Ok, its been a week now and everyone has been dealing with the crashes.  Seems to happen when switching between map and selecting something to build, either a structure or land zoning.  Best fix.. and you will not like it.. reboot your phone. Yup, sorry, only good solution.  What this does is make sure there… Read More

PdaNet is not a new app, nor are apps for tethering new. I even wrote about and downloaded PdaNet back in Sept.  Story here. I never did have a use for it, nor did I expect I ever would, till today.  I took a 2 mile walk to starbucks (need the exercise) expecting to have… Read More

ChartFightSP is basically battleship, everything works the same way, except the graphics are classic steampunk.  There is not much else to review really.  The game play is fine, good sound… its BattleShip!  What more do you want?  Do not know what steampunk is?  Check this.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk or this link.. CommunityFeeder .. and now the images..… Read More

The hockey news is not revolutionary technically, it basically give you the news about hockey. Simple as that. The news feeds are broken into Blogs, Columns, and Features, which have rumor, fantasy pool, etc..  All good stuff. You can also get scores, no big surprise there. Standings.  (Please note the leaders in the Pacific Division,… Read More

So far, I have been pretty happy with each GPS app I’ve tried for various tasks; data logging when I bike or run, remembering where my car is, even logging my position when I twitter.  So when a friend of mine called me up for a last second game of golf in the middle of… Read More

This is sooooo sweet.   Just came across it today.  The program is called Discover. What it does is give you limited access to your iphone like a USB drive except this does it using WIFI!  There are two other programs I have already that give you wifi access but whta discover does differnetly is it… Read More

Really, i’m not kidding here..  Get it now!  Its $9.99.  WAY worth it.  Here, click on the following link.. Is it any good?? Yes!!  Read this… Cheat codes?? Of course, thanks to “oab2” from my previous post.. i am weak = Construction costs set to $0 pay tribute to your king = All extra rewards… Read More

I downloaded this a while back, but since I do not run anymore, I have not had an opportunity to try it out. It’s a bit cold today for a ride but I still need some exercise, so I dusted off the old running shoes and went for a jog. Setting up runKeeper is pretty… Read More

Today, EA gave a sneak peek of ‘need for speed’ and ‘simcity’ as part of their road show at the Apple Store here in San Francisco.  I was not all that interested in need for speed, but just as a note, this is the first time a car (the Nissan 2009 something, I need check… Read More

I liked playing with Google’s voice search app, especially when I used an accent (more on that here) but I had one major complaint about it; if I want a map, I need to say ‘map’ first then the address or term and hope for the best.  For example; saying “map … taco bell” will… Read More

About time.  I was actually surprised it took this long.. but we have a winner!  yes, Qik videos can now been seen on the iPhone. How? mov player of course.  The quality is pretty darn good. This has been a weakness since both Qik, flixwagon and even livecliq (which I have yet to get working)… Read More

I really want to like this app.  And I did in the beginning.  I love the options for video and sound compression.  I think the idea of compressing on the fly or later is fantastic.  This is not a free app either, I paid for this.. so what is upsetting to me?? Well for the… Read More

I got an email from Flixwagon with some improvements and I have to say, I’m impressed.  Here is a brief list of changes from the email.. We’ve recently announced our integration with Nokia’s free media sharing service Share on Ovi, so now you can instantly upload your flixwagon videos to Ovi. More information here. If… Read More

I’m American, but as a young budding musician in the 80’s, I was fully on board with English music (especially Punk), my guitar instructor was English, watch more then my share of BBC (young ones!!) and then lived in Oxford for 3+ years. So I can pull a pretty good accent when needed. So after… Read More

Google voice actuated search is out. Finally. Its pretty good. Works just like in the promo film. A few tips though, make sure you speak clearly and slowly. Do not blur your words together. Another tip, say ‘Maps …. Berkeley’ to get maps up. When you click on the first return, it will give you… Read More

I’ve written about DeamCatcher’s iphone video recorder before, mostly saying that it would be my favorite video if the darn thing worked. However, yesterday, the version 3 update for video recorded came out and finally, its working… well mostly. Its still basically the same product as a year ago, and yes you still need jailbreak… Read More

I found Jott while checking into Google’s new speech recognition app and its not bad. Basically, its a note pad the takes a 15 second voice sample, sends it back to their servers, and converts to text.  Its not perfect as you may guess, but for a quick note, the conversion is normally close enough… Read More

Files lite is pretty cool for 2 reasons, first you can get files off the phone using a simple web browser and upload files by setting up a creating a network place (on Windows at least, Macs have other instructions… which are here. 🙂  The fact that I can load up the iPhone with a… Read More