I can haz LED football? Yea!! Really!! LED football for the iPhone. W00t111 Now here is the bad news… Not till sometime next week. Awwww… But never fear, I’m going to have one of my bots keep an eye out. As soon I know, you will know. Now, can someone port intellivision?… Read More
GFail – Gmail down again today – We need a logo. Did not last all that long, but made me think, we really need an image for this. I heard ‘Gfail whale’ on twitter. Could be a good way to go. Better then Gfail goat. Just never sank in. However, the clear thing is to make a Gfail image. I figured they would be everywhere, but… Read More
My next LOLcat. Shedder ketteh Shedder ketteh haz a sad.. No Bedding for Shedding. Here is the Link.… Read More
wordcamp game – Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon This game is based on the concept of the small world phenomenon and rests on the assumption that any actor can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin Bacon. Each contestant is to try to connect this actor to Kevin Bacon as quickly as possible and… Read More
iphone 3g car charger arrived and works A few posts ago, I talked about the unhappy discovery that the car charger I have been using with my first iphone, does not work with the iphone3G. I placed a few links on replacements included the one in the image. Here’s the deal folks. I ordered it a bit ago, got roped into buying… Read More
Gmail is down.. up.. down.. up.. ? Gfail Goat? Well, no one’s perfect. Some on twitter are suggesting we need a gfail icon as with the fail whale. A few suggested a gfail goat. Sure, why not? So I whipped something up really quick. Other thoughts and suggestions? Also, I just heard from @mager via twitter that GMAIL basic HTML works. Did not test… Read More
Anger of the crowds If you hit the interwebs, don’t be surprised when it hits back. (The anger of the crowds) There are plenty of stories on how numbers of people use the web for righting wrongs; catching petty thiefs, freeing a reporter from prison in a foreign land, fighting a cult (or religion depending on how you look… Read More
google IO party I have not been to many events in the last month, been REALLY busy. So much so, I would not even bother writing this post. However, after seeing the google IO party, I have to make an exception. I still am busy though, so this will be short and choppy. Please note all images were… Read More
How to write a cheque THIS is how you write a cheque (check). Love it. Just love it! The only thing that would have been better is if Randall would have spelled out ‘the limit of the sum of (1/2^n) since your suppose to write the amount, in words, in the second line. 🙂 Image below..… Read More
Chris Matthews goes up a few points in my book As I’ve said, I really cannot take Lou Dobbs. Even adultswim lists Lou as ‘FAIL’ along with MS Vista. So I need to have something on, so I switched to Hardball. I thought Chris was ok and I can watch (really listen) while waiting for Olbermann who I find a bit harsh but ALWAYS entertaining.… Read More
Hillery by 10%. And it drags on and so does the damage to both candidates. Despite some of the silly projections, the Democrats will win the whitehouse this year with the simple action of connect McCain to Bush. Already started in fact. Most of the pundits are pointing to Obama’s comments in San Francisco as the reason he lost at the margin… Read More
Obama see’s his shadow. Another 6+ weeks of Dem fighting Man. What a drag. Obama was closing on Clinton in Penn, had kept a +5 lead for the last 5 days. It looked like after next week, we can get past this Dem in fighting. Well, forget that.. You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the… Read More
Sf torch run Well, after many changes in the course, it looks like they are going to go from doyle dr to the airport. What a shame. I do not mind all the changes in the course, but to simply stop, in the middle of the street and have the ending cerimony at the airport is really weak.… Read More
Beginning of the end? Perhaps I’ve been watching the news everyday (it’s a sickness) and although there is not a single event I can point to that indicates the Clinton campaign could be on the downward slope, I think I just saw the straw landing on the camels back. First, the numbers. Based on the gallup poll, we watched the… Read More
Lou Dobbs, please go away Normally I do not single out any particular pundit or personality, but over the last month, I’ve found that I just cannot stand Lou Dobbs anymore. So much so that I now switch to Chis Matthews or sometimes Shepard Smith (just to hear what the right is saying). My main issue with Lou is just… Read More
Ferraro breaks the back ok, for the longest time, I was on the fence between Obama and Clinton but leaning to Obama purely because I thought he would attract less heat from the right. But now, after the last 2 days, I think I’ve had enough of the Clinton campaign and Hillery’s reaction to Ferraro … to NOT cut… Read More
litl’ bush … FTW? There are very few shows out there that are just plain stupid, and not in a good stupid, but why didn’t the writers stay on strike for this? Normally I would not care, but its the lead for John Stewart. Gezzz..… Read More
Nadar and Palm Apps on the iPhone So Ralph Nadar is back in the game eh? To tell the truth, I think this is last we are going to hear about it. Nadar’s appeal has been from the disaffected democrats and some independent elements. Normally Ralph can count on some of the college vote, but I think Obama has that tapped. I’ll… Read More
Plagiarism and cool iphone realtime mail Plagiarism?? Really? Give me a break. I don’t think the Clinton campaign realizes just how silly and petty this is. The day before Hawaii and Wisconsin. Basically the move is getting airplay but it backfired and here is how: First, as I said, it looks petty. Second, Obama’s response to ‘just words’ gets national airplay.… Read More
superdeligates (SDs) and the Obama sweep First off, Huckabee. Most people, and myself included thinks Huckabee is angeling for the VP position. But I’m not surprised he is staying in the race. The more delegates he captures, the better his position. Keep in mind Romney still has more… so the huck’ster keeps running … here is a funny side, someone should… Read More