preorder – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Fri, 04 Feb 2011 06:20:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 Verizon Pre order Sold out! Fri, 04 Feb 2011 01:36:32 +0000 Read More]]> That was fast!!   I have been trying to get into the site since 2:30pm pst and it was failing.  Now I get a screen saying they have sold out on the pre-order?  WTH??  Sold out THIS fast?  That makes NOOOO sense.  I have a feeling something is up but not sure.  However, given that the site was down for three hours before switching to the sold out screen; I really wonder if Verizon is really aware of just what they are getting into by taking on the iphone?  I would call this a warning shot across the bow.

Regardless, that is the story.  Here is the screen grab..

I do not know if they are truly out-of-stock as the URL indicates:

or if they’re servers were crushed and they are talking them offline for a bit.  Time will tell.

So I talked with the guys at the Verizon store and they are even surprised by how fast and how hard the servers were hit.  They are going to huddle up tomorrow and review the plan of action for existing vs. new customers, so I would not say existing customers are screwed just yet.  Keep posted to this channel, I will update once they get back to me.

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Pre Order for the Verizon iPhone 4 is 3am Thursday EST Wed, 02 Feb 2011 21:54:52 +0000 Read More]]> So if you are already a Verizon customer and what to finally see what all this iPhone fuss is about, you can go online at and sigh up.

But wait, I’m NOT a Verizon customer…  I have to wait a WHOLE 7 DAYS before I can order?  Really?  You have that little patience.  Well I really hope you remember reading my post on how to get the Verizon iPhone 4 early by buying a pre paid plan.  If not, go back and read it.

Else, just wait til the 10th like everyone else.  Heck; you can go to Best Buy.  They will be stocking them. Not sure how many though.

As for me, I’m going to preoder right at Midnight West Coast time. Why??  Eh, why not.  Will be fun to see what my order number will be.  ^_^

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