humor – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Thu, 03 May 2018 16:22:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 First video evidence (I’ve seen) of self driving car avoiding an accident Thu, 29 Oct 2015 20:56:40 +0000 Read More]]> From Reddit of course:

From Reddit of course:

All this talk about self driving cars causing accidents, very little about how they avoid them and save lives.  So here is the first video clip of a real world situation where a Tesla avoided an accident by stopping way faster than I could have.  Also note, its wet.  So if a human was driving, there would be a possibly that the human would swerve the car as well, potentially causing another accident. (click the thumbnail to start the gifv.)

ALSO, the car was smart enough not to follow the idiot driver and ‘teach them a lesson’.  Which does bring me to one concern.  How long will it be until someone decide to hack their car to do just that?  Say someone cuts you off; the car can use object recognition to track and follow the other car and then bump them off the road.

Right now, our autonomous cars do not have a voice, but I already know what to expect having grown up with Eddie Murphy comedy.


Eddie Murphy talking car. ( warning NSFW)!!!

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A Reddit Grill Cheese Melt Down – NSFW Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:46:27 +0000 Read More]]> So sweet. I had to login to Reddit just to upvote the rant and comment.  Instead of reprinting the text, I screenshot it for justice.   The basics of this is someone ranting, and rightly so, that a grilled cheese is ONLY bread and cheese.  You add anything else and its a melt.  Now one may argue that the single exception is a slice of tomato, but don’t tell OP that, he will jump down your throat. However, its not the rant that is gold, but the first comment and reply.  And now, the screenshot.  Yes, its small, click on it to make it large, or just read the post.  BTW, I’m guilty too as soon here in ‘how to make the perfect midnight grilled cheese‘.

grill cheese melt down

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Saying ‘I love you sweetheart’ does not always end well Mon, 24 Feb 2014 04:48:04 +0000 Read More]]> This is from an Anime called Zetmen. I know nothing of it.

This is from an Anime called Zetmen. I know nothing of it. Source:

{Update:  Sigh.  So my wife read this and she said a Japanese wife living in the US got this from her husband and shared it on a Japanese site.  Every now and again, subtleties of language cause a mix up.  Still pretty funny though. }

I have been dating and recently married to a Japanese girl. The first thing I had to get used to is that its not common in the Japanese custom to say ‘I love you’ very often.  Well, seems I was not the only one to notice this.  Someone decided awhile back to ask a number wives to text ‘I love you sweetheart’ to their husbands.  The results were pretty funny.  Although thinking about it, I’m not sure the reaction from me would be that much different.  I mean think about it.  Imagine you are at work and you get a random txt from your wife of 5+ years saying ‘I love you sweetheart’.  How would you react? My first thought would be, ‘what, did I miss our anniversary or something?’

What is kinda of funny is seeing how some of these replies got modified during translation.
There was a group of women at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with your husband. The women were asked, ‘How many of you love your husbands?’ All the women raised their hands. Then they were asked, ‘When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?’ Some women answered today, some yesterday, some didn’t remember. The women were then told to take their phones and send the following text: I love you, sweetheart. Then the women were told to exchange phones and read the responding text messages. Here are some of the replies.
1. Who is this?
2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?
3. I love you too.
4. What now? Did you crash the car again?
5. I don’t understand what you mean?
6. What did you do now? I won’t forgive you this time.
7. ?!?
8. Don’t beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?
9. Am I dreaming?
10. If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die.
11. I asked you not to drink anymore.
12. Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn’t she?

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My Cat is addicted to Crack Fri, 06 Sep 2013 02:10:24 +0000 Read More]]> stoned catIt did not happen over night.  Back when I first got Brandi, my orange fur ball, I did what most single guys do at the time.  Go to the store and buy whatever dry cat food was on sale.  She was not thrilled with it, but liked it well enough.  And life was good.

However, every now and again, I would forget to fill her food bowl.  She would let me know this…. at 6:00am.  She was pretty insistent that she got her food.  If not, I would sometimes find gifts around the house that used to be food.  I fixed this quick enough by getting an auto feeder.  Life was good again.

Then one day I was talking to a Vet and she told me that I was basically giving her McDonald’s every day, thus her weight problem.  I needed to move her to better quality food targeted to overweight cats.  When I first bought it, she did not like it AT ALL.   So I bought what seemed like still healthy but not weight-loss food.  She likes that, so when I put the weight-loss food in, its her ‘disappointment’ food; called that because of her reaction when she sniffs it.  Then I put a little ‘favorite’ dry in and she is happy.  So as long as she gets some of the favorite food, then she can eat the disappointment food when she is really hungry.  Life was good again.

Then one day, I was talking to another Vet, and doing some research online and found out that older cats need wet food, and a dry food only diet was not great for cats of any age.  So as a single guy I bought wet food that was on sale as a compliment to the dry diet.

And then things went bad.

Seems that some brand of wet food is just as bad or worse then McDonalds because its FAR more addicting!  Yes my cat LOVES wet food.  So much so that she is no longer thrilled to get the favorite food, no, that was just a gateway drug to the Crack wet food.  And she has to have it.  The big mistake was we started feeding her wet food in the morning.  Then for a few weeks I had to get up really early in the morning, so I feed her then.  Now, as soon as the sun starts to rise, the demon cravings kicks in.  She HAS to have her wet good fix!  And after lots of meowing, if I do not get up, she needs to make a point.  Peeing on the shower mat is her first go to.  Then perhaps dropping little post food gifts on the floor.  One time peeing in my girlfriends slipper. And JUST INSIDE the slipper.  Pretty skilled if you ask me. For whatever reason, she blames my girlfriend for holding out on her.  Could still be jealous of the ‘new woman’ in my life.

So now I’m a slave to my Crack based wet food addicted cat.  I have to get up early in the morning, even on the weekends to give her her fix or else she will make me pay.

The next step is to buy healthy wet food and introduce that in the morning and give her a little bit of crack at night.  Hopefully, she will start to focus on wanting her fix at night, which is much easier to deal with, then at 6:00am.  Well see.

So a word of warning.. Be careful, DO NOT let your cat become a wet food crack head. Pay the extra money, get your cat the right food and for love’s sake, do NOT feed it first thing in the morning!

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Kevin Rose throwing a raccoon. Seems the founder of Digg will kick your ass if you attack his dog Sun, 21 Jul 2013 01:54:18 +0000 Read More]]> thowing a racoonThere is not a whole  lot to say here that the video does not say.  Seems Kevin Rose, founder of Digg, heard his down yelping in pain.  He comes out to see his dog and a raccoon fighting.  So what does bad ass Rose do?  He charges in dressed in his always fashionable boxes and proceeds to grab the racoons and through it down the stairs.  This may not sound like a big deal but unless you have been on the wrong side of a racoons when its in a bad mood, and I have, they can do a lot of damage and not care one lick.

What makes it even better, is some make a perfect look of this though.   Animated Gif gold. Check both vids out.


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Create an Old Spice Man voice mail message Thu, 24 Feb 2011 20:23:05 +0000 Read More]]> I have not tried it yet, but I will later.  Seems kinda of fun to have on your phone for a few days just for the LOL’s.  🙂

Here is a cut and paste from the site.

Old Spice Voicemail Message Generator

You may be aware of a recent Old Spice advertising campaign featuring a handsome man in absurd situations.

He has posted a video on YouTube that could be used to prepare a personalized voicemail message (and then another one for ladies).

This page generates such messages for you. Choose the parts of the message that you want and press “generate”. You’ll get an MP3 file with your message.

Since there were many questions about it: this website doesn’t send the message to your phone. It just makes an MP3 file (the phone number is only there because it can be included in the message).
You have to figure out how to set the message on your voicemail by yourself.
It’s likely that your best bet is holding the phone to your computer’s speakers while recording the message.

Drop me an email if you have any questions or comments:

I disabled the generator, but here are the options as of now…  Go here to make the mp4

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Party like it’s 1611! Are those dollar coins in your pocket or are you happy to see me? Thu, 24 Feb 2011 05:29:04 +0000 Read More]]>

Ah Dollar coins.  We still have then you know.  For those that ride the subway and pay cash or visit the post office vending machines, has most likely received gold dollar coins as change..  So what do you do with it?  If you have kids most like give it them, else try to spend those guys as fast as you can because you know when you get home, you will put them in a stack or in a jar and most likely never use them again till your short of cash or just want to piss off your buddy when paying off a bet.  However, what if you REALLY embraced dollar coins?  Its not too crazy. When I lived in England I really gave pound coins the old collage try.  Even sporting a hip (at least at 1600’s standards) coin sack tied to my belt loop. I was an indie/punk musician at the time so someone trying to nick my bag was not a concern. 🙂  However, the bloody awful click click did get to me and I fell into the old habit of keeping a collection in a wicket bowl.  But someone has decided its time for a come back, so with pride I reprint

Party like it’s 1611 aka living credit card and (dollar) bill-free

Late last year I found out from a friend that the U.S. Mint is making a strong effort to get the $1 Coin into circulation. For no shipping and handling fees, the U.S. Mint will send to consumers $1 Coins through the $1 Coin Direct mint $1 dollar direct website

So I ordered, A few days later…

For over a month now I have been paying for everything with coin! No bills, no credit cards. The only exceptions have been my transit card and online transactions, including the coin purchase. $100 dinner, all in coin! $180 drug prescription – all in coin! Babysitting? coin!

Instead of carrying a wallet I now carry a money bag! People have asked about the weight. A $1 coin weighs about 8g so a $1000 weighs about 17.6 pounds. $50 dollars weighs about a pound. This must be horrible! Actually, no:

  1. I carry my laptop with me anyhow so an extra pound is not horrible.
  2. It is easy to control spending, carrying the extra weight means I just take exactly what I am willing to spend and no more. Really easy to stay in budget when all you have is coin!

The reactions have been all over the place:

  • “Are these quarters?”
  • “Are they collectables?”
  • “Are they gold?” ( Uncirculated $1 coins are shiny )
  • “What? Fine.” (And then dumps them in the drop safe)
  • “Are they real?”
  • “Do I have to take them to the bank?”
  • “I love them, you are taking Caltrain, right?” (Coffee house)
  • “We don’t pass them out as change.” (Safeway)
  • “Sounds like a good idea but don’t you have to spend time converting them to bills?” (Safeway manager – apparently the idea of using money as money is a new concept)
  • “I am going to give them to my wife” (A waiter who bought up the $100 in $1 coins that we paid for dinner with)
  • “My company gives them out as a sign of good luck during the New Years.”
  • “I am going to give these to my kids in the Christmas stockings”

Clearly, the Mint has a ways to go in the educational department, if cashiers are uncertain if the $1 coin is even money!

This program is a great deal for consumers. This is a cash advance through the U.S. government! WTF? Yeap! Lets look at a “traditional” cash advance:

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The WebOS TouchPad is Great! And I dont Care! I want an iPad2 Thu, 10 Feb 2011 03:29:27 +0000 Read More]]> We have the first look at the HP TouchPad running WebOS and from what I heard (no I was not there) it’s great! Snappy! Well designed! Great Multitasking! Works seamlessly with the new Pre 3 and other WebOS phones! … I dont care.

We not ‘ME’; I’m actually dieing to get my hands on one and play with it. I really liked the WebOS when I first started playing with it when the Pre came out (did not care for the phone), but instead I think most of the public does not care. When HP first bought Palm, then dropped their first slate, I had a feeling they were looking towards a slate / pad / tablet and here its is. Its Grrreatt!!

And I dont care..

But wait, you can select multiple email messages to delete all of them at one time with gestures as well as make your virtual keyboard larger or smaller.. I dont care.. Its supports flash in the web page AND

multitasking. I dont care… It can run your desktop, Mac and linux box all from the comfort of your sofa. I dont care.. It can support all 4 major cell networks and 2 more for 5G and 6G international that does not even exist yet! I dont care.. You can place it on your cat and by generating a static electric field, will remove all the hair and dandruff and install a language translator so you can talk to your cat. I dont care.. Sounding familiar? If you have not figured this out yet check the Video at the end of this post.

So what is my point here? The next time someone says this is a iPad killer, my brain will explode with the temptation to shove a hot poker in their face. As cool as this slate is; I think its a little late. The iPad owns the mindset of the general public and everyone else is fighting over the margins. And you think Microsoft is not going to come out with a tablet of some sort? Dont be silly. Given Apples lead, and the inroads made by Android, AND the fact more programmers write for Apple or Android, I think the WebOS is going to have an uphill battle to get people to write for it. And Apps is what people want, not cool features and functions that are not ground breaking. When the day comes that we have a write once deploy everywhere arch like Java and Flash tried to give us (think HTML5 containers), THEN we have another story, but that day is still far away.

I know its old now, but have another look at this video and the following one. I think it make a really good point. People dont care how cool a technology is (unless its ground breaking) they only care what they can do with it, and has it been proved out by their friends and/or network.

Ok check out the post iPhone and HTC Android fan boys do battle via salesman cartoons.

And here is the NSFW Video..

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Drunk posting with Alcowebizer. Happy 2011 New Years!! Fri, 31 Dec 2010 22:03:30 +0000 Read More]]> This is fun.  Remember that site that will change any webpage to a lolcats page?  Well here is one for us bloggers who have to work on NYE.  Like me!!  Its a pretty clever little project from Alcowebizer.  Enjoy!!

Here is the first one at level 1.0

Here is another at 1.5

Not Bad.  Each its a little more random.  However once we get to 2.5 or more.. its get a little out of control…

Happy New Years for 2011 everyone!

The good people at ‘As Seen Through PeriVisioN’

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Conan O’Brien and Hunter Thombson drinking and shooting guns Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:17:38 +0000 Read More]]> Really, what more do I have to say here?  its a video of Conan O’Brien and Hunter Thombson shooting various guns while drinking.

Enjoy the Video.


Way below..

Really need to fix this.

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