I heard about the Microsoft challenge where you would take your cell phone and try to do something faster then someone on a Microsoft Mobile 7 phone. If you can win, you get a laptop.  Given that they are doing this in the first place, I figured that this is fixed and as such I… Read More

So many press releases before MacWorld.  This is pretty cool.  You can secure your phone to only allow access behind a firewall if the phone is at pre approved locations.  Nice.  Check out the release.. Mobile Active Defense (M.A.D. Partners, LLC) announces the release of its patent-pending mobile firewall and contents filtering mechanisms that enforce… Read More

Just got an iPad eh?  But did not get the 3G version?  Thats ok right? Just connect to WIFI.  But if you do have has WIFI when your travel?   Well, there’s an iPhone app for that.  Jailbroken of course. I wrote about using GPS on your ipad a few months back.  To use GPS you… Read More

huh.  Well I was looking forward to seeing all the interesting new experiments programmers were going to did with the new jailbreak for windows mobile 7, but I just saw this on VentureBeat ad it seems the  hackers behind ChevronWP7 got talked out of it … by the Microsoft people themselves. Based on his post,… Read More

Ok, so we know Windows is going to push Phone 7 and looks like RadioShack is on board pushing the Samsung Focus, HTC, HD7 and the LG Quantum.  The Samsung and the LG are running AT&T while the HTC is running T-Mobile.  Its far to early to know about rooting the phone to swap cards… Read More