music – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Tue, 20 Sep 2022 01:09:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 PeriVision Loops Sun, 01 May 2022 20:49:09 +0000 Read More]]> Welcome to PeriVision Loops, currently home of Looping The Smiths, but hopefully that will expand to other artist as well in time.

tl:dr for the last two years, just after Corona started up, I started playing guitar again, (mostly The Smiths) and then took up the hobby of ‘looping’ Looping is creating a song using a digital sampling device. Basically playing a riff or pattern, and then repeat it over and over, Then adding more and more riffs or patterns on top.

Sept update: Finished ‘There There’ by Radiohead. This took a LONG time because I had to change my workflow a bit. Also created a video the way I wanted to do it.

I need to create a part II for ‘There There’ where I explain the break down and the new things I got working to do this project. For example, using MIDI to play drums and fire events to Quantiloop on the IPad. I’ll get to that later. But for now, here is the new video!

When I first started looping, I was using an Boss RC30, however over this time I ended up changing to an iPad, new guitar, new effects pedal, learning post production using a computer, and wasting lots of time trying to figure how to film this using a cell phone. All while still working, so basically finding buckets of time here and there. However, 1.5 years later, finally ready to post some of the results.

I will update this over time but for now, consider this post a placeholder for the videos.

I recommend you open in YouTube. Also ‘Why PeriVision Loops’ is pretty long, so unless you are interested in looping, you can skip after the first part.

Update: I may just put the link to youtube instead of putting the player in the blog directly.

For example, here is just the playthrough of ‘Shoplifters of the World…’ currently my favorite of the 3 released so far.

Video List:

  • Why PeriVision Loops: How and why for this hobby.
  • The Smiths – Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
  • The Smiths – Shoplifters of the World, Unite and Take Over
  • The Smiths – Last night I Dreamt
This is the How and Why I started this hobby in the first place. I go through what I’m trying to do, walk through my current setup, how I did some songs as examples, and finally post production. How I try to improve the sound. (this video was recently update)

This is the first video. Its ok, but I may redo it. I also want to figure out how to bass as I’m playing. Future effort.

This is my favorite so far. Really happy with the sound. My only regret is I figure out how to get a good sound out of my holo-body guitar AFTER this was done. Oh well.

This is my second song. I was still learning how to do these, and really did not get the sound I wanted. After this was done, I was planning on creating another version, but I wanted a dark 1950s tube amp sound and a feeling like you are hearing this in some dank pup somewhere where smoking is not allowed but happens anyway. Go figure, I recently found a version of this sound that pretty much hits what I was after.

Check it out:

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Edgecase take 1 Sun, 12 Nov 2017 22:32:44 +0000 Read More]]> We shot this a month or more back, but did not upload it for some reason. Until now. This is a ‘work’ band and we shot this late at night in a cafeteria. Suppose to be this cool Space Odyssey -ish open with 360 vid cuts, but .. well you’ll see. I think its better this way.   Really cannot hear the bass since this was using the phones mike.  May have to fix that at some point.

Hopefully at some point I will get time to mix the full video, but … been busy with XR (VR, AR, MR) stuff.


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Brainwave selected music with Neurowear’s Mico Headphones Thu, 21 Mar 2013 07:20:05 +0000 Read More]]> I just read an article about the world premier of  Neurowear‘s new mood-sensing Mico headphones. Neurowear designs and prototypes new products and services based on biological signals such as brain waves, heartbeat, etc. The Mico headphones read your brainwaves and, with the help of their mobile app, chooses music you subconsciously “want” to hear.

Nothing that is going to be available anytime soon says a company rep, but still a cool set of headphones. Now how long until a Pandora API?

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Play that funky music waving boy Fri, 20 Jul 2012 07:23:11 +0000 Read More]]> Just came across the V Motion Project by Assembly which is a pretty cool use of the Kinect for creating music. Check out this music video with some dubstepping-hand-waving-DJing shot on the streets of Auckland,NZ.

“This project combines the collective talents of musicians, dancers, programmers, designers and animators to create an amazing visual instrument. Creating music through motion is at the heart of this creation and uses the power of the Kinect to capture movement and translate it into music which is performed live and projected on a huge wall.” More on the tech here.

Reminds me of a hands free reactable.

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An Equalizer that does not kill your battery, you may want to check out Equalizer Pro Fri, 23 Mar 2012 23:53:52 +0000 Read More]]> Yet another app that looks interesting but I have not tried.  Now before I cut and paste the email, a quick explanation of why you may want an equalizer your iphone/ipad.   First off, the sound on the iPad is not exactly Audiophile quality and odds are the files you are downloading are not exactly high quality either.  There is a reason most mp3, acc files are so small, lots of information is lost in the sake of compression.  Now lets add to the mix that their is a VERY large range of headset devices out there much less connecting your iphone ipad to external speakers.  As such, having the ability to adjust the sound to best adjust for weakness in the sounds aplifier and sounds quality is useful.  However, the best use case is for adjusting for whatever headset you are using.  Have cheap little earbuds?  You may want to reduce the bass a bit to clean the sound up. Perhaps boost the mid/high a bit to get what fidelity you can. Have a really nice enclosed headset (cans)?  Then perhaps just the reverse.  Let some of the bass flow and flatten the bandwidth for a nicer more balanced sound.  Riding the bus or biking or other some other load environment?  May want to crank the mids a bit so that you can hear the music without having the blast it.

Anyway, a few tips from a recovered audiophile.  Again, I have not downloaded this app, but given that the creator is trying to address the biggest reason I do not use a eq to date, battery life.  An equalizer can really suck up power as well as warm your phone a bit.  Perhaps we have a fix here.

Professional Equalizer + Full featured FLAC/OGG/MP3 Player for iPhone/iPad

✔ Highly optimized equalizing algorithm. Uses much less battery than other EQ apps with comparable algorithm.
✔ High quality equalization without distortion. Uses 32-bit float processing.
✔ Draw EQ curves without limitation of number of points.
✔ Realtime spectrum output.

✔ Play directly from iPod Library without importing
✔ FLAC/OGG file support
✔ iOS5 lock screen album art & meta-data support
✔ Multitasking & remote control support
✔ Customizable gestures
✔ Multiple playlists
✔ Scrubbing, repeat, shuffle
✔ Supports ID3 lyrics, album art
✔ Transfer songs between PC/MAC using iTunes files sharing
✔ iPhone4/iPad retina ready

✔ 12 built-in EQ Presets
✔ Unlimited user EQ Presets
✔ You can set EQ preset for individual track (EQ preset for song is automatically loaded when played)

Here is the info page:

YouTube video:

iTunes link:

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The top 10 or 20 apps you need to get for your new ipad 2 Fri, 23 Dec 2011 20:55:25 +0000 Read More]]> End of year holidays are coming and that means one thing. Lots of new iPads. There are even some that have got them early. So now that you have a new ipad, what apps should you put on it? Well, normally I would give a top 10, however, not everyone will use the ipad the same way, so I’m adding another 10 for some users.
So unlike most lists, I’m going to start with my top app.



1) OK, So already I’m breaking a rule. My number one app is not an app, but a class of app. Cloud sync applications. The most common is dropbox. This app will allow you to drop file, images, movies, music, etc.. into a bunch of folders in the cloud. You can then access these files from your ipad. Better, you can place files up there as well, mostly images. This is great given the fact that the ipad does not allow you to connect external memory to the device. The only downside is that you have to be connected to the web to get these files. There are plenty of other apps you can choose from as well. SkyDrive from Microsoft has an offering where if you install the app and sign up, you get 25gigs of free space. Nice.  
2) TeamViewer. This application lets to you remotely access another computer through your iPad. There are plenty of app that do this but I’m going to recommend TeamViewer because of how easy it is to use. And remember, we are gearing this list to new users, so yes there are more powerful VNC and RDC app out there, but teamview will get you up and going on either a mac or PC very quick. The only downside is there is no support for sound at the moment, but this will get you started until you setup a more powerful solution.  
3) Alarm Clock Pro. Another general category app. Find a simple alarm clock app. Believe it or not, you iPad does NOT come with an alarm clock by default! Although you are most likely thinking, I do not plan on using my iPad to wake up, you never know, and it more then just waking up, you may find you need to use it as a timer or a reminder. These apps are normally very small and free, so just search the app store for alarm clock, download one that looks good and move on.  
4) Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, etc.. Although not everyone is one of the major social media services, odds are pretty high that if you wanted an iPad, you are most likely are. FaceBook and Twitter, the two big boys in socmed, is pretty likely going to be on your install list. Both Free.  
5) Pandora.  There are other music apps out there, but I think this is the best, so I’m going to recommend you download this right off.  
6) Skype.  I was on the fence on this, and I may still move it when I do my post edit, but not everyone has facetime so skype is still your best bet for VoIP ( phone call over the internet) with support for Video chat. The power of the iPad really comes in play when your sitting on the couch and video chatting with someone on the other side of the world.  
7) Flipboard and CNN. I like Flipboard for my top 10 not because its the best app for consuming news and social media, but because it was the first to really explore how dynamic and fun reading can be on the iPad.  I’ve place CNN here because you can see some of the flipboard ideas executed to what is ‘for now’ considered ipad media design.  I also like it because it give you access to new, video and hourly radio updates.  You can also get live video if you have a content provider with an agreement with CNN.  I used to watch CNN live till I dropped comcast, now… its gone.  BTW, check out ORB if you like all your news, video, music and pictures in one place. I do have issues with this app, but some people swear by it.  Also, check out BBC IPLAYER free.  
8) Instapaper – $4.99.  Not everyone who gets an ipad will have 3G support. I do not on mine, however I also have my iphone jailbroken so I can connect my ipad anytime.  For everyone else, Instapaper is a great app for saving webpages that you want to read later when you do not have access to wifi.  This is a must have.  
9) Quickoffice Pro  – $14.99  I was not really sure this should be in the top 10 or part of the targeted 20.  I think there is enough users out there that will at some point in time have to work with a MS document at some point that you may want to load this now.  I may change my mind.  
10) Netflix.  I do not have this on my ipad because I do not watch many movies or TV, but I know I’m not the typical case.  If you have a Netflix account, download this app.  

Now, lets have a look at apps 11-20.  These are great ‘load first’ apps but not for everyone.

11) Angry Birds.  I normally never list games in any of my lists because there are so many different types of games out there that what is fun to one person is boring to another. I’m going is use Angry Birds as my choice for no other reason then its a good game and SUPER popular.  If nothing else, you should load this up and play it just to see what all the excitement is about.  
12) Bamboo Paper.  This app allows you do draw on your ipad, not as a painter, but for quick notes. Since its just a book of notes, you can use it for pretty much anything.  Also have a look at Penultimate. Same type of app.  
13) ArtRage. Unlike a simple drawing on paper all, ArtRage really lets you enjoy creating artwork on the ipad. The wonderful experience of having direct interactions with your medium (as far as digital goes) really makes having the iPad a great experience.  
14) GarageBand – $4.99.  This is not for everyone, but if you have any interest in creating music, this is a great place to start.  Also, I would have look at the iRig offerings which is where I started.  ikmultimedia has lots of great hardware for connecting up your devices to the iPad.  
15) Google Search.  At first, I was going to put this in the top ten, but as I talked to non power users, there does not seem to be quite as much dependance as I have on Google products, so thus, here you are. I do strongly recommend you download this if you use anything more then just gmail.  
16) Kindle and vBookz.  Although Apple offer a book app out of the book, I like Kindle more because of easy of use and more offerings.  Not sure how much longer that advantage will be the case.  For now, if you bought the iPad with the thought of doing some reading on it, get this app.  vBookz gets a mention here because it combines a very nice reader with voice to text.  I have used this more then once when driving or commuting.  I like it for the iPad that you can have it running in the background are your derping around the house.  
17) Stitcher and TuneInRadio. I LOVE Stitcher, but I’m somewhat of a news junkie, so perhaps I’m over penalize it, but I did not want let me bia’s have too much influence on what I think should be a good list of the beginner ipad user.  
18) Google Earth and Star Walk.  If you like maps you will like these two apps.  Google Earth is a great way to explore the globe and be able to zoom down to street level, if you want to leave the earth and look at the stars, then Star Walk.  Point your ipad at the sky and see labels of planets and stars far far away.  
19) PhotoShop Express and iMovie.  If you take any pics or movies with your iPad, you are going to want to do a bit of editing.  PhotoShop express will not impress any typical PhotoShop user, but for the new user, this is a good start.  There are PLENTY of other photoediting apps out there, so look around if PS does not do it for you. Same thing with iMovie. Not the most powerful video editor out there, but better then the default tools that come with you iPad. If you take even 1 movie, its worth it.  
20) ESPN Sports Center.  Again this is an app I use quite a bit, but I also figured the % of new iPad users who want quick access to sports information may not be as high as I would think, so its ends up at number 20.  There are LOTS of sports apps out there, an for basketball, I would recommend CBS’s app.  

SO there you go. I had to leave off a lot of apps that I like, but I wanted to try to keep this focused to the new user and cover as many different types of apps I could. If you have any that you think should be included, I’ll consider it ONLY if you also recommend what needs to be removed. A lot harder isnt it?Happy Holidaz!!

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Sesame Street breaking down some Beastie Boys Sun, 24 Jul 2011 07:49:40 +0000 Read More]]> I’m sure how else to say but just microphone check as Groover kicks this jam with early holding the beat.  Ahhhh yeeaa..  The Sesame Street gang mix it up Beatie Boys Sure Shot.

Its a great world with video editing becomes so easy that someone would take the time to make a music mashup like this.  Tip of Hat to Gizmodo for dropping it.

Check the video below, happiness will flow..

Sesame Street breaks it down from Wonderful Creative on Vimeo.

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Need music for your event or party? Try Fri, 22 Jul 2011 19:23:48 +0000 Read More]]> I was lucky enough to be turned on to TurnTable.FM when it launched and have enjoyed it off and on ever since.  Last week, when we were planning the final details for VentureBeats Mobile/GameBeat conference, we talked about music.  I suggested we should create a Venturebeat room and let people DJ the breaks!  As it turned out, it was not really needed.

The following week I stopped by iOSDevCamp and low and behold, that was exactly what they were doing.

It think its a great idea to let people DJ and event, party or whatever as long as someone is monitoring the channel. You may want to control who can DJ just in case, but in general, I can see becoming more and more common.

Now what we need is a simple widget that we can put in a webpage. I already emailed Billy and the gang at, we’ll see what they say.

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CoverJam. Semi random slide show on your iphone ipad set to music Tue, 19 Jul 2011 06:58:52 +0000 Read More]]> This will be a quick post. I’ll write up more later, but basically it’s this.. You play music, the app looks for public images in flickr and Instagram that match the title, album or band of the song, and play a slideshow for you.  Most likely of the band you are playing.

I decided to test CoverJam with the mupputs munamuna song.  Got mostly muppets and a few random images.  Basically this works just as advertised.  I think the big win here is when you have your ipad hooked up to your AppleTV. 🙂

I like the non match images. The randomness provides entertainment win.

Check some of these images

here’s the website:

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Stealth Bee Jam music app is Free over Memorial Weekend. Tue, 24 May 2011 00:55:15 +0000 Read More]]> I have not tried myself but it looks interesting.  An alternative to garage band and basic looping apps.   I wrote a bit about it here. Steathbee Jam Music App.
Here is the press release..
Several months ago, when we launched Stealth Bee Jam for the iPad, we also sent you an email comparing Stealth Bee Jam to Garage Band.
This email is to announce several new developments in the world of Stealth Bee Jam:
– For the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, Stealth Bee Jam is going on sale for three days.  Instead of the regular $2.99 price, it will be available for FREE in the iTunes app store!
– This week we are also releasing a new jam song, Distant Skies, for in-app purchase, as we continue to expand the app’s musical possibilities.
– We are currently hard at work putting the finishing touches on the iPhone version of Stealth Bee Jam.  If you are interested in a sneak peek at an early pre-release copy, please let me know.  Promo codes are also available for the iPad version.
The jam is on with Stealth Bee Jam!

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