DeamBoard – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Thu, 26 Jan 2012 19:52:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 OS X LION Port on IPHONE 5, 4, 3GS. Mind Blown Sun, 01 Jan 2012 21:15:34 +0000 Read More]]> Want to get OS X Lion on your iphone?  Well this latest port will blow your mind. I have seen lots of ‘ports’ before, but its been little more then some nice skinning and little UI tricks. Check more screenshots from gdeluxe. OS X Lion Ultimatum has to be the best Lion user experience I have ever seen.  I have not loaded it on my phone, but the video is stunning.  I’m going to load the iOS5.0.1 jailbreak pretty soon once it has been out there long enough, but I may load this up just to admire great work.

Check the video at the end of the post.  You need be jailbroken of course, then load DreamBoard, then load a custom file, but that is about it.  Here are the steps, but even if you have no plans on jailbreaking or running this UI port, watch the video.  If you are a Mac your, you will be tempted.


0) Open “Cydia”, search “DreamBoard”, install this Cydia App. Reload iPhone.
1) Download free this .deb file (link after screenshots and video clip)
2) Open iPhone Explorer ( if you don’t have this soft -> link after screenshots and video clips)
3) Connect iPhone to Mac or PC.
4) Copy .deb file from Mac or PC to –> /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall
5) Disconnect iPhone from Mac or Pc.
6) TurnOFF iPhone and TurnON iPhone.
7) Open “DreamBoard” and select this “OS X LION”.
8) After selecting it in Dreamboard it will walk you through the steps to set it up.
Wow. OS X Lion on your iDevice. :)

9) Open Cydia and search and install this apps:
– Quicklock
– CrazyDashboard
– ArrangeStatusBar
– CleanStatus


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