tips – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Fri, 18 Sep 2020 17:18:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 How to make Amazingly good Strawberry Chocolate crunch snack with Cereal. Tue, 16 Jun 2020 05:20:20 +0000 Read More]]>
All you need

Yea, this is like boutique store good. Not all that hard to make either. I’ll take you through the steps by steps. Now full disclosure, this is from my wife who read it online somewhere. So if you find it, ping me so I can link back to the OP.

Step 1, get the supplies. Special K with extra strawberries works great. Pink Chocolate (2 bars). I got this stuff on sale at Sprouts, sweet deal of 60% off. (yes pun intended). Dark chocolate at the same place. (4 bars) Now of course you can change out the cereal if you want, but try to keep the pink chocolate. Really adds to the taste. Next get a large’ish pan and put cooking paper on it. You can use cup cake forms or other containers, up to you. I like the pan. (Scroll down a bit if you want to see the pan I used).

Step two, prep. Now by hand, pick out as many of the strawberries from the cereal as you can. Stop complaining it does not take that long. Once you do that, get scissors or a knife or whatever, and cut in half. You don’t have to, but I like this way.

ok, step 3. Now if you never melted chocolate before, its not hard, but not simple either. If this is your first time, do a google search. There is a recommendation to use a microwave, which I will try at some point, but for this, simple pot with a glass bowl. (update, USE THE MICROWAVE! WAY easier) Bring the water to a simmer, place the glass over the pot, and yes the glass bowl MUST be bigger than the pot. (really I have to say this?) Anyway, drop the PINK chocolate first. Break it up into pieces, drop it in and start stirring. When its smooth your done. Pour into your sheet and smooth it out.

Now its time for the dark chocolate. I use 2 bars of dark for every 1 bar of pink. In this session I did 2 pinks and 4 dark and the whole box of cereal. Notice I did not clean the bowl? Yea because we do not want to waste ANY of that sweetness. And dont worry, its 2x dark to pink, it will keep dark when you are done.

Step 4. Its workout time. This take a bit of arm work, but its worth it. You need to work in the cereal to the chocolate. I put in the cereal a bit at time, say 1/4 mix it in, add another 1/4 mix, repeat. I think in the original recipe you do not use all the cereal thus making it more like chocolate than crunch, but if you work at it long enough you will get almost every flake with enough chocolate that it will hold. Bonus, you end up with more Strawberry Chocolate Crunch!! So get at it!

Last step, step 5. Time to spread the goodness. Once you have this fully mixed, turn off the stove and place onto the pink layer, It should be firm by now. Spread evenly. Next, remember those dried strawberries? Place them evenly on the pan. You should have something like this. You do need to push the strawberries in a bit, so do quickly while its still warm.

Put in the fridge for a few hours and that’s it! Cut and sell … oh serve. Or, in my case, put them in containers and eat them all myself. Hey, I made these, I can do what I want. Enjoy!!

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Panic based supply-side economics or the great toilet paper panic of 2020 Wed, 18 Mar 2020 23:45:46 +0000 Read More]]> So just to be clear, this is not going to be an in-depth supply side economic treaty nor how to calculate equilibrium during a move in the supply/demand curve. Instead this is more about noticing the beginning, middle, and signs of the end of the first panic induced shortage of toilet paper I have ever seen. Crazy.

So some really basic things here. Price for a item is based on the equilibrium of supply and demand. Cool. Supply is replenished to maintain pace with demand. Also cool. However, we demand suddenly outstrips supply, we get limited supply. Not so cool, but as long as that demand is sustained, supply will catch up eventually. Now here is the fun part, sometimes people just go nuts and create inflated short term demand. Add in some crappy people who exploit this by buying what limited stock there is to make a profit, (price gouging) and everything become that much worse give us shortages like the large number of images of empty racks. And so it is today with toilet paper.

I guess we are well into the second week when I first started noticing bins not being quite a full in my local shops. Mostly frozen food, beans, rice, and pasta…. and toilet paper. The funny thing is, I can always find any of the above listed items if I look around enough, but TP, no where! So from a supply side point of view, what is going on?

Basically demand is simply being artificially pushed forward. Demand is not really up, in the sense that people are really using all this paper. (As far as I know), but instead people are buying and hording, and others are gauging, causing a panic which just feeds on itself. (By the way, you people suck). But somewhere, is garages all over the US, are stocks and stocks of TP. Now if people were REALLY worried about cleaning after using the bathroom, they should get a bidet. Works great, used all over the world. Had one for a few years, Installed it myself in less then an hour. But that will be another post.

Now add to this panic hand sanitizer, wipes masks, etc.. all of which are harder to increase supply and now we have a public health problem on our hands.

But I have noticed something change just today, which is why I wanted to write this. Some things are coming back. Not all, but those that were closer in the supply line are on the shelves and staying on the shelves. I’ve also noticed today, not many people were shopping and most people where getting just a few things. Last week it seemed every other shopper has a overfull cart. Whats going on? I think the panic may be at peak. Stores are starting to limit the number of items people can buy, those that are gouging are getting called out, some getting their online selling accounts closed.

So that got me thinking, what happens when those induced to panic, have enough? Supply will just as suddenly outstrip demand. I mean, buy 100 roles of TP, I do not think you are going to be buying anymore for awhile. Same with frozen pizza, masks, pasta, and all the other stuff that people have been grabbing. I think we may see some REALLY good sales soon.

  • update: I wrote this on Sunday, and its now Wednesday in the bay area. We are on lock-down (shelter in place) I went to Costco earlier today to get something and it was pretty empty, lots of stock. I think we are already starting to see the end of the panic. 🙂

BTW, check this video below. There are LOTS of places like this all over the place. Don’t worry, we have TP.

level 7Hahnsolo11347 points·1 hour ago

Slice of π

Beer has food value but food has no beer value

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How to fix minor rim scrape on a Tesla 3 and the 3-6-9 rule Thu, 03 May 2018 22:10:07 +0000 Read More]]>

I finally got my Tesla Model 3 a few weeks back.  Driving in an unfamiliar parking area, I did an over correction avoiding a pedestrian and ‘crunch’, I scrapped the rim on my M3.  Sigh.  So here is how you can repair the damage without taking the wheel off or paying $200 to a shop.

First, lets have a look at the damage.  It’s not major but heart breaking non the less.  So there are a few ways we can go about this.  With advise from my friend Norman Woo I looked the problem this way.  How far away do need to be before you notice?  So I thought about it and decided on the 3-6-9 rule.  At 9 feet I should not be able to see it.  At 6 feet I should have to look carefully for it, and 3 feet I should be able to see it but it should not ‘stand out’.  Now that is for me.  Most people, unless you say something will not see anything.  And even if you ask them to look for it most will do not find it.  You will see what I mean at the end.  So now that we know what we are trying to achieve, lets get started.

First, lets assess the damage.  It looks worse then it really is, but there are a few pretty deep cuts in the metal.  Now we could take a hand sander and smooth it all the way until it’s perfectly flat, but because the aero caps are almost flush with the edge of the rim, it could be noticeable since the fit will vary from the repair area to the rest of the rims edge.  So instead we decided to smooth down only enough to give us a clean surface and we will let the paint fill the remaining divots.

Step one.  Tape off the area that will not be worked on.  We used duct tape here.  (BTW, its really good for shirts too, ( How to get name tag off a shirt  ).

Next we grab a sander (if you do not have one I think you can borrow from the city or just rent one).  The rim is pretty soft so it only took about 3-5 min of sanding to get to a nice clean level.

BTW, if the cuts are not that deep, or you have time, take a 200 grit bit of sandpaper and do it by hand.  Smaller scrapes I do that.  I went to NAPA auto parts and bought a kit that has paper, gloves and filler.  Really easy.

(Shame.  We forgot to take a pic here)

Next, we grab some emery-cloth (type of sandpaper, (medium) 100 grit I think, followed by 200 (I think) and sand it smooth, making sure to keep the same shape as the rest of the rim.   20-30 min of this I think.  This was the hardest part.  Take your time… Get it right.

This step we skipped but upon reflection, we should have done it.  You can get primer that is pretty good at filling divots.   Ah well…

Ok. Now we get some windex (yes windex) and clean the surface.  DO not touch it!  Let it dry!  Good thing it was a bright warm day so we did not have to wait that long.

Here is where I owe Erwin Lara a bit of thanks.  He found a REALLY good match that is made for Ford.  The pen (link) was around $15 bucks I think.  Shake that think up a lot!!!

And now let the artist flow.  The first coat will not look good (again because we did not buy primer) but keep at it.  We did 5 coats over all.  Be sure to let each coat dry!!  No short cuts.  Plan to take time.  15min per coat minimum depending on weather.  Long strokes!

Finally, we put on some clear coat.  We only did 2 coats, could have done 3 but it’s good enough for the 3-6-9 goal we set out earlier.

And that’s it!!  The pictures we took were purposely at the worse angle to show the damage.  The third pic was with clear coat and the last picture was taking at a good angle.  Even at 3 feet you cannot see it.

Now we put the aero cap back on.  Nice!  Looks even.

And there you go! Around $30 bucks for pen and sandpaper, a few hours time, and lots of patients and its fixed.  So for those not used to low profile tires, sooner or later this going to happen to you.  If you are obsessed will trying to keep you car looking brand new as possible, you will want to invest in the tools listed here.  Worth it!

Good Luck!!   If you end up doing a repair to you rims like this, send me pics and I will add it to this post.

Also, my referral code, because why not?

…and remember…


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]]> 0 10077
Now thieves are use Amps to steal your car. Now you need a Faraday cage for your key fob Mon, 20 Apr 2015 05:44:53 +0000 Read More]]> foil as faraday-cageSigh.  More proof mean people suck.  So here is the story.  Thieves are using signal power amplifiers to extend your cars reach to your key fob.  The way it works normally is when you are a few feet from your car, the car’s remote sensing system detects its your key fob and unlocks itself.  Well if you can amplify that query signal the car is sending out, you can get the car to ‘see’ you key fob up to 100′ away.  Perhaps more.  So if you keep your keys in your house within 100′ of the car, the thief just needs to walk up to your car, turn on the amp and try the door.  if the door opens they jump in, start the car and off they go.   Great.

So what you can do.  For now you can the key fob in your freezer, your freezer is a Faraday cage that will block signals. The longer term solution is to go online and order anti-static bags.  They work pretty well. Else just get a box and wrap the outside, or inside with aluminum foil. Remember to test because depending on the thickness of the aluminum foil, you man need to put in two layers.  The thickness of the foil has a frequency range that it blocks.

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]]> 0 9785
Here comes the tax season scams Fri, 03 Apr 2015 05:24:28 +0000 Read More]]> My wife come in and asked me to listen to a voice mail. It was a recording of someone with an english accent saying that he was from the IRS and they have been trying to reach out to her for a 1040 audit. ( WTH is a 1040 audit anyway?) They never used her name but made veiled threats that she needs to call them back or they would take legal action.
She figured it was a scam and it was really clear to me it was. However I can see this working just like junk mail, try 10,000 people and if it works once, its worth it.
So heads up people, remember the IRS will NEVER call you saying they are starting an audit or anything else threatening. Be careful out there.

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]]> 0 9765
Cheat codes for Cities: Skyline Sat, 14 Mar 2015 03:47:50 +0000 Read More]]> ok, I need to cross check these cheat codes I got off the web, but I’m going to place them here and then check up on them keep or remove each cheat code as I verify them.  BTW, there are not cheats as much as they are steam mods. In the main menu section click on Content Manager then click on Mods. More as I figure out more.

BTW, many of these mods are unsupported to use with cation once you find them.

Code Effect
Create your very first city Pioneer
Unlock all city services Power at Your Fingertips
Use the district tool to draw 3 districts City Planner
Apply a policy to a district you created Lawmaker
Earn 15,000 per week Rolling in Dough
Have a look at all the different info-view panels Well Informed
Have a Citizen educated to level 3 from 0 Climbing the Social Ladder
Keep the crime rate under 10% for 4 years straight Safe City
Use the Asset Editor to make your very own asset Decorator
Have 15% happiness Unpopular Mayor
Create a map Terraformer
Fill five landfill sites Professional Dumper
Have 5 Fire Stations Fire Watch
Click on a police building 100 times in a row Frenetic Player
Have 20 transport lines City in Motion
Have 5 Police Headquarters The Safest Town
Have 50 transport lines City in Motion 2
Unlock Monuments Heavenly City
Have both residential tax rates over 5% higher than industry for one year Make Them Pay
Have an area the size of nine map tiles SIMulated City
Have over 70% of citizens highly educated in a city of over 10,000 people Higher Education
Have more than 10 districts with unique policies Distroy
Build the Hadron Collider Monument A Huge Hadron
Have the industry tax rate over 5% higher than either residential tax rate for one year Power to the People
Have the city survive a crime rate of over 40% for 2 years Tough City
Have a population of 100,000 in your city Metropolis
Build the Fusion Power Plant Monument Short Fuse
Build the Eden Project Monument New Eden
Build the Space Elevator Monument Beam Me Up
Build the Medical Center Monument Medic!
No water or ground pollution in a city of over 10,000 residents Earthloving City
Have more than 95% city happiness for 5 years Happy Town
Unlock every single building in the game I Want It All

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]]> 0 9746
Can you catch a Virus from an E-Cigarette? Perhaps you need a USB Condom Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:38:40 +0000 Read More]]>
bill the vaper

From @williammanning

A computer virus that is, and you can.  Seems there is a reported case, on Reddit, of an e-cigarette delivering a payload of malware once plugged into the USB port.  A cheap device from China it seems. No shocker there.  So what should we learn from this especially given the post I did yesterday on lasp security and perhaps back doors left open on cheap Android tablets from China, that anything coming from a source you do not fully trust could have an number of security risks associated to them.  How about that wifi blue tooth app you bought?  Yup, it could have one too.

They way it works is pretty simple.  You plug the USB in, it pretends to be a keyboard, call a file on the device and execute.  Now a number of thing can go wrong with this process, but when you have thousands of these guys out there, a 1 in 100 rate would be pretty good.

Again, this is Reddit so take it for what its worth.  But if you are sufficiently paranoid now, there is hope.  You can get a USB Condom.  Yup, head over the kickstarter and get in on “SyncStop – Prevent data theft and malware on mobile devices”. Makes sense actually, you have no idea of a USB is just getting power short of talking it apart or shooting the middle connectors, but this is not fool proof.

Anyway, hope I made your life just that much richer by adding yes another e-boggie-man.  🙂

usb condom

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]]> 0 9664
Bought a Black Friday cheap tablet? Better step up security on that thing Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:24:42 +0000 Read More]]> There are tonnes of really cheap android tablets out there you can get on Black Friday.  Most of them from manufacturers you have never heard of or at least not making Android tablets. This should be clue number one.

In a post on Andrew Blaich writes that many of the cheap tablets they tested had minor to Major security flaws.  Flaws that might make you not bother with trying to save an extra $20. Bluebox bought a number of tablets from big name retailers like Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Kmart, Kohl’s and Staple and ran security tests on them. One device from The DigiLand had so many discrepancies and never-encountered-before security issues.  Check out the following quote from Bluebox:

Best Buy is advertising a DigiLand 7” Android tablet for $49.99 We purchased and tested this tablet model, which, reportedly runs Android version 4.4.0. But when we looked under the hood, we started seeing some discrepancies with some parts of the system indicating it’s Android 4.4.2. This makes us question if what the device tells us is real and or not. We also found the device was signed by the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) test key, which is not supposed to be used for signing the firmware of commercial devices because it allows an attacker to easily create a Trojan system update.

You can read more from the link I provided above, but here is a short list of devices you should stay away from, or make sure you rebuild the OS if you know what you are doing.

  • $49.99 DigiLand from Best Buy
  • $39.99 RCA Mercury from Target
  • $39.99 Mach Speed Xtreme from Kmart
  • $49.99 Polaroid from Walgreens
  • $49.99 Zeki from Kohl’s
  • $39.99 Mach Speed JLab Pro from Staples
  • $49.99 Craig 7 from Fred’s Super Dollar
  • $49.99 Pioneer 7 from Walmart
  • $49.00 Nextbook from Walmart
  • $49.99 Ematic from Walmart
  • $69.99 RCA from Walmart
  • $47.32 Worryfree Zeepad from Walmart

And here is the chart that is on their site.  Again, remember, you get what you pay for.  If you buy of one of these cheap devices just to play games or watch movies that might be fine, but I would not even log into a website on one of these. Also, you may want to create a new google email address just to be safe.

Click image to see full size.

list of risky android devices

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]]> 0 9660
Jailbreak for iOS8 and 8.1 is out. Overhead and battery issues addressed. DO NOT UPDATE TO 8.1.1 Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:35:57 +0000 Read More]]> iphone_jailbreak_pirateBeen awhile since I did an jailbreak update eh?

I read when jailbreak 8.0 came out and it came without Cydia but with a host of issues.  A few updates took care of that.  Again, DO NOT UPDATE to iOS8.1.1.  The patches the hack.

From Redmond Pie

UPDATE: Team Pangu has released a tool to jailbreak iOS 8 to iOS 8.1 untethered on iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, all iPads, and iPod touch 5. You can read more about it all, along with jailbreaking instructions, download link and more for new jailbreak in our dedicated articles given below.

iOS 8 – iOS 8.1 Jailbreak (Tutorials):

For iOS 8 / 8.1 compatible tweaks, check out:

Update x2: Pangu version 1.2.1 is out. Download it from here.

If you are already jailbroken using Pangu8, make sure you update the latest untether package to get all the bug fixes. A guide on how to update to latest untether package for already jailbroken devices can be found here.

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]]> 0 9645
Use your freezers ice-maker to dependence candy. #lifehack 931 Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:53:06 +0000 Read More]]> candy ice depenserHere is a great life hack.  If you do not need ice for your drinks, then put something else in there.  Like candy!  Of course you can put fruit or mochi or anything else that is small and taste good either frozen or just thawed.  I can see berries or grapes as well.  I wonder if you can get creampuffs small enough for this?  Remember the ice-holder is sitting in the freezer just like anything else, so even if you do not easy something frozen, its a quick way to get a bit of something, nuke it warm and there you go.  This guy in the video is a genius.

BTW, unless intended, do NOT use the Crush settingYou will be cleaning the crusher blades soon after.



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