First in the great smartwatch war, Samsung Galaxy Gear. But would you want one? The news has already been out there, Samsung will release their watch Sept 4th beating Apple to the punch. Apple may not be too worried about this since rumors hold that there will not be an Apple compatible version of the app anytime soon. One can even question if Apple would allow this in the… Read More
EA to offer SimCity offline mode. One of the best comments I’ve seen This is not new news, SimCity5 has had one of the worse release in recent memory. As a big SimCity fan, I was sadden that I just could not justify paying for this. I have been waiting for a good hack that will allow me to play offline, then I figured I would buy it. … Read More
Free Windows 8.1 upgrade set to release in Oct. .. it aint much I have Windows 8 on all of my machines. Not so much because I live Windows 8, but more that I got the licenses when they were on sale and it actually runs better on old machines. That being said, I have yet to use the chicklet ‘metro’ elements of the OS. Even on my… Read More
My fortnight review of the Pebble or How I use my Pebble even though its limited. So its been just over 2 weeks (fortnight) that I’ve been using the Pebble constantly and here is what I have discovered. Its VERY limited with my iPhone. I’m sitting on 6.3.1 and have not bothered to jailbreak yet (been really busy lately) so the only thing that works is phone numbers, text and music… Read More
Lytro camera goes on sale in the UK. Does anyone care? and at £400? I remember when the Lytro infinite focus camera came out. I was pretty excited and could not wait to get my hands on one. Then I got my hands on one. Meh. First, a little background. The Lytro camera will let you take a picture then let you change the focus AFTER the shot is… Read More
Should I get the Pebble or wait for Apple’s iWatch? This was a question posted on Reddit. It brought up a good conversation, but I think I can condense it into a few point to help you decided between buying a Pebble or other smart watch now, or wait for the Apple iWatch. Before I bought my Pebble through kick starter a year ago, got… Read More
Microsoft cracks and reverses Xbox One DRM features So Microsoft reversed itself. All along they have been claiming that DRM is the soul of the system, and they reverse it in a few days. What a joke. Here is the thing, the can turn it back on again anytime they want. Also, now they claim they had to remove family and other features. … Read More
New iOS7 UI as a jailbreaker. Apple shows some Metro love The rumors were true. Apple has finally overhauled its UI; and it looks like a combination of Metro and flaticons (Jailbreak). I guess that says something for the Metro design approach. The redesign is cleaner and more efficient, but somehow it just does not sit well. It feels like its trapped between Metro and the… Read More
Now that Google Glass is Jailbroken, what does it mean? its good.. right? The jailbreaking of Google Glass (glassbreak?) is good, and bad. For those who remember back in the iphone1 days, there was all this panic that it would open the door to massive abuse, the phone could be bricked and even the whole network can be taken down … Still waiting for that to happen. Instead,… Read More
Brainwave selected music with Neurowear’s Mico Headphones I just read an article about the world premier of Neurowear‘s new mood-sensing Mico headphones. Neurowear designs and prototypes new products and services based on biological signals such as brain waves, heartbeat, etc. The Mico headphones read your brainwaves and, with the help of their mobile app, chooses music you subconsciously “want” to hear. Nothing that is… Read More
Play SimCity 5 2013 in offline mode? The SimCity Jailbreak is only a matter of time now. Not what Maxis en-visioned. jailbreak simcity 2013 5 coming soon.… Read More
Cheats for SimCity 5 2013 Ok, just for the records here are you cheats so far. Now remember, these only work in sandbox mode. As I hear more, I’ll update this. Also, if anyone finds new cheats for SC 5, let me know. Code: Result: ALT+W Add $100,000 ALT+F Toggle Fire On/Off ALT+C Toggle Crime On/Off ALT+M Toggle Health Issues… Read More
Scroogled adverts are horrible, and Microsoft is starting to see that .. or not Sigh. I just do not get Microsoft sometimes. Most of the time their commercials are ok, and now and again, they are just pointless fluff as their surface commercials. Then their latest efforts, we go to dumb bordering on insulting. {Update: According to TC, they are NOT going to end it. In fact, there is… Read More
Metaio creates AR Engine, the first augmented reality chipset Metaio, a German based augmented reality software company, has stepped into the world of hardware with the announcement today the world’s first augmented reality hardware chipset. Called “AR Engine”, this development comes with an agreement from ST-Ericsson that will lead the integration of the chipset in ST-Ericsson’s new mobile platforms. With this new level of computing… Read More
Buying furniture online can be great, or it can really suck, like it just did Normally when I buy furniture, I do like most people, go the to store, endless number of stores, and hopefully find something that looks good, fits, and in my price range, I buy it. Well this time I decided to expand to looking online and went with Amazon. Mistake. I bought 4 chairs and table… Read More
NYT reporter responds to Elons claims that he faked poor Tesla test drive So, like any story, there seems to be 8 sides to this coin. As I just wrote about a few hours ago, Tesla’s founder and CEO Elon Musk claims that the Article written by John Broder in the New York Times claiming that the Tesla Model S was not matching claimed range and in fact… Read More
How Tesla caught the New York Times faking a test drive and why this is more then just a bad reporter story I’m already in the market to buy an electric or extended hybrid so I tend to pay attention to these story more then most people. Now, I do not exactly consider the New York Times the go to publication for news on electric cars, however, like most people, I normally accept anything I read in… Read More
Get Windows Media Center Free till Jan 31 if you have Windows 8 pro I just got a heads up on this. Go to this address. And remember, you only have till the end of the month before the price of Windows 8 jumps from $40 to $200. If you have a PC, ESPECIALLY if you have an old one, get it. … Read More
Grow up Windows haters. You sound like a bunch of trolls I was around during the PC wars of the 90’s, watch people piss on Windows when XP came out, then piss on Vista (although Vista deserved it) and then 7, and now everyone is hating on Windows 8 because of “Metro”. Screw off. While I think the whole apps thing on Apps on Windows 8… Read More
10 things that iOS could pick up from Android Seriously?!! Apple is already planning on making a new iPhone? If the iPhone5 what such a crash and burn (as alot of people think), shouldn’t they be taking a a little time to improve on some of the features that the iPhones are lacking? Android OS has quite a few things that put them ahead… Read More