comics – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Mon, 12 May 2014 23:13:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 The Smiths meets Peanuts (Charlie Brown) Sat, 24 Aug 2013 02:48:40 +0000 Read More]]> cant you readA while back I wrote about a funny site that took Peanuts comics and replaced the text with random tweets.  Well some decided it would be a cool idea to do the same thing but instead replace text with lyrics from the Smiths.  Now, if you are not a full blooded Smiths fan, these will not make ANY sense, which actually could be funny in itself, someone will have to tell me.  As for me, I can hear the song in each line when I read it.  Sometimes it makes it funnier, sometimes it gets in the way.  Either way, if you love the Smith you will enjoy the Tumbler call This Charming Charlie🙂  Love it.

I grabbed a few that I really like and posted them here.

Click to view slideshow.

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Two year Biopsy-versity via XKCD Sat, 01 Dec 2012 18:33:27 +0000 Read More]]> I’m not going to go into the history here, you can figure it out.  I had a few close people go though cancer.  Its not fun, but when you beat it, its big.  Best wishing XKCD(er).

Permanent link to this comic:
Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding):

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An ‘ok’ guide to rage faces. Smelling a shark Mon, 12 Mar 2012 22:18:43 +0000 Read More]]> Rage faces have been around a long time starting with 4chan, then reddit, then, copycat outlets like funnystuff.  Yesterday Ars Technica put out a post explaining what Rage Face Comics are.  Its an good enough post, missing some information and fluffing up other bits, but fair enough, you get the point.  However, it got me to thinking.  How long till we see this in CNN or ‘shutter’ the Today Show?

Ars Technica is HARDLY jumping the shark.  Its a good rag with some cutting edge information on it, but I don’t know. I just got that feeling after reading the post that something happened; where a fun meme is stating to be taken too seriously and soon; worse; will have a plethora of ‘experts’ doing the daytime TV circuit helping to explain what these ‘really’ mean little jonny or susy Q decides to use it in facebook.  Sigh..

I guess I’m reacting not at much to what Ars wrote, as to the possibility that some ‘guru’ out there is going to take it even further.  Ug.  Still, I do like the little guide they posted.  Check it out.

BTW, if you want to know more about rage face comics, check out knowyourmeme.

Face Description
Cereal Guy: A versatile character, Cereal Guy generally express surly skepticism (if he’s just eating), but he’s been known to spit his cereal everywhere if he is shocked or surprised.
Forever Alone: Forever Alone is a sad, lonely individual with no friends and few options in life. He can be found in any situation where someone is feeling morose or, as the name implies, alone.
F–k Yea: Almost the polar opposite of Forever Alone, F–k Yea walks with a swagger that can only come from victory, be it from a major accomplishment or from successfully handling something in everyday life
Herp Derp: A character no one in the Rage Kingdom enjoys, Herp Derp can sometimes be simply obtuse and dumb, but more commonly he’s self-centered, uninformed, and completely sure of himself.
LOL Guy: An easy guy to understand, LOL Guy howls with laughter at the funny situations he finds in rage comics.
Me Gusta: His name means “I like” in Spanish, which is exactly what he expresses. Me Gusta can be used to express enjoyment in anything from the perverse (such as odd sexual activities) to the mundane (such as petting a cat).
Okay Guy: If you’ve ever felt powerless to change something, you understand Okay Guy. He doesn’t stand up for himself in any situation; he simply sighs and put up with what life throws at him.
Poker Face: Poker Face tries to hide his embarrassment in any awkward or uncomfortable situation, trying to pretend nothing is out of the ordinary as he waits for the situation to resolve itself.
Rage Guy: One of the most basic characters, Rage Guy expresses pure, blind rage, typically directed at life’s small, everyday annoyances (like Troll Face’s antics). Rage Guy has also spawned several spinoff characters, such as Derp.
Troll Face: One of the oldest and most widely-used faces, Troll Face is a prankster who makes others’ lives more difficult for his own amusement. His wide, toothy grin perpetually snickers at his victims.


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XKCD – replaces band names Tue, 06 Mar 2012 05:15:46 +0000 Read More]]> Normally I would have just read this XKCD comic and thought, yea that’s true and moved on.  But something about this made me think, yup here is another sign that the interweb is changing things. I do remember using the expressing ‘ that would make a cool band name’.  And now when I hear things I think, Hmm.. URL?  🙂

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XKCD has reached 1000 comics. Congrats! Fri, 06 Jan 2012 19:08:37 +0000 Read More]]> 24 more to go…

I do not remember when I first started reading XKCD, but it has been a long time.

Many Thanks!

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How to use your iphone as glasses and flashlight or I really need to post faster Sun, 18 Dec 2011 21:48:39 +0000 Read More]]> I’m a reddit lurker. I’ll fess that now. I came across a pretty good comic on how to use your iphone instead of your glasses in the morning, or my case, when I misplace them.. Which I do often. I thought, ‘the world must know!’  Instead, I got sidetracked by work and other life stuff and didn’t got around to it. 2 days later, another tech blog beat me to the punch.  DAMN you full time bloggers!  Ah well.

Here it is anyway.  Next step, I need to find the original post to give credit. I emailed the link to myself but not the post.. Fail.

Another good tip is to use your iphone as a flash light. Most people know that you can get enough light just from the screen being on to see, however one time we were out shopping at the power went out.  Next thing you know, everyone took out their cell phones and kept on shopping. A few people, myself included, knew to crank up the camera app and turn on the standby flash.  It was quite the sight being in a dead black store with no windows and 50 some people walking around using just cell phones.  Spooky in a way.  The power but dammit, they NEED TO SHOP!!


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XKCD tribute to Steve Jobs, eternal flame beach ball. Thu, 06 Oct 2011 20:04:10 +0000 Read More]]> Although some may find it a bit off, using an animated icon that represents much of what drives Mac users nuts (especially us occasional users), but somehow it kinda works for me. Something about always waiting for the next great thing that is going to come from the mind of Steve Jobs, and for us non Mac fanboys, realizing, its technology and design.  Yes, great technology and design, but not the printing press or the wheel.  At least, that is how I look at it.

Now, I just have to wait for FCP X to finish its long beach ball antics so I can finish editing my film.


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The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of Apple … In comic form. Scene 1 Sat, 22 May 2010 05:47:13 +0000 Read More]]> Inspired by the I/O conference.. EVEN THOUGH I DID NOT GET A PHONE! .. I whipped up this script in about 20 min.  The drawing by Josh Flores took a little longer.   Any of the events in this comic having anything to do with reality, its purely coincidental…

I still need to code up links, but this link should do for now..

And now… The Scene 1!  The rise and fall of Apple.

-> Scene 2: Google Rising.

-> Scene 2: Google Rising.

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Sneak Peak at reading a comic on the iPad Fri, 02 Apr 2010 07:04:14 +0000 Read More]]> So this is fun. We all know the big win with the iPad is the large screen; yes I know, its just an over-sized iPod touch, but still, that size change makes all the difference. For me, it will be game play (which I do not have time for anymore ) reading (and please no chatter from the kindle crowd on how ‘long hours of reading will make your eyes tired.’ I do not plan to do long hours of reading.

Case in point? Reading a comic! I’m not a comic reader, but look how nice the images render on marvels new iPad app. Just like the other sneak peaks that have been making there way around the web that have to do with media consumption. This is the iPad’s big win. ‘Course, I still do not plan on buying one right away, I’ll wait awhile and see about getting a first gen a bit cheaper as soon as rumors start in the iPad 2. 🙂
So have a look at this video below. Imagine a magazine, or media rich website / blog. Oh hey, shutter to think…. A book with nice illustrations… I hear they exist.

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Full Color Beautiful Comics on the Apple and other Tablets Thu, 29 Oct 2009 04:17:06 +0000 Read More]]> I did not even think about this till I saw the article in Gizmodo. The Kindle was a device I was never really convinced about and when the tablet war started, I know they all be winners on the ebook front.  Well, think about this.  Full color comics!  yea, just like in the newspapers and magazines of old.  But better!  Include short animations, sounds and reference links.  Sweeet.  now check out the image…

Link to the Original Post..

from Gixmodo.. WHom Rock BTW.

from Gixmodo.. WHom Rock BTW.

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