There has been a number of posts comparing the Google Daydream VR experience to the Samsung GearVR.  I have been using both for a while now and think I can offer a pretty good evaluation. When I first tried the Daydream I had the same response most people had.  It was small, attractive and felt… Read More

Well long time no type.  Once I started my recent gig I’ve been too busy to really write again.  And surprise, last week my site was hacked.  Sigh.. So spent the weekend cleaning everything up (still more to go).  However, I have been thinking about writing this post the last 3 days so here we… Read More

    So this past weekend I went to Seattle to participate in the first ever Holographic Hackathon. This event sponsored mainly by Microsoft gave a select number of lucky individuals the opportunity to work with the Microsoft HoloLens device. As an organizer of hackathons for the past few years I was beyond excited to… Read More

So it finally happened.  We got to see a major game, live, in VR.  I wish I could say it was great, it wasn’t, but it was good enough to MORE then prove that live or even post broadcast games in VR have amazing potential, and I waiting with money in hand. First, what went wrong.… Read More

Gear VR, the only way to fly. I took two plane trips in the last 2 weeks and decided to see what level of utility the gear VR would be on a flight.  Not only was it great, it totally changed the flight experience. In this post I’m going to list my favorite VR apps for… Read More

Just read that in June Microsoft will release their voice assistant Cortana for Android and iOS.  This is great for those of us who want to try something new who use Android and Google Now search, which is very good, but sometimes you want something a little more conversational. For my friends who have been complaining about Siri not… Read More