Updates on the iphone 4 for Verizon as I get them.. “It has all the features you’d expect. Like Facetime. Like the Retina Display” All the same specs so far; 5 megapixel camera, HD video recording, A4 chip customer service delivery has been scaled up.. they plan to see a lot quickly.. Feb 3, existing… Read More

I will not be there; time crunch; but Many people will.  Here is a list of live blogging sources. Ars Technica Engadget CNET Techcrunch – cant find a link, but you KNOW they will be there There are other sources, but I just grabbed these quickly.  I do not think there is much news left… Read More

Just saw this on Venturebeat. Seem the rumor mill is putting the release of the Verizon iphone at Feb3.  Makes sense.  Supporting the rumor is the fact that Apple has blacked out vacation days between the 3rd and 6th and that Verizon normally launches on a Thursday. Also, I have not heard anything making me… Read More

I had to clear my iphone of forwarding information and was not sure where what the code was.  So I did a bit of digging and found a list of them.. And I present them to you..  I have not tested them all but I will try a few and see what happens. *3001#12345# and… Read More

Just got an iPad eh?  But did not get the 3G version?  Thats ok right? Just connect to WIFI.  But if you do have has WIFI when your travel?   Well, there’s an iPhone app for that.  Jailbroken of course. I wrote about using GPS on your ipad a few months back.  To use GPS you… Read More

There are still a bunch of iPhone 3G users out there. I still use mine despite having access to quite a few phones now. However, my phone has been going slower and slower.. What gives.  Well, since I run SBSettings I can monitor the memory usage of the phone, kinda of like task manager from… Read More

Saw this poster for the Black Eyed Peas and it didn’t work. As an augmented reality developer and fan of BEP, I had to fix this. Here is the video I made of Augmenting the Black Eyed Peas Time. Android apps used in this example are Google Goggles and Junaio from Metaio.… Read More

So I was recently exposed to the post Augmented Reality Finds a Place to Fit: Shopping! The article states, “Two recent AR implementations show promise, however, by adding value and actually demonstrating how useful the technology can be.” The author of the post is referring to Converse’s Sampler application for AppleiOS devices and a TryOnBathingSuit… Read More

huh.  Well I was looking forward to seeing all the interesting new experiments programmers were going to did with the new jailbreak for windows mobile 7, but I just saw this on VentureBeat ad it seems the  hackers behind ChevronWP7 got talked out of it … by the Microsoft people themselves. Based on his post,… Read More

This is cool. Nothing new as far as technology, but finding hidden places; like less know beaches or a small store or other lessor know gem can be hard, so the application of a virtual tour guild would be pretty useful here. It’s hitting the apple store Dec 8, just in time for the Hawaii… Read More

Ok, we all know the 4.2 dropped for the ipad, and although I have not found as many reason to jailbreak for the ipad as I have for the iphone (re: top ten jailbreak apps)  There are still good reasons.  Still; unlocking your ipad could be pretty useful if you want to through a t-mobile… Read More

It’s web2.0 time again and again, my iphone will be challenged to stay alive as I use it for everything including tethering when I lose interwebs.  EVERY conference I got the wifi dies at some point. Anyway,  I have a spare battery I carry around, but it’s a bit annoying, so this week I tried… Read More

Its the 1 year anniversary of LED football.  This is really cool for anyone old enough to remember playing with these little guys or just really dig old school LED games.  Its free!!  What are you waiting for??  Download them!  NOW!!  You only have a few days left. We here at touchGrove are celebrating the… Read More