craigslist – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:30:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 A Craigslist iPad app. About time! Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:26:24 +0000 Read More]]>

lifelike craig hd

I just read this in VentureBeat and have not downloaded it myself, but just from the screenshot I can see its full of win. Thumbsnails with Craigslist listing.  How cool.  You can see pretty much how it will work in the screenshot.  I’ll update this after I’ve downloaded it.

The app regularly retails for $1.99, but it’s currently a steal this week for $0.99 on the iTunes Store.

From VB;

With Lifelike Craig HD, you can browse any Craigslist section, in any city, as you normally would. When you jump into a section, the app displays Craigslist posts like typical classified entries. Jump into an individual post, and it gives you existing posts on a convenient scrolling bar at the side of the page. You can share posts with friends, drop them onto a map, and reply to them from within the app. The app also allows you to search for posts as usual from within Craigslist sections, and it lets you sort and filter posts as you see fit.

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