iVigilo Video Suite – As Seen Through PeriVision https://www.perivision.net/wordpress An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Mon, 05 Dec 2011 18:04:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 4666035 Interesting HD Video effects kit for iphone ipad iOS5 with iVigilo Video Suite https://www.perivision.net/wordpress/2011/12/video-effects-kit-for-iphone-ipad-ios5-ivigilo-video-suite/ https://www.perivision.net/wordpress/2011/12/video-effects-kit-for-iphone-ipad-ios5-ivigilo-video-suite/#respond Mon, 05 Dec 2011 17:54:08 +0000 http://www.perivision.net/wordpress/?p=6267 Read More]]> Just got this in my email so I have not tried it, but if you are looking for a cool set of video effects and tools for shooting and filtering HD video from your iphone, this could be what you are looking for.  The 1 thing this does that I find interesting is you can do time laps films.  I know there are other tools that do timelaps as well, but what is cool about this is its all part of a larger kit.  So there is timelaps, digital zoom, video filters and effects and uploading video in real-time to an external server.  Nice.  All for $2. Check out and let me know what you think.

iVigilo Video Suite, the first iOS 5 app to offer enhanced HD recording, live video broadcasting and real-time image processing of HD video images on a camera-equipped iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. iVigilo Video Suite also enables users to create HD time-lapse recordings such as an incoming thunderstorm or the evolution of a remodeling project.

With iVigilo Video Suite, anyone – from novices to video aficionados – can use their iOS 5 devices for producing, recording, processing and monitoring HD live video images.

A video demonstration of iVigilo Video Suite can be viewed on Naboo’s YouTube channel.

Special features include:

* Video broadcasting, transmitting the live camera signal from the iOS 5 device to a web browser which can be viewed by anybody anywhere with an optional login and password. Video Suite’s video broadcasting feature turns the iOS 5 device into a simple wireless network camera solution for baby monitoring, home and office security, and life-casting to friends and family. Remote camera access provides users with complete remote access and control over the device’s camera functionality through the iVigilo administrator website.

* Real-time Image Processing with digital zoom (1-6x) and editing controls, such as brightness, contrast, hue, tint, saturation and color temperature. Each image control can be mixed with others to produce literally hundreds of special effects. On an iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch image processing can be previewed in real-time and applied in post processing to an existing recording. Full HD video camera, with additional Time-Lapse recording mode, enables users to record the images viewed through the iOS 5 device’s lens.

For those who wish to broadcast a live video feed from their iOS device, Video Suite comes with a built-in webserver, which can transmit the live video signal to a secured web page. Users can require viewers to enter a login ID and password to view the video stream.

Once images are being broadcast, recording of the video stream can be controlled remotely through the administrative website. Options include selecting the front or back camera, controlling the video quality, and On/Off controls for Recording, Flash, and Time-Lapse mode.

Time-Lapse recording is a great feature for anyone interested in rapidly showing the progress of an otherwise slow-moving process, such as building projects, cloudscapes, and flowers blooming. Using Video Suite’s Time-Lapse recording mode, users simply select the frame-rate (such as one image every minute), put the device on a fixed position, and begin recording. The replayed images are sequenced at a much faster rate, such as 30 times the recorded rate.

Depending on how a video will be used, such as viewed on a personal computer versus sharing on a social networking site or sent via email to friends, users may opt to change the quality of the video. iVigilo Video Suite offers three different HD recording modes to give users full control over the quality and size of the recorded video files. From 1080P on a iPhone 4s, to 720P on an iPhone 4/iPad 2/iPod touch 4th gen, to 480P on an iPhone 3GS/iPad.

Video enthusiasts want more than just capturing raw footage with their cameras – they want to be able to edit and manipulate the images. iVigilo Video Suite’s real-time processing of video enables users to manually change a wide number of parameters of the recording signal to improve video quality or create enhanced effects. For example, the famous Avatar effect, which can make people in the video appear to be of the same color as the Na’vi characters from the Avatar movie, can be applied to subjects in a video by simply adjusting the hue in Video Suite.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad
* Requires iOS 5.0 or later
* 2.3 MB

Pricing and Availability:
iVigilo Video Suite 1.0 is $1.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Photo & Video category. For more information, visit iVigilo online.

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