pwn – As Seen Through PeriVision An Mobile centric blog ... Full of Tech goodness Sat, 01 Sep 2012 17:41:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4666035 Planning on “Jailbreaking” iOS6 Beta? Thu, 30 Aug 2012 18:25:46 +0000 Read More]]>

No Cydia on beta breaks!!!!!

If you have been following along with all of the guys who are behind the scenes of jailbreaking, then you already know. Some how, amazingly fast productivity has kept them on the heals of the the iOS6 developers. Releasing update after update of jailbreaks. Presently, you can upgrade your iDevice, by downloading the iOS6 firmware from a copious amount of sites. Then do a custom restore using that firmware using the latest iTunes . You can Jailbreak all the way up to the latest Beta of iOS which presently is 4. The only drawback is that, sure you have an untethered jailbreak. But, you have no “Cydia”. You can install Cydia manually via SSH, but not everyone is ssh savvy. And even if you do install Cydia via ssh, you still may run into some problems. Seeing how all these Beta jailbreaks where originally made for dev’s only, some of the sources may not even be updated yet and will not work on iOS6. My best advice is to do what im doing. Just stay happy with the 5.1.1 UTJailbreak and wait for an “Official” Jailbreak release date.
Besides…. its not to far away guys…. trust me 😉


And as usual any and all questions you can get me on twitter at @ichuckydee -or- my *new* FB

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Jailbreak 4.3.1 for iphone ipad2 jailbroken! Get it fast Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:52:11 +0000 Read More]]> Yup, its out.  If you are not still waiting for your ipad2, its now time to jailbreak the iOS 4.3.1!  Win.  Now this is Mac only so, Windows users will have to wait, however, GreenPois0n RC5 is still good to go for iOS 4.2.6.  I will bet 4.3 support will come out soon.

BTW if you are having issue getting to the server, just be patient, it will let you in in time.

Instructions from Redmond Pie

Support for iPhone 3GS and iPod touches is on the way ! Simply follow the instructions below to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1 on iPhone 4 using a combination of PwnageTool 4.2, Universal Ramdisk Fixer and tetheredboot utility.

Here’s what you will need:

  • PwnageTool 4.2
  • iOS 4.3.1 firmware
  • iTunes 10.2.1
  • Mac OS X
  • PwnageTool bundle for iOS 4.3.1
  • Universal Ramdisk Fixer
  • tetheredboot utility


  • There is no unlock for the new baseband on iOS 4.3.1. If your iPhone relies on a carrier unlock, DO NOT update to stock iOS 4.3.1.
  • iPad 2 users on iOS 4.3 should stay away from iOS 4.3.1 until further confirmation.
  • Cydia is fully working on iOS 4.3.1
  • It is a semi-tethered jailbreak.
  • Your baseband will not be upgraded during restore process.
  • Hacktivation is supported.

Modifying PwnageTool

Step 1: Download PwnageTool bundle (includes Universal Ramdisk Fixer) for your version of iOS device. Extract the .zip folder, in there you will find a .bundle file, for this guide, we are using iPhone 4 bundle iPhone3,1_4.3.1_8G4.bundle. Move this file to your desktop.

Step 2: Download PwnageTool 4.2 and copy it to /Applications directory. Right click, and then click on “Show Package Contents” as shown in the screenshot below.

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Can we expect a Jailbreak for the Verizon iphone 4 out the door? Mon, 10 Jan 2011 23:08:08 +0000 Read More]]> I have been holding off on updating my plan thinking the iPhone for Verizon would be coming soon.  My bet is paying off because we should have it tomorrow.  However, the one thing I MUST have is jailbreak because I MUST have PDANet on it.  I fully expect that we should be able to jailbreak 4.2, but will jailbreak apps that talk to the phones hardware still work the same way?  Keep in mind this is for CDMA which means the phone and data links do not work the same way (nor at the same time).  Hopefully the low level API calls are still made the same way and the firmware will take care of it.  If that is the case then we should be fine, but as you can guess, there is no guarantee.  Also we do not know what checks Verizon has in place for tethering.  In theory data should just be data and like AT&T, it should not matter. But this is a new phone with new hardware, so all bets are off.

An interesting point though is that I hear on the rumor mill that you get 5G of tethered data included in the $30 month data plan.  Still waiting on that…

I will be keeping an eye out on the subject and you KNOW within 3 hours of the first iphone hitting the pavement it will be jailbroken and someone will be testing data apps.  And I’ll be here watching.. and waiting…

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A new iOS4 jailbreak Scam is out there, ClawPack. Avoid it. Wed, 30 Jun 2010 04:31:19 +0000 Read More]]> At first when I saw this, I thought it was a new jailbreak, but as I dug around, it turned out to be a scam.  How do I know? I go to the iphone dev website to check, and there is was..

Update #3: Remember, there are scammers everywhere in the iPhone scene.  The latest one involves something called “ClawPack”.  Avoid this costly, untested, and certainly unendorsed ripoff of our free software.

Now, just to be clear, there IS a jailbreak for phone 4, and iphone 3G running iOS4.  You just have to make sure you are running the correct app.  And as always, remember you are taking your life in to your own hands when you jailbreak.   Here is the link to the dev pwnage tool page.

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iphone 4, iOS4 already jailbroken within 1 day! Wed, 09 Jun 2010 20:38:13 +0000 Read More]]> ONE DAY people!  Yes, even before the iphone 4 or known as iOS4 hits the market, its already jailbroken using a Pwnage Tool Bundle.  Wow.  And hoo dunnit?  msft.guy Yup, the same guy who did the blacksn0w, ultrasn0w fix for jailbreak and baseband unlock for 3.1.3.  He ALSO did the oS4 Beta jailbreak.  Now, we have not heard anything about this working on the iPad, but it should since Apple is going with a single codebase for both products.

Now do not go a downloading yet.  They still need to streamline a few things and unless you found an iphone 4 in a bar somewhere, you do not have it anyway, so wait for the official release. You can find that here. Now of course, the normal warnings apply, when you jailbreak, you are taking your phones life in your own hands, so be careful and backup before doing ANYTHING.

So I have to ask myself something here.  Really, just how hard is Apple trying to keep this thing locked?  I once hypothesized that Apple was only trying just so hard to keep the OS locked down because some of the coolest features on the iphone (which is why I started the top 10 list in the first place) seem to come to the jailbreak phones first.  Remember video?  Yea, we had that LONG before the non jailbreakers.  Custom themes?  STILL only on jailbreak.

BTW, on a completely unrelated note, we just finished a silly comic on the rise, fall and rebirth of Apple.  Check it out.

Now, check out the Video below..

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Top 10 ish iPad jailbreak applications Mon, 03 May 2010 19:22:09 +0000 Read More]]> The iPad just got its official jailbreak with ‘Spirit’ from MuscleNerd.  WIN!  Now many of my top jailbreak apps for the iphone does not make sense for this version of the ipad since it does not have a camera, but we all know the next version will.  So for now, I’ll list the jailbreak apps I use on the iphone that I think would be good for the ipad.  I normally like to have a top 10, but because I use my ipad as a consumption device, AND I do not have a camera, AND I did not get the 3G version, I found I really do not have that many jailbreak apps on there.  However, now that ipad2 is out, I will add 1 camera hack that I really like and 7 and backgrounder as 6.

So for now, here are my top 7

7. Snappy Super Fast Camera loader
I hate how slow the iphone camera app is. There must be an app that will load the camera faster. And there is! Snappy. Jailbreak of course. Snappy will let you take a picture faster with your iphone; like one second fast! Really, this is the faster camera app I have ever seen. Even better, is that version 2 supports Video for 3gs! Nice.

I took the entry for UNIX tools out from here. But still:

Unix Tools Mobile, Terminal, openSSH

6. Backgrounder

Backgrounder is nothing but coolness. In fact, the only reason I do not have this lower then 5 is that I do not use it THAT much.. But LOVE it when I do. Multithreading is something that is new and only for iOS4 users. Yea right? Nope. its not true multithreading AND its only for those apps that implemented it. So what about that cool game you have been playing? Nope, unless its been updated recently, most likely multithreading on iOS4 will not work. You can read more on iOS4 and backgrounder here.

Bollocks to that. With Backgrounder you can use for any app , and I do.
More on Backgrounder here.

5. VoiceActivator

Just as it sounds.  Near full command of your iphone through voice commands.  That includes ipod control, dialing people, opening web pages, even getting the time. I have not messed with this that much, but I’m trying to get map search to work. More on VoiceActivator here.

4. BTStacks
This hack is a must!!  Well, its not really a hack but you still need jailbreak to run this code from google.  BTStacks allow you to connect a mouse to the iPad!  Sweet.  Now with a keyboard and a mouse, you can set this up on the table and be almost as productive as if you had a micro PC!  Connect mouse to iPad.

Now even better!  Connect to a GPS device!

3. PdaNet
If you are ever in need of interwebs access for your laptop and there is no free wifi is site, well, use the iPhone! Its not fast, but handy when you need it. More here..
2. Categories
A must have if you have lots if junk on your iPhone. Basically its folders for your icons! Clear and simple.
1. SBSetting
I could not go one day without this.  This perfect little app provides a short cut to your most used settings and aps. I turn 3G on and off quite often, and going through all the menus within settings is a royal pain. With SBSetting, I simply swipe across the top of the screen and there they are.. ready for toggles. Sweeeettt.. More here..

Quake. Yup ID’s Quake from the old days. Now this was put together to work on the iphone, so you know it will only 2x in size.  But still, it could be cool.

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iphone 3.1.3 jailbroken on the Mac only for now with QuickPWN Tue, 09 Feb 2010 17:34:20 +0000 Read More]]> {Update} The Spirit jailbreak for 3.1.3 and 3.2 is out.

It only took 5 days. I think we are getting a little spoiled now because jailbreaking a new release in under a week is almost expected. Of course, this is just a minor update, so we should not be all that surprised.
There are two tools out there so far, QuickPWN and Sn0wbreeze.  I have no plans on upgrading to 3.1.3 since all it does is correct a fix with reporting battery life, and a minor one at that. And I would advise everyone who is not have major issues with their phones to skip this update, but if you just cannot help yourself, well there are two fixes out there.  They are both Mac based, but I imagine a PC fix will be coming at some point.

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How I upgraded my iphone 3G to 3.0 using Pwnage Tool Tue, 23 Jun 2009 06:47:02 +0000 Read More]]> iphone-3-new-1First off, I’m not your typical user, and if you read my blog you would know this; I use jailbreak and LOVE it. However, I also cannot resist experimenting with the iPhone, so once I felt satisfied I heard the jailbreak for 3.0 was relatively stable, I decided to go for it.  However, just as an experiment, I’m NOT going to jailbreak for a few days and see if I miss it. (I already know I will , but like any research type, the experiment must be preformed).

{update … I did not last more to 15 seconds. As soon as I turned on the phone, I wanted to enable WIFI and forgot I could not simply swipe to get the WIFI button. 15 seconds.  Yes, without jailbreak, the iphone is just… just.. andriod. XD  }

Now, on to the upgrade. Here is how I did it

  1. I removed any application that I KNOW I will want not need once I upgrade.  There are two reasons for this.  First, I need to backup the phone, install 3.0 and thus reinstall my apps.  The more apps you have, the longer all this will take. I also cleaned out my music and photos to make the builds and restores faster. Plus, you will be surpised how much junk you have. I do this from iTunes BTW, not the phone.
  2. Make SURE you have synced your address book.  Dont want to lose that.  If you have games, you should SSH into your phone and get the files. I do not have any games that I really care about, so I dont mind losing game data.  Same thing with Notes.  Make sure you copy them out.. By hand.. After 3.0 notes will be synced.
  3. Ok, REALLY important. If you are using Folder, MAKE SURE YOU TAKE YOU ICONS OUT.  If not, you will lose them when you restore until you get SBSettings reinstalled. ( I blew this part 🙂
  4. 2X check your sync settings on itunes and sync twice. Just in case.
  5. Go to iTunes and check for updates.  It will offer 3.0.  Go ahead and install.

Ok.  So we are ready for jailbreaking.  All you need is either PwnageTool 3.0 or QuickPWN (not ready last I checked).  I used PwnageTool myself.  Basically this install worked just like PwnageTool always works but I still like to follow a tutorial, and I always turn to iClarified. Here is the link to PwnageTool 3.0 tutorial.

A few things the tutorial misses though..

  • On step 3, click on Simple Mode if you do not plan on updating your baseband. Read this post. READ IT 5 TIMES!! If you plan on using something other then AT&T, then use expert mode.
  • On step 4, double click, not single click to select your phone.
  • I ran a generic PwnageTool, so I had to click on the DFU mode myself.  Make sure you unplug your phone first before you click on this button.  Why the iClarify tutorial does not have this must be because they used a slightly different version.
  • Make sure you do this when you start iTunes and it asks to restore. ‘In iTunes, hold the Alt/Option key and click Restore.’  I forgot and had to go back and redo putting the phone in DFU mode and then reload the correct restore file.

That should be it!  Your phone should sync.  Then sync it again.

Next open Cydia, and update.  For some reason, I had to close and reopen it.  Now, go to search and find SBSettings.  BEST JAILBREAK APP EVAR!

Now.  Everything worked fine for me except for one step.  I forgot to take the apps out of folders, so I lost my settings button as well as many other buttons. So I had to do update Cydia and install SBSettings using 3G till I could unhide all the buttons again. 🙂

Now, my first impressions of 3.0 …. eh.  Its like nothing changed short of my first phone call was horrible.  However, I REALLY hoping that the iphone was resorting out where the towers are in my area. I have many other experiments with 3.0 and seeing what jailbreak apps I still need…. aside from SBSettings, PDANet  and Video of course.

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iphone 3.0 beta has been jailbroken.. what took so long? Thu, 02 Apr 2009 23:29:59 +0000 Read More]]> iphone-3-new-1Ok, a joke there.  The fact it was jailbroken so quickly is quite impressive. I would have figured early summer, but the proof code is out there.  Course, Apple has some language in the SDK agreement saying that you will NOT contribute to jailbreaking efforts.  This will not stop the jailbreaking, but does give the lawyers another arrow for the quiver.

From the QuickPwn site:

The Russian hacker Vortex has once again released an unofficial jailbreak at I tried it on my iPod Touch with firmware 3.0 beta 2 and it works!

I have not tried it myself because I have not had the time to mess with 3.0, so I cannot confirm or deny it myself. However, Vortex is active and I’m usually inline to buy what comes from him. Normal warning in place of course, do this at your own risk, etc…  Also, remember, you have to reload everything when you do a fresh jailbreak.

Will be interesting when 3.0 is released how long a consumer friendly version will be out.

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Kindle for the iphone is a touch buggy … at least for me .. I prefer Stanza Thu, 05 Mar 2009 01:16:23 +0000 Read More]]> I’m jailbroken, so when an app does not work, I tend to give it 50/50 odds that one of the jailbreak apps could be causing issues.  But with the Amazon’s new Kindle, I’m beginning to think it could be more Kindle then jailbreak. When I first loaded the app, it locked up the OS forcing me to use ‘kill process’ (yes, control-alt-delete from iphone , check it here). I tried again; this time it did not lock up, but I could not select the text field.  Ok, I rebooted (again from SBSettings, no 1 of my top 10).  After reboot, I could access the login textfield, but not the password.  So I closed it again, rebooted again.. This time I put the password in FIRST, then the login and that worked.  I have to guess that the cut and paste I’m using with Clippy (also in the top 10) could be the issue, but I have never had this issue with any other app I’ve used.

Funny thing though, I cannot shop for books from the app, I have to call amazon on safari… which crashed of course.  I’ve been having safari stability issues lately, so I’m going to do a sync tonight and see if that helps safari.  I’ll update this post after I’ve tried it.  Still, its a good idea.  Buying a kindle is something many of us, (myself included) do not think is worth the money.  Used maybe. I’m going to borrow a kindle 1 and play with it a bit just to see for myself.  But reading a long book on the iphone?  Hmmm.. Not fully sure about that, but I am sure there are enough who would read a tomb on the iphone to make it worth coding the app.   Already the kindle app has more downloads then kindles sold, but that does not mean anything, its the number of books sold and read that counts.  Jury still out on that.

For me, I have stanza as my book reader and I like it quite a bit.  It’s quick, stable, I can get books, papers, mags from the app directly. Sweet.  In fact, I should write a review on stanza..

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