But still:

Unix Tools Mobile, Terminal, openSSH

6. Backgrounder

Backgrounder is nothing but coolness. In fact, the only reason I do not have this lower then 5 is that I do not use it THAT much.. But LOVE it when I do. Multithreading is something that is new and only for iOS4 users. Yea right? Nope. its not true multithreading AND its only for those apps that implemented it. So what about that cool game you have been playing? Nope, unless its been updated recently, most likely multithreading on iOS4 will not work. You can read more on iOS4 and backgrounder here.

Bollocks to that. With Backgrounder you can use for any app , and I do.
More on Backgrounder here.

5. VoiceActivator

Just as it sounds.  Near full command of your iphone through voice commands.  That includes ipod control, dialing people, opening web pages, even getting the time. I have not messed with this that much, but I’m trying to get map search to work. More on VoiceActivator here.

4. BTStacks
This hack is a must!!  Well, its not really a hack but you still need jailbreak to run this code from google.  BTStacks allow you to connect a mouse to the iPad!  Sweet.  Now with a keyboard and a mouse, you can set this up on the table and be almost as productive as if you had a micro PC!  Connect mouse to iPad.

Now even better!  Connect to a GPS device!

3. PdaNet
If you are ever in need of interwebs access for your laptop and there is no free wifi is site, well, use the iPhone! Its not fast, but handy when you need it. More here..
2. Categories
A must have if you have lots if junk on your iPhone. Basically its folders for your icons! Clear and simple.
1. SBSetting
I could not go one day without this.  This perfect little app provides a short cut to your most used settings and aps. I turn 3G on and off quite often, and going through all the menus within settings is a royal pain. With SBSetting, I simply swipe across the top of the screen and there they are.. ready for toggles. Sweeeettt.. More here..

Quake. Yup ID’s Quake from the old days. Now this was put together to work on the iphone, so you know it will only 2x in size.  But still, it could be cool.

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Video on unlocking the iphone 3G, done using Qik Mon, 22 Dec 2008 06:31:02 +0000 Read More]]> A few days back I posted about the unlocking coming at the end of the year.  Well I just a got a tweet on this video from one of the Qik guys.  Shows an unlocked iphone 3G running on t-mobile.  Get some popcorn and enjoy.

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iphone 3G unlock (not just jailbreak) by New Years! Thu, 18 Dec 2008 10:55:27 +0000 Read More]]> We knew it was coming…. ok, so it took a bit longer then expected, but the l33ts have done it. Now all that is left is to wrap it up in a nice friendly GUI and let ‘er rip!  … Oh, you DID take care NOT to use QuickPwn which everyone, including me, warned you NOT to do if you wanted to unlock.  If you did not take heed, and your baseband version is newer then 2.11.07, well then your hosed. This does not mean they are still not working on a post 2.11 unlock, but don’t hold your breadth.

If you happen to be in Germany this Christmas holiday, you may want to check out the CCC camp ( Chaos Computer Club’s 25C3 Congress.).  They are going to give a talk called “Hacking the iPhone”.

BTW, they are taking donations AND selling a pretty cool shirt. :0

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Qik and CupCake Camp Mon, 08 Dec 2008 23:54:56 +0000 Read More]]>

{update 2} First… What is CupCake Camp?  From the site..

CupcakeCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment. This was put together by:

Ariel Waldman, Lynn, Marianne Masculino and Cindy Li created the CupcakeCamp phenomenon.

From me..

CupCakeCamp is an excuse to make all kinda of odd cupcakes and get together with friends to eat said cupcakes…  Well, that’s how it started… I guess 4 years ago?  Now its a public event.  I would not be surprised to see it listed on a tour guide for San Francisco one day.

Cupcake this year ’09 was MUCH more organized as far as dealing with crowds.  They now have a ticket system, (its not cost anything, but you should still donate) where you get front line access for 2 cupcakes, after that, you have to stand in the longer line.  And there were lines!  But that’s ok.  There were good designs as always, but here two one I really liked.

iphone 151 iphone 152

I did not get the shot glass one, but those who did kept that glass. Nice.

Original Post…

Every now and again, its nice to be able to video and broadcast even when you were not planning on it. I was at cupcake camp and it was a madhouse. Lord of the flies in full effect when the cupcakes came out. So I took a few shots, then thought, this is a video moment. Now Cycorder will do a better job of recording, but in this case, broadcasting in real time is more fun vs recording, going home and hoping I get around to moving the files off the iphone and then post them somewhere.

So when you ask why did I jailbreak? Here you go..

{update} Well, what do you know.. This video, and another I randomly shot interviewing one of the cupcake creators won best decorated!!  Congrats to  Alexa Andrzejewski for Spaghetti & Meatballs!!

BTW, If you missed CupCake Camp, yea you missed out. 🙂

Flickr images tagged CupCake Camp.

This last pic was from my iphone.  Not bad.

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iphone 2.2 upgrade pwn your phone? Steps to downgrade (restore) back to 2.1 Thu, 27 Nov 2008 12:22:14 +0000 Read More]]> I still have not moved from 2.1 to 2.2, but the temptation is there with the promise of a better browser for javascript sites..

I saw this as a comment to another post.. I have not tried it but when I read it the steps seems fine.  Try at your own risk, but if your phone is already messed up, then the risk is low isn’t it?

Here is a direct link to the comment (no.7).

I spend a full day trying to recovery my iPhone after upgrading it to 2.2 and finally I was able to go back to 2.1.

So I decided to share it with all impatient morons “like me” in the world; who upgraded their iPhone 3G to 2.2 and lost their unlocked capability; here is the resolution:

1- Download the iPhone 2.1 firmware from:
2- Download QuickPwn21-1 from:
3- Connect your iphone to your computer and turn it OFF
4- Restart your iphone in recovery by following these steps:
• Connect your iPhone to your computer
• Turn iPhone off
• Hold power and home together for 10 seconds (exactly)
• Release power but keep holding home until the computers beeps (observed on a PC) as a USB device is recognized.
• At no point will the display come on. Now your restore should work.

5- From iTunes; Restore to iPhone firmware 2.1. Hold down “Shift” button and press the Restore button at the same time.
6- Choose the iphone 2.1 firmware you just downloaded in Step 1.
7- Wait till it finish. You will get one of the following errors: 1011, 1013, 1015, you can ignore them.
8- Your iPhone is restored back to Firmware 2.1. Now close iTunes
9- Unlock your iPhone using QuickPwn for iPhone ver 2.1.

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Just got a new mac and wanna jailbreak (pwn)? Perhaps not Thu, 06 Nov 2008 04:54:54 +0000 Read More]]> There are a number of posts out there saying that jailbreak or pwn’ing does not work on the new macs. Well, its not the new Macs per say, but seems to be the new version of iTunes. 

..from iPhoneOverdose

The problem is that the Mac does not recognize the iPhone when it restarts on how DOMs, the amendment needed to install the operating system’s iPhone.

Unable to recognize pwnage tool can not send the amendment, so the only thing you have left is to restart the iPhone and restore a backup.

Now I have read a comment from somewhere saying its a new subversion of iTunes on not the OS itself. Bloody annoying, but such is war. To get iTunes to read the amendment will mean fooling the iphone into thinkings its an upgrade or restoring a backup. Should be interesting. 

So just to be safe till we understand this more, I would not update iTunes anytime soon.

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Quake on the iPhone, on a NON JAILBREAK! Sun, 02 Nov 2008 20:39:11 +0000 Read More]]> I never thought this would happen, but ZodTTD submitted his port of Quake to the Apple store yesterday. Now we still do not know if Apple is going to let this in or not (highly unlikely) but we will all be watching.  I have Quake on my jailbroken iphone and its pretty good. It takes a bit of time to get used to the controls, but given that we do not have physical buttons, its not bad. Glad the buttons are oversized. Definitely a flash back for us older FPS gamers. (ZodTTD) At first accelerometer support was included, but it is very hard to play the game while maintaining the positions needed for Quake. So it has been disabled in this revision. Fully agree here.  Not everything needs to use accelerometer.

Now the odds of this getting approved are pretty low without the blessing from id Software who own the copyright.

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Jailbreak for iphone 2.2 confirmed Fri, 31 Oct 2008 01:31:21 +0000 Read More]]> Still not going to upgrade till 2.2 has lived in the wild for awhile. Once it seems stable, then I’ll do it.

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Windows QuickPwn 2.1 is out Sat, 20 Sep 2008 04:19:30 +0000 Read More]]> Yup. Go get it Windows users!

Supports 2.1 firmware with the unlocking and jailbreaking of iPhone 1st generation (2G) device. Supports the jailbreaking of iPod Touch 1st generation device and iPhone 3G. Your device will need to be upgraded to 2.1 ( using iTunes 8 )  before running this application.

  • It does NOT support the unlocking of iPhone 3G
  • It does NOT support the jailbreaking of second generation iPod Touch introduced last week
  • Windows QuickPwn 2.1 – Torrent here
  • (SHA1) = f8124d0e8f31f64ef3272de8fbc679e1dd1f93a7

You will need to know how to use bittorrent to download this file.

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