Yes, you read that right. You can create a massive huge super monster pancake using your rice cooker.  That is assuming you have one of course. If not, with a few modification you can use a bread maker as well.  The cool part is you can add a number of ingredients like fruit, nuts, chocolate,… Read More

Just saw this on Reddit.  Had to share.  What does this have to do with games or technology?  Nothing.  Just pure food porn. Ingredients: Muffin Tin (Non-stick is best) 6 large/x-large eggs Bacon stripsandbaconstripsandbaconstripsIhadtousethisfeature. Bread circles slightly larger then the bottom of the muffin tin. (I used a cup and pressed out the centre of… Read More

I cannot believe this has not been realized before, and yes its not perfect, like my Perfect Midnight Grilled Cheese Sandwich; but this approaches brilliance. Caution, do this at your own risk.  Mess this up and you can ruin your toaster or worse.  So really, be careful. Now let it be said I have not… Read More

So, your going to stay up late eh?  Cannot sleep? Have too much or your mind?  A geek?  Well then.  You need to make a midnight grilled cheese sandwich!  Now this isnt your normal two slices of wunderbread and kraft american cheese, now, we are going to add a few things.. Ok, first, lets get… Read More