Its been a while since the T Mobile Girl, Carley if you will, changed from her girly pink to a bit more edgy black leather, but still with pink accents mind you.  So what does it mean?  Is suppose to indicate an more aggressive T-Mobile that is going to try get back the customers it… Read More

Sometime, you just have to shake you head when a company as large as AT&T fails in its attempt to convince people that its not the death star.  First seem in Ars Technica, AT&T tried to convince everyone that T-Mobile its low grade, not worth talking about and that this really will not change the… Read More

Gezz.. Its already old news that AT&T is buying T-Mobile but I have to chime in here. I have been debating leaving AT&T since suffered under using the 3G because I did not want to change my contract, I know, I could have bought a 3gs off market, but thats another story.  I struggled between… Read More

WTH?  According to VentureBeat, seems that AT&T has been sending letters out to subscribers of MiWi, a jailbreak app that allows tethering of multiple machines to you iPhone. I use PDANet and have not seen such a letter yet, but I’m keeping my eyes out.  The letter basically states that if you use a non… Read More

AT&T knows they have a coverage problem, know they can solve it; yet still are going to the solution kicking and screaming. If you remember, you could get a micro cell tower for $199 (used to be $150 ($20 a month more for unlimited) that uses YOUR internet connection to solve a AT&T issue.  Via… Read More

I have not hidden the fact I have complaints with the iphone and AT&T, but all in all, I still regard the iPhone as the best smart phone out there.  Till just recently.. I have the Android HTC from the Google show, but I have only played with it off and on.  Lately, AT&T service… Read More

I’ve been thinking about writing a post on how silly is to get AT&T’s GPS driving directions app/service at 9.99 a month when you can buy a turn-by-turn apps for around $50.  That’s another post. But now I just read on AppleInsider that Loopt has an agreement with AT&T to provide constant location updates for… Read More

I’ve heard this rumor a few times before, but given the recent uptick in AT&T complaints, and a seemingly upper growth cap on iphones, I can see it.  And I really hope so.  I have already complained many times about the poor service in SOMA in the SF area. Here is the part of Piper… Read More

As I reported a few months back, I noticed an uptick on dropped calls and overall poorer performance when I upgraded from 2.x to 3.0. Basically it felt like the phone reverted to the same performance levels before the 2.1 upgrade.  So I hoped it was a simple visioning error and the 3.0.1 would take… Read More

It never seems to end…  Apple rejected Google Voice and removed GV Mobile from the app store. This is really a pain because I JUST got a work blackberry and will need to start managing my communication a little better.  Being able to do that from my iPhone would be perfect. Seems Apple (read AT&T?)… Read More

Begin rumor control… Just read this USAToday… Verizon (VZ) and Apple (AAPL) are discussing the possible development of an iPhone for Verizon, with the goal of introducing it next year, people familiar with the situation say. Really?  Wow.  And the buzz I was hearing the last few days with that Apple was quite happy with… Read More

And it might.  I wrote an article for iphone life over 6 months ago where I said things will improve as they move to a lower freq.  Well, according to Kevin Fitchard from Telephony Online AT&T is increasing the downlink capacity on its high-speed packet access (HSPA) from 3.6 megabits per second to 7.2 Mb/s… Read More