Ok, that was horrible and I should be bludgeon with a heavy brass object, however, once I explain what xTV is, perhaps you will forgive me a little bit. “ok, fine then, what is xTV?” XTV is a internet video service for the enterprise. (IPTV) But it’s not useful to just enterprise users.  Imagine you have… Read More

Add Pinterest to the social media networks that will be watching your every click. TechCrunch reports that this week, the company quietly announced that it will soon offer new conversion tracking and audience targeting features to its advertisers. Pinterest says this is to allow advertisers to better understand how Promoted Pins affect their business, and what… Read More

Big Brands among first adopters of Twitter plus TV There is a new type of internet TV out there.  Called xTV they focus on dynamic video content based on keywords or trending keywords on Twitter.  Imagine you could set up a TV feed on technology focusing on mobile devices and international news, and the latest… Read More

So I am visiting the Netherlands and got a chance to check out this augmented reality Facebook application called Free Ride. It launched last week and was developed for YoungWorks by my friends at The Young Generation. My Dutch isn’t the greatest, actually I don’t know any, so expect a follow up interview explaining more about… Read More

I do not know when this went live, but I’m MUCH happier.  I cannot believe how long it took for this to happen.  So much better.  The thumbs are a little small, but that is ok, just mouse over and you will get a bigger image. Also, there is a map view. I think this… Read More

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional social network with more than 175,000,000 members in over 200 countries, recently updated their Android and combo iPhone plus iPad apps, to entice mobile users for more engagement. Their website will be rolling out similar features to its users over the next few weeks. Real-time is a must in today’s… Read More

We have all heard about it. And we have all been waiting for it.  Facebook has finally closed a deal with Instagram for and amazing $747.1 million, which is actually a little bit cheaper than the originally estimated $1 billion back in April. Chump change right?  The deal is scheduled to officially close as soon as… Read More

If you used the popular Torrent sharing site “FileSonic”, you may have noticed that the site has been down sense Wednesday.  This comes a few months after the site started to limit what its users could upload and download, reportedly after MegaUpload had been raided by the FBI for copyrighted material.  Eventually, completely disabling any… Read More

If you have been following along with all of the guys who are behind the scenes of jailbreaking, then you already know. Some how, amazingly fast productivity has kept them on the heals of the the iOS6 developers. Releasing update after update of jailbreaks. Presently, you can upgrade your iDevice, by downloading the iOS6 firmware… Read More

I have been trying to get into Reddit since the started and its totally down. Check out the post from venturebeat with more info in case you do not know what IAMA means.  Normally, unless you are a Redditor, you would not even know about this and thus, “I” would be able to see this.… Read More

Remember the crowd-funding effort to build a museum to honor scientist Nikola Tesla that Matthew Inman, creator of the Oatmeal started?  Well guess what. In a week he already reached his goal of $850,000.  Wow. The funds will be used to buy land in Shoreham, N.Y., where Tesla’s last laboratory was located. Now this does… Read More

This post was written by Christopher Rauschnot and was originally posted to Pin This. Pinterest Releases Android and iPad Apps. You can follow him on Twitter @24k & @24kMedia and the 24kMedia Facebook Page Social networking site Pinterest, is on a roll with app releases. Their first-ever Android app, at 1.0.2, along with a newer… Read More

The news is moving through the blogs now, so I will assume you already know that the ‘new’ asymmetric screw was a fake.  This happen quite a bit with Apple, especially around new iphone / ipad releases. But what was different about this rumor was the post analysis by the guys who started the rumor… Read More

I rely on iGoogle.  Its my default page.  I love it because its simple, clean, fast.  Have my RSS feeds, mail, comics and weather.  Its great.  And now Google is going to kill it end of next year.  Damn. So why is Google doing this?  Not to make friends thats for sure.  On the google… Read More

Create Stunning CSS3 Typography by Typekit and CASCADE SF

Thanks to CSS3 web design techniques and font-foundries, the ability to create gorgeous typography and beautiful design for browsers, is more accessible than ever. The Web is about content–finding it, delivering it, exploring it, and experiencing growth and possibility within it. What’s the fun of using a site that takes forever to load and is… Read More

I have written about kickstarter a few times, even bought my first item, the pebble smartphone watch. Kickstarter has been so successful that its not surprising there will be spin offs. Petridish is one of them; the science kickstarter. If you would have told me someone was working on this and I would have gave… Read More