Vector Maps via webGL finally make it to Google maps on the desktop Not sure why this took so long. Perhaps dealing with the satellite view. Regardless, its pretty nice. You need to have a desktop with a good graphics card and a browser that supports webGL. The latest Firefox and Chrome should be fine. The two nice points, is VERY fast refresh, smooth transition from 2D to… Read More
Google Body Browser is shutting down. Shame. I really liked this little bit if HTML 5 demo code. Ellie K left a comment our original post when it first went public. They did say in the post that the project would be open sourced somewhere else, but not details as to where and when. Seems Google is shutting down quite… Read More
Microsoft Kinect gives a face to a 3D avatar Here is a rather cool hack that connects a Microsoft Kinect device to a 3D avatar by German based Bitmanagement Software. Bitmanagement Software GmbH is a developer of real-time 3D rendering, augmented reality, and 2D/3D/video multimedia software and tools for interactive online capable applications on crossplatform consumer hardware, based on the international Web 3D standards… Read More
What is your deal with WebGL Microsoft? As an advocate of web3d and those efforts to make it ubiquitous, I have questioned why Microsoft has not supported WebGL in their Internet Explorer browser when every other browser maker does. Seems the problem for Microsoft with WebGL is over security concerns. A recent set of reports by UK-based Context Information Security, WebGL –… Read More