This new jailbreak for iphone4 and 4s came out today via jailbreakiphone4s.  However, I have never used this service and I have not heard anything else from my normal sources on this jailbreak being tested and ready to go, so I would not download it right now, but instead keep my ears open for the… Read More

I’m not fully convinced here, but the general talk around in interwebs is that the oversite of leaving vfdecrype key in the unencrypted ramdisk basically means its fair play.  Not sure how that works, but ok.  Still this does not mean we should see a release of Siri for iphone4 anytime soon.  There is still… Read More

Got this via email. Have not tried it myself and I’m not even sure I’m going to make it to the slopes this year, but if you looking for a 3D map for skiing, this could be what you are looking for. Movingworld is glad to announce the release of “Maps 3D 2.5” an 3D… Read More

I just downloaded skydrive a few min ago and have not played with it, but 25g of free storage space is pretty nice. You can get to your files from you computer as well going here.  I have not looked for a desktop app like dropbox has, but I’m sure there is one.  And… Read More

I have not downloaded this, but by just watching the video I’m already sold.  What is interesting and cool about this iphone alarm clock app is that it does more then just wake you up.  Once you are awake, it has voice commands for follow up actions.  Snoose, reset the alarm time, etc..  Better, you… Read More

For jailbreakers, we have had access to system info for quite awhile now using SBSettings, and although this new app still does not have all the capabilities of SBSettings, at least its something; CPU, Memory and Battery Status. Before iOS4 users would not have to worry about such information. But now that more and more… Read More

Ok ok, I know you are really want to get Siri on your iphone, well short of buying a new iphone4s I mean.  And you figure, its only a matter of time before a hacker cracks it.  Well your right, and they have, however there is an issue.  Like other jailbreak apps, Steven Troughton-Smith was able… Read More

This is pretty cool.  Go to this site and type in your conversation.  Hit the ‘create siri conversation’ button and bam.  You have your screenshot.  I’m sure a micro meme of really off conversations are going to be created over the next month. 🙂 Here is one I made really quick.  Not my best work.… Read More

I get emails all the time about iphone ipad apps going on sale; seem this season, especially black friday, I’m being crushed.  So I’m going to start dumping them every now and again.   For the night birds : – Universal Music DJ for iPad (iPad) : $0.99 instead of $11.99 For gastronomes travelers :… Read More

Actually, it was yesterday, but I was busy and did not have time to write this post, but I did order one for a friend. Here is how you order online in case you get lost, because there is a step that can be missed if you try to do this too fast. First, go… Read More

A few weeks back the iphone4s came out.  And to my surprise I get more questions about jailbreaking and unlocking the iphone4. Since I have been using a jailbreak phone since the first iphone came out. I sometimes forget that with every new phone release, there is a whole new population of users that have… Read More

The news just broke that @stroughtonsmith got Siri working on his jailbroken iPhone4. Nice. There is a vid, will post a link to it, then do an embed later. Right now he is not releasing the files or steps till the iPhone4s jailbrake is out there. Also, he wants to do a bit more testing… Read More

I just read this on 9to5mac, so I still need to research this a bit more, but once I figure out how to install Siri on my iphone 4, I’m on it!  And will report back.  Now its pretty much a given you will need to be jailbroken to run this, and the first few… Read More