AR.FlyingAce – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Sat, 30 Apr 2011 19:01:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 Air dogfighing with camera mounted RCs AR.Drones Sat, 30 Apr 2011 18:58:41 +0000 Read More]]> We have talked about the Parrot  AR.Drones before and if you have not tried it yet, go to Brookstone  and give it a try. It’s pretty fun.  I wish the battery life was longer, but small issue.  Well, one of the promises of the AR.Drone was air dog-fighting combating. Well now its real. AR.FlyingAce was released that will allow you to take two AR.Drones and enjoy some real-time air combat.  I have not tried this yet, but the videos looks pretty good.  My only complaint is in the video the players would shake the iphones as if shooting had recoil.  Gezz, can we remove the Hollywood here?  I’m going to look around and see if I can find a ‘real’ video of someone doing playing AR.FlyingAce.  There are two videos at the end of this post.  Have a look at using AR.Drone with the iPad.  FAR better experience IMHO.




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