Skype for the iphone not working for you? Did you check Clippy? I downloaded the Skype app just for the heck of it and it crashed every time I clicked on a text field! What? I tried a reboot, reinstall, nothing … Oh, there is one more thing I could try .. Turn off Clippy. Yup, that was it. Now when I first tried to login, it… Read More
Control your presentations from the new apple earphones? Well, according to macosxhints. They have not tried it, nor have I, but it seems like it could work. Since the new MacBooks now receive input from the iPhone’s headphones, you can use those headphones as a remote for running a presentation in Keynote ’09: One click starts the presentation. Two clicks moves to the… Read More
iphone 3.0 to give us remote controllers? Yea.. or at least, it better At GDC yesterday, I walked past a display showing the ‘Zeemote’. They had it working with a verity of phones (from the site: major manufacturers like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola, and, Samsung). Missing of course? The iPhone! Why? Because it uses Bluetooth which the iPhone VERY poorly supports. However, times.. they are a chang’in..… Read More
Why tethering is critical at GDC, when you cannot wait for iphone 3.0 This is the first day at GDC, and in the press room, the interwebs connection was good, but in the middle of drafting another post, the thing went south on me. Grr… Worse yet, in the conference rooms (of which I’m in now learning about various coding techniques for graphics on mobile devices) does not… Read More
Eat local with your iphone using Locavore How cool is this? Read this in TC. First off, what is a Locavor? “Locavore is someone who eats food grown or produced locally or within a certain radius.” I’ve been a kinda of locavore for awhile now. Go to my local farmers market, try to only eat and shop in walking distance. Costs a… Read More
Buy an iphone without a 2 yr contract. But still locked to ATT Are you kidding me? Here is what came across the wire.. The Associated Press quoted an AT&T representative Thursday confirming plans to sell no-contract iPhones for $599 or $699 starting next Thursday, as first reported Wednesday by the Boy Genius Report. There’s a catch, however; those phones will still be locked to AT&T’s network. Ok.. … Read More
Review of Stanza as an ebook reader for the iphone I wrote about this last week, how I did not care much for the kindle reader, and cared less about amazon crashing on me. (still have not determined the problem yet… been busy). It felt slow and a touch klunky. It crashed the first time I loaded it. From what I read, the time is… Read More
Yahoo’s Inquisitor search app is … actually pretty good When I first saw the screen shots, I though, meh, too much screen space used up for the returns. But I downloaded it and gave it shot anyway. I still do not like how much screen space is taken up by the dividers, however, this thing is FAST! Very impressive. The web browser is pretty… Read More
Kindle for the iphone is a touch buggy … at least for me .. I prefer Stanza I’m jailbroken, so when an app does not work, I tend to give it 50/50 odds that one of the jailbreak apps could be causing issues. But with the Amazon’s new Kindle, I’m beginning to think it could be more Kindle then jailbreak. When I first loaded the app, it locked up the OS forcing… Read More
NPR on the iPhone using PublicRadio and NPR Mobile I have been a iphone radio user since AOL radio first came out. I tend to use the digital radio just as often as I use the iPod feature. Missing however was public radio from AOL. Well, that has been sorted. Now, NPR Mobile has been out for a bit, but it lacked live streaming.… Read More
iPhone a FAIL in Japan? Sayz who? Like everyone else, I’m been seeing a string of articles (most based off the wired article) saying Japan hates the iphone. Now hate is a strong word, but I bought most of what I read. Most.. The only thing that seemed odd to me was the ‘unfashionable’ bit. Really? I have my complaints about the… Read More
Kill process (cnt-alt-del) for the iphone.. SBSettings gets cooler and cooler There is a good reason SBSettings is Ichiban for my 10 ten best iphone apps list, I use it daily. Really.. Daily! Mostly turning the 3G off and on. When 3G is on at my place, my odds of missing a call climbs to 20%. Well, whats really great about this app is other people… Read More
YouTube fail on the iphone getting fixed.. slowly First off, I’m really surprised not more people raised a stink about this. When I checked the boards and twitter, it was clear it was on many phones, but either few people seemed to care or the word got out to go through the web interface to play movies. Perhaps I’m one of the few… Read More
How to make a skype call on the iphone using truphone I use skype, not as much as in the past, but every now and again. Now truphone has brought in skype support. I can call skype people, skype’rs can call me and I can do IM. That’s all I need really. I’ve talked about truphone before (link) and VoiP in general for overseas calls (story… Read More
Cut and paste on the iphone. closer… closer.. I’ve written about Clippy before, however, its getting more and more interesting. Now whenever you press the .?123 button, it will read the current or top text field and offer to copy it. Plus, if you are in the email preview mode, and press and hold on a message, it will offer to copy the… Read More
How to play youtube videos on the iphone using a simple workaround Yesterday I wrote about a FAIL where movies for many iphone users are not playing. I do not have a the full answer as to why it’s not working, although it seems that the .flv (flash version) of the video is playing instead of the h.264 (apple version). As of this writing, it still does… Read More
Youtube on the iphone is not working.. This is odd. Around 1:30am pst (Feb 23 ’09), movies on youtube have stopped working. As if there was a glitch that has all flash flv being selected instead of the h.264 codec coming up. I did a quick check on twitter and seems others are having the same issue. The odd thing is I… Read More
Turn by turn GPS directions on the iphone and ipod with xGPS I already wrote about these guys awhile ago, but their app just hit Cydia, so I thought I would pass the word. I’ve downloaded the app to play with it, but have not had time to read the instructions yet. (did not work out-of the-box). Here is the orginal post.. and this post…… Read More
How to take better photos on the iphone with clearCam Normally I do not write about an app more then once, typically I would just update the original post, ( I know, bad practice ), however in this case, I wanted to write about this again because of how impressed I am with this little app. ClearCam, the original post here, is a program that… Read More
Insert text, whole words and phrases, cut and paste on the iphone. Re review of Clippy. When I first wrote about Clippy, I liked it but I thought it’s usefulness was somewhat limited. However, its been improving bit by bit over time. Something they added a while back is a feature called the ‘Clipboard Stack’. It did not hit me right off, but one night I was filling out my login… Read More