So this past weekend I went to Seattle to participate in the first ever Holographic Hackathon. This event sponsored mainly by Microsoft gave a select number of lucky individuals the opportunity to work with the Microsoft HoloLens device. As an organizer of hackathons for the past few years I was beyond excited to… Read More

Just read that in June Microsoft will release their voice assistant Cortana for Android and iOS.  This is great for those of us who want to try something new who use Android and Google Now search, which is very good, but sometimes you want something a little more conversational. For my friends who have been complaining about Siri not… Read More

At its Build Developer Conference in San Francisco today, Microsoft provided some new details on its HoloLens virtual reality device it announced back in January. HoloLens is a head-mounted, holographic computer with a depth camera that provides a mixed-reality experience for a range of applications. I briefly covered the HoloLens in a previous post and was… Read More

It was announce through Forbes that Microsoft is planning on releasing a watch in the next few weeks.  No solid news on what it will look like yet, but my bet is that it will look somewhat like the LG; clean, simple square.  It is reported that it will have bio metric tracking as is… Read More

Before Windows Phone and the Windows Store, some of the software most associated with Microsoft was Office. But though the Office portfolio has undergone several updates and refreshes over the years, the lineup itself has remained relatively unchanged — until now. Microsoft rolled out a preview version of Sway , its new storytelling app, which… Read More

I took the 540 spin drive out of a new cheap laptop and decided to put an old SSD in.  Yes it totally makes a differnce.  However, when trying install off the USB drive, windows would not see the SSD I just installed.  After a number of trying and lots of searching, I found the… Read More

So already the rumor mill has been churning for Windows 9.  According to BetaNews, Win9 will see a return to some well loved and missed elements of Win7 and a few news things that may or may not leave a good taste in your mouth.  Speaking of taste, the return of the Start button and… Read More

So Microsoft reversed itself.  All along they have been claiming that DRM is the soul of the system, and they reverse it in a few days.  What a joke. Here is the thing, the can turn it back on again anytime they want.  Also, now they claim they had to remove family and other features. … Read More

I was around during the PC wars of the 90’s, watch people piss on Windows when XP came out, then piss on Vista (although Vista deserved it) and then 7, and now everyone is hating on Windows 8 because of “Metro”. Screw off.  While I think the whole apps thing on Apps on Windows 8… Read More

It was going to happen sooner or later.  Windows 8 crashed on me, rebooted, then said it will reboot in an hour and every 2 hours after that.  Sigh.  Fair enough, but why pretend it was a crash?  Could have just have a picture of the grim reaper and said, “Your time is up”.   Ah… Read More

Well this is a treat.  Via reddit I checked out a preview of the new preview website.  Its pretty clear they are all in with Metro, and also all in with 1 view from many devices as demonstrated by the use of dynamic media response. {Update}  Seems they have this redirecting now.  Shame. The… Read More