Over the past month I’ve had a problem with the home button not always working on my iPhone 4.  My first thought was dirt, but it was inconsistent. I figured it has to be a software glitch keeping the home button from registering a click.   The first thing I tried was reboots. That worked, but… Read More

In this corner, we have the iPhone 5 and in the other corner we have the Samsung Galaxy S III. Both have received much acclaim since the recent media frenzy regarding Apple’s patent lawsuit against Samsung and now that the dust has cleared, all techies and fans are concerned with is, which one performs the… Read More

There is a cool jailbreak app that will read you banner notifications using Siri voice called VSNotifications.  Nice! Credit http://appadvice.com/ via ‘The Great iPhone Jailbreak‘ for this one. You can get this from the Cydia Store in the BigBoss repository.  Once installed you enabled it from a new pane that will be added to the… Read More

So I played a bit more with the iphone 5, the real deal, not my emulator, and Maps is worse then I thought.  So much that I thought I would bitch about it again.  However, before I let lose the downvotes, let me say right off, the iphone 5 is fast! fast fast fast!  I… Read More

…with a smooth frame rate and built on open web technologies. The IGD team at Fraunhofer, a German research institute, is doing some really amazing things regarding delivering high polygon count web3d scenes on mobile devices using WebGL and X3Dom. X3Dom is a framework for integrating and manipulating X3D scenes as HTML5/DOM elements. Pat yourself on the back if you… Read More

So as we are all aware, the new iPhone 5 was announced yesterday with a lengthy list of new specs, by apple, along with the new iPod 5g (the first of which to be released with a multi color color display option).  Both of which are going to have the anticipated iOS6 on them.  According… Read More

Leave it to LongCat to make it perfectly clear how much larger the screen of the iphone5 is compared to the iphone4.. Love it. BTW, if you did not already know Apple moved from 3.5 to 4 inches.  Not a large screen size, but bigger. Enjoy! Credit re1jo from Reddit for this.… Read More

According to recent reports released by Apple, 3GS devices my be running low in the arsenal of their products.  With a release date of late September moved forward to the 12th, the new iPhone5 looks like it may be pushing the (now 3 year old) iPhone 3GS to the curb.  According to 9to5mac.com… “until further… Read More

  “ONE WEEK ONLY: biteSMS licenses on SALE HALF PRICE!!! Check out biteSMS, Settings, Themes…NICE!!! Added a ‘mark as read’ icon in the Apple banner roll notification. Added the ability to display the contact pic in the ‘Lock Screen Notification List’ (see biteSMS, Settings, More Stuff, Contact Pics). Better control of Quick Reply. See biteSMS,… Read More

So you just got an iDevice. Welcome to the club, pal. I dont mean it with any disrespect, but nowadays, every family has about 2 iDevices. And guess what? Only one third of them are jailbroken.  And it’s kind of a mix between they dont know how, they dont trust it, or simply they have… Read More

If you have been following along with all of the guys who are behind the scenes of jailbreaking, then you already know. Some how, amazingly fast productivity has kept them on the heals of the the iOS6 developers. Releasing update after update of jailbreaks. Presently, you can upgrade your iDevice, by downloading the iOS6 firmware… Read More