Several weeks ago I read that Yahoo was going to install 20 digital video 72-inch touch screens throughout the San Francisco downtown area as part of a limited time advertising campaign Bus Stop Derby. It wasn’t until I recently got back in town that I came across one of these at 4th and Howard. The… Read More
Apple removes killswitch API, perhaps because it may not work, not because of the Copyright Office ruling.… Read More
– This appeared in XKCD today and I just had to write a little post on it. My first thought was; this is a nice visual representation of how you can solve a bounded problem. A bounded problem is where all the possible solutions can be discovered as in tic-tac-toe. An UN-bounded problem is where… Read More
So I was recently exposed to the post Augmented Reality Finds a Place to Fit: Shopping! The article states, “Two recent AR implementations show promise, however, by adding value and actually demonstrating how useful the technology can be.” The author of the post is referring to Converse’s Sampler application for AppleiOS devices and a TryOnBathingSuit… Read More
Umm.. No. Not yet. For those of you who follow my blog know I have up’ed my AT&T contract in the last two years, instead choosing to live me my 3G and borrowing other phones when I need to test stuff. I also have a Verizon Droid, the Samsung BADA phone and a (hahah) piece… Read More
As with anything with Apple, including what Steve is going to have for breakfast is a secrete. But like most things, the clues are there if you just look. As with the iPhone4, do not expect a revolution in the iPad but instead many of the features and function we thought we would have seen… Read More
Oh I.. cannot.. .wait.. As seen on Gizmodo, Google is about to release a 3D maps app, Maps 5.0, for Android that is vector based! How sweet is that? For those of you who do not know, vector based graphics are images created by drawing shapes and lines based on instructions instead of raster graphics… Read More
Wow, just saw this on the ‘The Telegraph‘…. “Mr Assange is expected to voluntarily attend a police station within the next 24 hours, and will then appear in a magistrates’ court. He is wanted over allegations of sexual assault in Sweden. He is currently in hiding in the south-east of England but police are understood… Read More
Verizon is looking to have an exclusive deal with Apple just as AT&T does. From a business perspective, this is pretty smart for Verizon because they can claim the first 4G phone. Verizon is feeling the slip on Android and has little faith in Blackberry to really content with iphone popularity.… Read More
The news that the Global Authorities, (no you never heard of this group because they are not a formal group) have decided to go after Wikileaks. No much of a surprise given the latest round of leaks which embarrassed lots of countries, (not just the US) and the BOA leaks. Now you are pissing off… Read More
I like my iPad, and if i sold it, I would miss it right off, but that’s because I have the really bad habit of taking a look at email, socMed or do a small bit of reading before bed. Else, I think I would be in the same boat as my friend here.. Lets… Read More
huh. Well I was looking forward to seeing all the interesting new experiments programmers were going to did with the new jailbreak for windows mobile 7, but I just saw this on VentureBeat ad it seems the hackers behind ChevronWP7 got talked out of it … by the Microsoft people themselves. Based on his post,… Read More
Ever2One Converter 1.0 I just got this via a press release. I will try it in a little bit and then update this post. Have you ever dreamed of a possibility to import your notes from Evernote into OneNote in a couple of clicks? If yes, then your dreams have just come true. If not,… Read More
This is cool. Nothing new as far as technology, but finding hidden places; like less know beaches or a small store or other lessor know gem can be hard, so the application of a virtual tour guild would be pretty useful here. It’s hitting the apple store Dec 8, just in time for the Hawaii… Read More
Ok, we all know the 4.2 dropped for the ipad, and although I have not found as many reason to jailbreak for the ipad as I have for the iphone (re: top ten jailbreak apps) There are still good reasons. Still; unlocking your ipad could be pretty useful if you want to through a t-mobile… Read More
vBooks; a text to voice ebook reader can now support uploading of your own content into the iphone or ipad… Read More
It’s web2.0 time again and again, my iphone will be challenged to stay alive as I use it for everything including tethering when I lose interwebs. EVERY conference I got the wifi dies at some point. Anyway, I have a spare battery I carry around, but it’s a bit annoying, so this week I tried… Read More
So today Sprint has taken the Pre out of the store. Yes you can still find them in the Verizon store, but for $50 and $30 respectively with a two year plan. Not exactly getting the big demand. And what killed the Pre? Not the OS. The WebOS is actually pretty good and HP paid BIG bucks for it thinking it could be used for tablets, or slates. The hardware was not all that great, but not that bad either. No what killed it is no one wants to write apps for it.… Read More
This has been around for along time, but for some reason I have not got around to writing about it. Its a jailbreak app of course. I used to have it running last year and simply forgot about it (it could have been named something else back then). Lately I have been pulling old jams… Read More
the new Driod Pro by Motorola is what BlackBerry has been trying to build; a business centric phone that focuses on office file formats, exchange support, high security and remote phone management that is highly required by any corporate operation.… Read More