If you have been following along with all of the guys who are behind the scenes of jailbreaking, then you already know. Some how, amazingly fast productivity has kept them on the heals of the the iOS6 developers. Releasing update after update of jailbreaks. Presently, you can upgrade your iDevice, by downloading the iOS6 firmware… Read More

The news is moving through the blogs now, so I will assume you already know that the ‘new’ asymmetric screw was a fake.  This happen quite a bit with Apple, especially around new iphone / ipad releases. But what was different about this rumor was the post analysis by the guys who started the rumor… Read More

This is full on rumor, but heck, sounds legit.  This is coming from Gizmodo AU As rumoured, Google’s going to announce a 7-inch, Nexus-branded tablet called the Nexus 7. According to the leak, it’s built by Asus, with a 1.3Ghz quad-core Tegra 3 processor, GeForce 12-core GPU and 1GB of RAM with two different storage… Read More

Its been a while since the T Mobile Girl, Carley if you will, changed from her girly pink to a bit more edgy black leather, but still with pink accents mind you.  So what does it mean?  Is suppose to indicate an more aggressive T-Mobile that is going to try get back the customers it… Read More

Well we know its just a matter of time before we have a sub $100 tablet, but most of us expect it to be a race to the bottom for creating a tablet powerful enough to be useful, but only ‘just’ powerful enough. Well break out the rumor books, looks like Google is pushing to… Read More

As you can tell from the video, SimCity 2013 is going to be nuts!  From the Press conference this SimCity is going to be deeper and more person then previous version. Imagine mixing SimCity with some aspects of ‘the Sims’ and you got the new SimCity.  BTW, dont call it SimCity 5.  Not sure why… Read More

A story broke a few days back from a blogger named Michael DeGusta saying that if you let your Telsa’s car battery full drain that you have effectively bricked your car. He gave 5 examples of cars that were fully drained and thus ‘bricked’.  He reports one example of a user who took his car… Read More

This is an older rumor, older as in 2 weeks ago. (iphone4jailbreak.org) Seems Apple is working on an adding Siri to the ipod Nano such that it can work as a watch / personal communicator.  Imagine having a watch that is mostly controlled through voice and performs voice to text for output.. I’m sure it’s… Read More

This new jailbreak for iphone4 and 4s came out today via jailbreakiphone4s.  However, I have never used this service and I have not heard anything else from my normal sources on this jailbreak being tested and ready to go, so I would not download it right now, but instead keep my ears open for the… Read More

I’m not fully convinced here, but the general talk around in interwebs is that the oversite of leaving vfdecrype key in the unencrypted ramdisk basically means its fair play.  Not sure how that works, but ok.  Still this does not mean we should see a release of Siri for iphone4 anytime soon.  There is still… Read More

Last week there was all kinds of news about getting Siri to work on jailbroken iphones. Well there is news today that Apple my be working on a version to run on older iOS devices. Most likely you will still need to update your phone to iOS5 if you have not already. I have held… Read More

The news just broke that @stroughtonsmith got Siri working on his jailbroken iPhone4. Nice. There is a vid, will post a link to it, then do an embed later. Right now he is not releasing the files or steps till the iPhone4s jailbrake is out there. Also, he wants to do a bit more testing… Read More

Shame.  I really liked this little bit if HTML 5 demo code. Ellie K left a comment our original post when it first went public.  https://www.perivision.net/wordpress/2010/12/google-body-browser/ They did say in the post that the project would be open sourced somewhere else, but not details as to where and when.  Seems Google is shutting down quite… Read More

It was only a matter of time, and I guess the time is now.  Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of APPle. So what does that mean?  In the short term, not a lot.  The stock market has not responded much in after hour trading, but we will see tomorrow.  This has been long in… Read More

iOS 5 is still not official, but you may want to hold off even when it launches.  Seems that there have been some major changes to iOS5 that will make jailbreaking much harder.  Currently, when you jailbreak you phone, you are basically overriding the OS to allow access to certain API calls that are not… Read More