A while back I wrote about a funny site that took Peanuts comics and replaced the text with random tweets.  Well some decided it would be a cool idea to do the same thing but instead replace text with lyrics from the Smiths.  Now, if you are not a full blooded Smiths fan, these will… Read More

This is pretty cool.  Corey Perlman created a Pebble stand using a 3D printer.  Came out pretty nice I think!  If you want one, he can get it to you for around $10 depending on where you live. He also placed the .stl files on makerbot thingverse so you can grab and print yourself.  Sweet.… Read More

Success Gorilla was successful.   That is all. Here is the source. View post on imgur.com… Read More

Did you know that the McBain clips in the Simpsons actually make a complete episode if you stitch them together?  Neither did I.  So credit Gawker for putting this together. Now I present you with episode 1, McBain – you have the right to remain dead. {edit}  The links does not work anymore.  Go to… Read More

I do not know when this went live, but I’m MUCH happier.  I cannot believe how long it took for this to happen.  So much better.  The thumbs are a little small, but that is ok, just mouse over and you will get a bigger image. Also, there is a map view. I think this… Read More

Yes, this is pure dorky goodness, but I dont care. It works!   I got this retro phone handset on sale for under $10. Last one at Bed and Bath in fact. The funny thing is, just like the original iphone phone handle, this is practical. Its kind of funny how popular this is.  Go on… Read More

2012 has been quite a year in tech, but things are still missing, and I have plenty of tech wishes for 2013.  I’m going to make my wishes doable instead of AGAIN wishing for a flying car for the everyday joe. So here is my list for for 2013 in no particular order. Improve existing… Read More

I cannot believe I did not write about this when I first saw it. Famo.us is a firm that decided to see just how fast they could get an HTML5 to render.  The test was to render 3D in using HTML only, no plugins. The way they got this page to run so fast is… Read More

Yes, the long national nightmare is over.  iOS5 users can finally say goodbye too Apple maps and use a better system.  And I bet the Auzzies are super happy. 🙂  I’m going to download this puppy right now and test it out.  More later.  Now we just need to wait for a jailbreak to make… Read More

I’m not going to go into the history here, you can figure it out.  I had a few close people go though cancer.  Its not fun, but when you beat it, its big.  Best wishing XKCD(er). Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/1141/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/two_years.png… Read More