Ok you rage comic writers, Rage Comic Generator is now in version 1.1 with the added ability to paint you comics as well. (I have a bad feeling about this new feature) However, since I missed 1.0, I thought I would at least post it now.  This does the basics you would expect; take the… Read More

Perfect!  Have a great minecraft property you have lovingly shaped and worked on?  Why not make it a real model using a 3D printer!  Totally!  The WINS of minecraft just continue to pill up.  I remember first playing with it when it first came out thinking, what a cool little indie game. Never would I… Read More

This is an older rumor, older as in 2 weeks ago. (iphone4jailbreak.org) Seems Apple is working on an adding Siri to the ipod Nano such that it can work as a watch / personal communicator.  Imagine having a watch that is mostly controlled through voice and performs voice to text for output.. I’m sure it’s… Read More

Want to get OS X Lion on your iphone?  Well this latest port will blow your mind. I have seen lots of ‘ports’ before, but its been little more then some nice skinning and little UI tricks. Check more screenshots from gdeluxe. OS X Lion Ultimatum has to be the best Lion user experience I… Read More

Sony introduced their 3D gaming and TV monitor.  Its 24inch with 2 HDMI inputs that supports 3D.  But that’s not whats cool about this.  Sony introduced a technology called “SimulView”.  This technology allows two players to have full screen view at the same time!  This is pretty cool and most likely not that hard to… Read More

Wow, if you have not seen this video preview of Battlefield4, then you are missing out! Take a look at those shadows!  Lets see your xbox do ground deformation like this!  And avatar rendering.  TELL me this does not look like real life. Hyper realistic, you can shoot while being dragged as well as dragging… Read More

Last month I said it would believe it when I see a sub $50 tablet, well know I’ve seen it from VentureBeat.  It costs around $45 to build, but with a $10 discount from the government, we have a $35 tablet. Now this is just for India keep in mind and targeted for some of… Read More

Wow, talk about the power and reach of iOS. Box.net is giving away 50 gigs of storage for iOS users. The promotion starts 12:01 AM PST on Friday Oct 14 and runs for 50 days. And its not limited to your iOS device wither, you can use it on your desktop as well.  I tried… Read More

Although some may find it a bit off, using an animated icon that represents much of what drives Mac users nuts (especially us occasional users), but somehow it kinda works for me. Something about always waiting for the next great thing that is going to come from the mind of Steve Jobs, and for us… Read More

I don’t know whats up with me but  I have been writing a lot about rage faces lately.  Perhaps because work has been more busy then normal so I have not had the energy to write like I normally. Do. Anyway, I came across the History of Rage Faces on Reddit and thought I would… Read More

I was only a matter a time before someone created a native Android app for creating rage comics.  WIN! I have not tried it myself since my Android is stilling in a box somewhere, (using the iphone for now), but I’ll dig it out at some point and replace the iphone screenshot.  However, if someone… Read More