I have not tried this so use at your own cation.  But if you want to know how to restore your iOS on your iphone or ipad but NOT lose your jailbreak, this could be for you.  Now before you ask, its RESTORE.  Not upgrade or downgrade. So that being said, here is SemiRestore! SemiRestore… Read More

When I was more active on this blog, I mostly wrote about the iPhone.  Especially jailbreaking.  The cat and mouse, back and forth between the Jailbreaking community and Apple. In time, a completely outside eco system based on Cydia appeared where people could submit apps, store purchase history and get SAAS services all without going… Read More

Yup, the cat and mouse games goes on.  Its rumored that iOS 6.1.3, that has been released to beta testers, will close the whole used by the jailbreak Evasi0n. This new release is not just to close the exploit keep in mind, there are plenty of other bugs in 6.1 that needs to be address,… Read More

And its out.  Called evasi0n they claim to Jailbreak 6.x iOS’s, untethered, on the A5 chips found on the iPhone 5 and future Apple mobile devices I’m sure…. Till the A6 comes out. I have not tried this jailbreak myself, and as I ALWAYS say, give this a few days to a week to be… Read More

For most people, probably not. Just in case you do not know what unlocking is; unlocking your cell phone allows you to use a phone carrior other then what is ‘locked’ to your phone. For example, if you bought an iphone that is locked to AT&T, you can ONLY use AT&T. However, if you ‘unlock’… Read More

Tomorrow, Jan 26, if you buy a smart cell phone, its illegal to unlock it to work on a different carrier.  If you already have a phone or buy one today, you are safe.  This has caused many people to think that jailbreaking  will be illegal tomorrow.  No. Jailbreaking is still legal. Which leads to… Read More

Seriously?!! Apple is already planning on making a new iPhone? If the iPhone5 what such a crash and burn (as alot of people think), shouldn’t they be taking a a little time to improve on some of the features that the iPhones are lacking? Android OS has quite a few things that put them ahead… Read More

Yes, this is pure dorky goodness, but I dont care. It works!   I got this retro phone handset on sale for under $10. Last one at Bed and Bath in fact. The funny thing is, just like the original iphone phone handle, this is practical. Its kind of funny how popular this is.  Go on… Read More

So your gmail and other Google apps have been acting up?  Screen locking up?  Mail not sending, then when it does you send out 2 or 3 copies?  I sure have.  The funny thing is this started for me the day after Google for iOS5. Now before any one jumps on this, I have no… Read More

Yes, the long national nightmare is over.  iOS5 users can finally say goodbye too Apple maps and use a better system.  And I bet the Auzzies are super happy. 🙂  I’m going to download this puppy right now and test it out.  More later.  Now we just need to wait for a jailbreak to make… Read More