This was a question posted on Reddit.  It brought up a good conversation, but I think I can condense it into a few point to help you decided between buying a Pebble or other smart watch now, or wait for the Apple iWatch. Before I bought my Pebble through kick starter a year ago, got… Read More

So Microsoft reversed itself.  All along they have been claiming that DRM is the soul of the system, and they reverse it in a few days.  What a joke. Here is the thing, the can turn it back on again anytime they want.  Also, now they claim they had to remove family and other features. … Read More

The rumors were true. Apple has finally overhauled its UI; and it looks like a combination of Metro and flaticons (Jailbreak).  I guess that says something for the Metro design approach. The redesign is cleaner and more efficient, but somehow it just does not sit well.  It feels like its trapped between Metro and the… Read More

I just read an article about the world premier of  Neurowear‘s new mood-sensing Mico headphones. Neurowear designs and prototypes new products and services based on biological signals such as brain waves, heartbeat, etc. The Mico headphones read your brainwaves and, with the help of their mobile app, chooses music you subconsciously “want” to hear. Nothing that is… Read More

Ok, just for the records here are you cheats so far.  Now remember, these only work in sandbox mode. As I hear more, I’ll update this.  Also, if anyone finds new cheats for SC 5, let me know. Code: Result: ALT+W Add $100,000 ALT+F Toggle Fire On/Off ALT+C Toggle Crime On/Off ALT+M Toggle Health Issues… Read More

Metaio, a German based augmented reality software company, has stepped into the world of hardware with the announcement today the world’s first augmented reality hardware chipset. Called “AR Engine”, this development comes with an agreement from ST-Ericsson that will lead the integration of the chipset in ST-Ericsson’s new mobile platforms. With this new level of computing… Read More

I was around during the PC wars of the 90’s, watch people piss on Windows when XP came out, then piss on Vista (although Vista deserved it) and then 7, and now everyone is hating on Windows 8 because of “Metro”. Screw off.  While I think the whole apps thing on Apps on Windows 8… Read More

Seriously?!! Apple is already planning on making a new iPhone? If the iPhone5 what such a crash and burn (as alot of people think), shouldn’t they be taking a a little time to improve on some of the features that the iPhones are lacking? Android OS has quite a few things that put them ahead… Read More