apple – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Mon, 06 Oct 2014 17:52:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 The Bidding For An iPhone 6 Prototype On eBay Is Up To $94,000 Mon, 06 Oct 2014 17:52:22 +0000 Read More]]> What appears to be a rare iPhone 6 prototype is currently up for auction on eBay after Apple mistakenly sent it out, a customer claims. According to one eBay seller, Apple accidentally sent her an early version of the 6 upon renewing her contract; so far, there are 166 bids on kimberlyk1018 ‘s product. The iOS8 has not been placed on this device, rather it is in the true developer mode.


Photo taken from kimberlyk1018's eBay lisitng

Photo taken from kimberlyk1018’s eBay listing



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]]> 1 9585
Apple patent application reinvents remote control for the smartphone age Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:45:16 +0000 Read More]]> Apple says today’s remote control is outdated. With that in mind, Apple laid out in a patent application published Thursday a new kind of digital remote control for its Apple TV set-top box that uses icons and pictures, similar to those graphic interfaces on TV, but shrunken down and customized for a smartphone or tablet computer. Apple filed the application with the US Patent and Trademark Office last March. Apple already recreated the physical remote control, offering up a slim remote for the Apple TV with only a few buttons to navigate videos and music. The new patent application shows the company could one day remake the physical controller again by doing away with it completely. Such an idea would be similar to Google’s Chromecast, a dongle with no physical remote that’s controlled using a mobile devices.

Image Courtesy NN Group

Image Courtesy NN Group


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iOS 8.0.1 May Have A Link To Apple Maps Fail From 2012 Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:53:26 +0000 Read More]]> The disastrous iOS 8.0.1 update that curtailed users’ cellular signals and created other bugs earlier this week may have a connection to another major glitch in recent history: the shaky rollout of Apple Maps . The company said less than 40,000 users downloaded iOS 8.0.1 before it was pulled over an hour after its release on Wednesday. iOS 8.0.2 is now available for users, it fixes an issue that affected iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who downloaded iOS 8.0.1, and includes improvements and bug fixes originally in iOS 8.0.1, an Apple spokesperson told Mashable in a statement.





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]]> 0 9562
If you have not heard already, change your iphone password because of phishing hack Thu, 29 May 2014 02:37:12 +0000 Read More]]> poison-appleThe details are still dripping out, but it seems a hacker called ‘Oleg Pliss’ is accessing peoples iPhones by using your Apple iCloud account and invoke the ‘Find My iPhone’ service.’  Oleg will then lock your phone and charge you £55 to unlock it.  There is not much you can do about it right now short of reloading your phone to factory.  However that means you need to reload all your data again.  Its seems that the hacker got access by using phishing e-mails targeting Apple IDs.  This is still not fully confirmed so its still a good idea to change your password to be safe.

Its also safe to say many iOS users are not happy about this.  Many people by iPhone’s because its suppose to be more secure. However, its seems this is a case of users falling for a phishing scam so its not a ‘hack’ into Apple or your phone.  Yet one more reminder to NEVER give your password over email…. EVER!

As of this writing, still no answer from Apple on how to deal with this short of taking your phone to the Apple store.

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Apple security hole patched. We hope Wed, 26 Feb 2014 02:06:05 +0000 Read More]]> os x update message

Source: Apple Inc.

This has been a rough few days for Apple.  A ‘goto fail’ hole appeared in the OS that lets people defect a security server key which lets them do .. well not sure.  From a quick read of the code, seems like if you can get a false handshake to work then depending on the package you could redirect emails, sms messages, perhaps redirect the auth process and make the user buy something from the store?  Not sure, but here is the code.

static OSStatus SSLVerifySignedServerKeyExchange(SSLContext *ctx, bool isRsa, SSLBuffer signedParams, uint8_t *signature, UInt16 signatureLen) { OSStatus err; if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &serverRandom)) != 0) goto fail; if ((err = SSLHashSHA1.update(&hashCtx, &signedParams)) != 0) goto fail; goto fail; if ((err =, &hashOut)) != 0) goto fail; fail: SSLFreeBuffer(&signedHashes); SSLFreeBuffer(&hashCtx); return err; }

However, Apple has said they released a fix, so if you are swinging an Apple device, you may want to path up quickly.

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GooPhone i5 to take a bite out of Apple, with an Android iPhone and a lawsuit Thu, 06 Sep 2012 04:05:08 +0000 Read More]]> This is gold. Announced last week, the Chinese manufacture GooPhone decided to take all the iphone 5 rumors out there and create that phone.  However, instead of running iOS on this, they would run Android.  Now this is funny enough, but it seems that since Apple did not patent the iphone 5 specs yet, GooPhone is suing Apple!  Oh man.  Karma’s a bitch!

In case you missed it, GooPhone created a real function Android 4 phone called the GooPhone i5. (cool eh? Check the pic at the end of this post.) that matches the iphone 5 specs. No word on the docking connector though.  Would be so funny if they match that as well. Now what is really funny is when you look at the advert to the right, its using what looks like an iPhone login.  They are really pushing it aren’t they?

Ok, ok, the odds of this holding up anywhere but China are pretty weak, but who knows?  With Chinese law this could actually happen.  Hey, they made the phone first!  Thus when the iphone5 comes out, its a ‘copy’ of their phone!  Seriously! And it not like this has not happened before.  Remember the Chinese company Proview?  They successfully sued Apple for $60 million for infringement on the name iPad.  So why not?

Now would GooPhone try to file in the US and other countries?  Why not?  Nothing to lose really.  The iPhone 5 does not come out till the 12th, so there is still time to do a Edison run to the patent office. 🙂

In case you still have not see the actual phone, here you go.  Your welcome.

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Owe someone $1B? Why not pay in nickles? Samsung did. Wed, 29 Aug 2012 16:22:32 +0000 Read More]]>

Ah never mind.  This tuned out to be fake.  Oh but I wish it was true.  🙂


This is just TOO good.  I read a story in thepaperblog on how Samsung paid Apple in nickles!  30 Trucks full! Seems the laywer forgot to include any clause about HOW to make the payments.  Nice.  Seems the way is not over between these two.  Not sure how Apple will respond to this, they already went thermonuclear remember, so I guess its going to be tit-for-tat.  However, look for some serious digs at Samsung in the next Apple adverts. 🙂    Excerpts from the story..

This morning more than 30 trucks filled with 5-cent coins arrived at Apple’s headquarters in California. Initially,  the security company that protects the facility said the trucks were in the wrong place, but minutes later, Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO explaining that  they will pay $1 billion dollars for the fine recently ruled against the South Korean company in this way.

This dirty but genius geek troll play is a new headache to Apple executives as they will need to put in long hours counting all that money, to check if it is all there and to try to deposit it crossing fingers to hope a bank will accept all the coins.

Lee Kun-hee, Chairman of Samsung Electronics, told the media that his company is not going to be intimidated by a group of “geeks with style” and that if they want to play dirty, they also know how to do it.

You can use your coins to buy refreshments at the little machine for life or melt the coins to make computers, that’s not my problem, I already paid them and fulfilled the law.

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]]> 0 7767
Samsung get SamSlapped. Have to pay over $1B to Apple, but we are not done yet. Fri, 24 Aug 2012 23:19:50 +0000 Read More]]> Ouch.  Samsung has to pay $1B+ to Apple in fines for violation of patents.  However, Apple did not win everything.  Jury voted No on on the Apple’s claim  that Samsung has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act by monopolizing one or more technology markets related to the UMTS standard.

Another win for Samsung: in the D’889 patent, which covers the look of the iPad’s design, including the edge-to-edge glass, thin bezel, and rounded corners. In this case, the jury found that the Galaxy Tab did not infringe Apple’s patents.

Samsung’s counter suite, that Apple infringed on ITS patents came up empty and was thus awarded no damages.

But to quote Brian Solis; Somebody just leaned over to the disappointed Samsung attorneys and asked, “How do you like them apples?”

Keep in mind this is not the end of the story.  If Samsung is blocked from selling its products, that will be far more costly then just $1B.  I am looking for Apple to push for just that.  Hopefully Samsung, now knowing where the edges are, will design a new line of phones around the patent and call that innovation.

More details as they come.


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How to opt out of Apple iOS advertizing.. Instructions from Apple. Sun, 15 Jul 2012 04:31:54 +0000 Read More]]> I have not really encounter this, at least yet, so I’m not bothered to do this, but then again, perhaps I do not use the type of applications that would flood me with iOS Apple ads.  If you are, Apple has provided a way for you to opt out.

Here are the steps and links.. All from Apple.

If you do not want to receive interest-based ads on your iOS device with iOS 4 (or later), you can opt out by accessing the following link on the device: The message “You have successfully opted out” will appear and you will be automatically opted out of interest-based ads. You can always opt back in at any time by visiting from this device.

Make sure you are using an iOS device running iOS 4 or later.

A few things you should know:

  • You may still see the same number of ads as before, but they may be less relevant because they will not be based on your interests.
  • You may still see ads related to the content in an application or based on other non-personal information.
  • If you use more than one Apple device running iOS 4 or later, you will have to opt out from each device individually.
  • Opting out applies only to Apple advertising services and does not affect advertising from other advertising networks.
  • If you prefer that location not to be sent as part of an iAd ad call, you can turn Location-Based iAds setting to off on your iOS device at Settings > Location Services > System Services. If you need additional information on location services, see this article.

Apple respects your privacy. Please view the Apple Customer Privacy Policy at

Additional Information

For more information about the iAd network, please visit

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How to convert you old taps and records to high quality digital for $25 using Apple Match Fri, 18 Nov 2011 05:51:48 +0000 Read More]]> I know this was never Apples intention, but with iTunes Match, you can take your analog music and convert it to high quality digital for $25.  How?  First, digitize your old stuff.  I recommend buying an old but good quality tape player (Or record player if you have vinyl). You also need a RCA to 1/8 phone jack. You can get these pretty much at any audio store, radioshack, etc. There are quite a few programmes out there that will convert the music to mp3, a few that will label them correctly for you.

Now, sign up for itunes music match.  Its only $25 a year.  Not bad . What will happen is itunes will upload all of your music ( or a sample) and look to see if they already have that song in their library.  You should have a list of songs that were ‘found’ and match on the system.

Now, ONLY delete the songs that have been found.  What will happen is itunes will notice that your local copy is gone, and will download a digital and thus far better copy then you had from tape!  Win!

The only issue on my side is I have a lot of music that is pretty unknown, so I’m only expecting a 75% match rate at best, but hey, 75% of CD quality is better then 100% at cassette quality. 🙂

Now full disclosure here, I have not done it yet. A friend of mine did and says it works.  I have LOTS of tapes and my last tape player broke in transit, so I still need to find a tape player, but I’m pretty sure this is going to work.  I’ll report back after I’ve converted my tape.  But don’t hold your breath, I have LOTS of tapes.


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