I want to install Windows 8 on my tablet but do not want to dig around to find my DVD player, so I decided to grab an old 4gig USB key and creating a bootable install for Windows 8.  There are two ways to do this. The easy way is to simply download the Windows 8… Read More

This is mostly a repost from teknobites. I took a few screenshots out, edited a few things, add a few others. The instructions for setting up dual boot for windows8 is pretty easy. If you have every setup a dual boot system before, you will see there is not much new here.. Before you start,… Read More

A story broke a few days back from a blogger named Michael DeGusta saying that if you let your Telsa’s car battery full drain that you have effectively bricked your car. He gave 5 examples of cars that were fully drained and thus ‘bricked’.  He reports one example of a user who took his car… Read More

Perfect!  Have a great minecraft property you have lovingly shaped and worked on?  Why not make it a real model using a 3D printer!  Totally!  The WINS of minecraft just continue to pill up.  I remember first playing with it when it first came out thinking, what a cool little indie game. Never would I… Read More

This is an older rumor, older as in 2 weeks ago. (iphone4jailbreak.org) Seems Apple is working on an adding Siri to the ipod Nano such that it can work as a watch / personal communicator.  Imagine having a watch that is mostly controlled through voice and performs voice to text for output.. I’m sure it’s… Read More

We all know that the iPad’s main value is as a media consumption device. Well what about in the kitchen?  Of the workshop?  Would be nice to mount it on a wall right.  And I know, there are a number of them out there, but I wanted to share this one.  Its Clean. Something I… Read More

Well if you are the non trusting type, or actually do private investigations, or heck or your a spy, there is some cool stuff that dropped in my emailbox.  So again. with no comment or implied recommendation, here are some cool stuff that if you are using, well, I hope you have a good reason.… Read More

Sony introduced their 3D gaming and TV monitor.  Its 24inch with 2 HDMI inputs that supports 3D.  But that’s not whats cool about this.  Sony introduced a technology called “SimulView”.  This technology allows two players to have full screen view at the same time!  This is pretty cool and most likely not that hard to… Read More

1. Black Friday Deals Revealed Link to: http://www.retrevo.com/content/blog/2011/11/black-friday-2011-deals Black Friday 2011 is almost here. We’ve been analyzing the deals on electronics from HDTV sets to digital cameras and have turned up some real deals and some duds. We see some great deals like a Sharp 42-inch 1080p TV for $199 at Best Buy although we… Read More

Walking through San Francisco on Sunday and decided at the last minuet to stop in at the car show. I wanted to have a look at the latest series of electric car offerings.  The usual suspects were there, but no edge players.  Shame.  Heck, Tesla was not even there. But BMW was with their newest… Read More

Wow, if you have not seen this video preview of Battlefield4, then you are missing out! Take a look at those shadows!  Lets see your xbox do ground deformation like this!  And avatar rendering.  TELL me this does not look like real life. Hyper realistic, you can shoot while being dragged as well as dragging… Read More

Last month I said it would believe it when I see a sub $50 tablet, well know I’ve seen it from VentureBeat.  It costs around $45 to build, but with a $10 discount from the government, we have a $35 tablet. Now this is just for India keep in mind and targeted for some of… Read More

So its the iphone 4S.  This is not news since its slipped out last week from an iTunes oversight.  The outside is the same, but the internals have changed.  The dual-core A5 is the big game changer… for games that is. ** Apple stock has now fallen 3.42 percent, while the NASDAQ is down only… Read More

This just broke on the Google blogs, you can now buy Google Analytics Premium.  It mostly looks like upgrades to amount of data you can track and more variables for doing custom filters, which is great.  I think the most interesting feature is going to be realtime traffic reporting.  I have used Chartbeat and currently… Read More

Shame.  I really liked this little bit if HTML 5 demo code. Ellie K left a comment our original post when it first went public.  https://www.perivision.net/wordpress/2010/12/google-body-browser/ They did say in the post that the project would be open sourced somewhere else, but not details as to where and when.  Seems Google is shutting down quite… Read More