Warning, this is more of a rant then anything.. I want a bloody keyboard for my smart phone.   There are many thing about the iphone that really pisses me off, but so far, only android comes close to the experience.  I was excited about the palm pre till I tried the keyboard.. too small.  The… Read More

And now we have Redsn0w!! {UPDATE} 3GS is jailbroken also.  Link to story. First off, right from the Dev-Team Blog.. Read this… I’m serious!!  READ THIS!! Here is the link. REDSN0W PROVIDES SIMILAR FUNCTIONALITY TO QUICKPWN. If you want to build custom firmware files with more flexibility it is suggested that you use ‘PwnageTool’ on… Read More

When the Twitpocalypse kicked off 2 days back, (story here) I figured most major apps would have been ready for it.  I was wrong.  I also figured, well, there will be a fix in 24 hrs.  Wrong again.  Its Sunday night and I finally saw Twitterrific after I manually refreshed updates. I installed the update and… Read More

Just saw this in Gizmodo. How cool is this?  Now, according to Gizmodo, there are only 100 of these, so go get it. Here is the link. www.designcommission.com The template is 16.95 USD which also includes the Zebra mechanical pencil seen in the pic.  They also have a pdf you can download which has 3 prints of… Read More

What more can I say??  This is uber-geek cool.  Just watch the video.   Course, nothing was said as to how many choppers were hurt in the creation of this film. 🙂 here is the link.. http://aleptu.com/controlling-a-radio-control-helicopter-with-an-iphone-0419920.html… Read More

I’m not sure what I would use this for, but hey, you never know, I’m sure someone out there will find it useful, and thus… to posting!! This comes from ‘Hack n Mod‘ a very cool site. It’s pretty easy actually, here are the steps from the site.. On your iTouch/iPhone start up i-c-livecams. In… Read More

Begin rumor control… Just read this USAToday… Verizon (VZ) and Apple (AAPL) are discussing the possible development of an iPhone for Verizon, with the goal of introducing it next year, people familiar with the situation say. Really?  Wow.  And the buzz I was hearing the last few days with that Apple was quite happy with… Read More

And it might.  I wrote an article for iphone life over 6 months ago where I said things will improve as they move to a lower freq.  Well, according to Kevin Fitchard from Telephony Online AT&T is increasing the downlink capacity on its high-speed packet access (HSPA) from 3.6 megabits per second to 7.2 Mb/s… Read More

This is pretty cool.  I fully agree with Peter Kirn that Apple rejecting this as an app is sillyness.  But then again, thats not new.  Still, I admire the push to get this to work within the browser.  I have not tried it myself since I only have PHP running on my linux box which is not… Read More

Actually, I’m not sure I should even call this a rumor.  I mean why not?  I do not think youTube has a contract or anything that would incourage Apple to keep them out.. so I say Hurraa and speed it up! From the webware site:   Silicon Alley Insider is reporting that a dedicated Hulu application is indeed… Read More

Ok, a joke there.  The fact it was jailbroken so quickly is quite impressive. I would have figured early summer, but the proof code is out there.  Course, Apple has some language in the SDK agreement saying that you will NOT contribute to jailbreaking efforts.  This will not stop the jailbreaking, but does give the… Read More

Ok, so we all knew Skype’s app was coming out soon. And we ALSO knew that Truphone has something is mind to reply to it. The answer? In my email of course. Here is what I got.. Lets the VoIP wars begin! Get even more value from Truphone with an Unlimited calling plan (find out… Read More