Arrgg.. every time I read anything about the FAIL on getting flash running on the iphone, it just bugs the heck out of me.  So guess what I read today from cnet? ‘Lynch demonstrated Flash Player 10 on devices running Nokia’s Symbian operating system, Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, and Google’s Android operating system. But the quintessential… Read More

A statement from Apple came out today claiming ‘Jailbreaking an iPhone constitutes copyright infringement and a DMCA violation..’ Well, based on what I’m reading from Fred von Lohmann on the EFF site, I’m thinking no.  Here is why; Apple’s copyright infringement claim starts with the observation that jailbroken iPhones depend on modified versions of Apple’s… Read More

I already wrote about these guys awhile ago, but their app just hit Cydia, so I thought I would pass the word.  I’ve downloaded the app to play with it, but have not had time to read the instructions yet.  (did not work out-of the-box). Here is the orginal post.. and this post…… Read More

Yes, its been awhile since I’ve updated my top 10 list, but in the last 2 weeks, there have been a number of really good apps coming online, and 2 of them are MUST haves. First new entry: Clippy Clippy was first sold as a ‘kinda’ cut and paste system.  And ‘kinda’ is about as… Read More

Normally I do not write about an app more then once, typically I would just update the original post, ( I know, bad practice ), however in this case, I wanted to write about this again because of how impressed I am with this little app. ClearCam, the original post here, is a program that… Read More

The dev team is on the ball, as expected. I never upgraded to 2.2.1 because I did not want to bother with it. Note, QuickPwn has been updated to version 2.2.5-2 for the windows users. Remember QuickPwn and PwnageTool are not the same things.. so read up. Here is the link Remember, normal rules… Read More

We all know that the camera on the iphone is about as poor as it gets.  Basically its the same thing I had in my treo600/650. I’ve learn to accept this and move on with life.  Well, seems like someone was not willing to take this laying down and did something about it. In comes… Read More

So I went golfing a few days back and decided to give GolfTraxx another go.  If you remember my first report on it.. beware of rant.. I was not impressed.  So this time I tried it at another course in Sacramento and it seemed to work on some holes, not on others.  The only thing… Read More

Argg.. So I read this on PCW: Adobe has confirmed that Flash capabilities won’t be coming to the iPhone anytime soon. Company CEO Shantanu Narayen recently discussed the difficulties in bringing Adobe’s most well distributed product to the iPhone. “It’s a hard technical challenge, and that’s part of the reason Apple and Adobe are collaborating,”… Read More

rumor control alert!!…. Just read in engadget that Apple is bowing to the pressure of Android and has agreed to work with Adobe to put Flash on the iphone. <rumor> ..Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen has revealed that Apple and Adobe are “collaborating” on making Flash a reality on the iPhone.. </rumor> Not too many details… Read More

When I first got my Griffin Clarifi Macro lens for my iphone, I was pretty happy, but then I realized there is one down side.  I keep the lens closed to protect the iphones lens, which is a great plus I did not think about.  But I also don’t think about removing the lens when… Read More

Look what I got in the email from the interwebs.. We are writing to you to let you know that in the next 24 hours, your Truphone for the iPhone application will be automatically upgraded with some exciting new features*! These new features are: 1. Instant Messaging (IM) IM will be added, meaning that you… Read More

It’s taken awhile, but finally a function I have really missed when I used to have my treo. I have a limited phone plan, so keeping track of my cell minutes is important, but more importantly, I need to know where my minutes are going.  Although you can go on the web to get your… Read More

This is a pretty good post, matt buchanan put a list of twitter apps for the iphone together with screenshots and grades.  Now I’m using Twinkle myself where before I was using twitterific, but fount twitterific buggy. Matt has Tweetie as the best overall, but eh, I dont know, seems to much kitchen sink to… Read More

I say one step closer because Clippy (a jailbreak app) is still not the full deal.  What clippy will do is keep a string (string= series of alphanumerics) in memory so that you can paste that string into another applications.  There are even limits here, conflicts with intelliscreen, etc.. Still, I like where it’s going,… Read More

Finally, my clarifi case arrived.  And so as promised, I did a few experiments… First though, the case itself. It’s a nice case, a bit too smooth for me which makes me fear I will drop it at some point.  I may place a grip sticker on it. The case comes in two pieces, so… Read More

Well, according to techcrunch they are, at least that is the implication in the article. As you all know, we already have a number of video options for the iphone ONLY if its jailbroken. Stories here.. What I do not understand is; where in the article do we see anything that points to USTREAM getting… Read More

ARrrrggg…  I really liked the old version of igoogle for the iphone.  So today, they changed the format to a general mobile version.  Worse, I have to reselect my tabs again. Fortunately when you select ‘Add Stuff’ at the bottom of the page, my tabs from the desktop format is there, but still,  Grrr.. This… Read More