Just got this in email.  If your into MMORGS, its free so give it a shot. Here is information from the press release. Yslandia a world apart: Yslandia above all cherishes its players, and we are proud to announce that Yslandia today represents more than 100,000 players from around the world, hundreds of whom form… Read More

Last week a tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1 came out, Mac only.  Well hopefully sometime today we will see a untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1 released.  However, not for ipad 2.  I’ll update this post once I learn more. MuscleNerd, who earlier confirmed his plans of updating Pwnage Tool and Redsn0w with the ion1c iOS… Read More

Taiwanese computer giant Acer wants to be like Apple with premium products and high margins. Now it thinks it has a more promising future in tablets, Bloomberg reports.
This is a big change in Acer’s strategy. The company has previously focused o…… Read More

Wow, I jailbreak day.. a jailbreak afternoon.  Been downloading .greenpois0n.com to jailbreak my 4.2.6 iphone and today just saw QuickPwn Jailbreak for 3.1.1 (for Mac only).  And now via that twitterverse, most @TaimurAsad, I heard that Cydia has got a major update going to 1.1.  Nice!  Its reported that cydia will be faster and fix… Read More

Yup, its out.  If you are not still waiting for your ipad2, its now time to jailbreak the iOS 4.3.1!  Win.  Now this is Mac only so, Windows users will have to wait, however, GreenPois0n RC5 is still good to go for iOS 4.2.6.  I will bet 4.3 support will come out soon. BTW if… Read More

It is expected that with the release of the iPad2 with its cameras, that augmented reality apps for it will start flooding the app store. Seems the first company to get the iPad2 AR ball rolling is Total Immersion with their AR Magic Mirror app.… Read More

Gezz.  Things move so bloody fast.  I think we all expected the ipad2 to be hacked and jailbroken pretty quick, but it did not even take the weekend to crack this nut.   The hacker Comex, who also did the userland jailbreaks Spirit and JailbreakMe, has released tweets and a video showing an ipad2 running cydia.… Read More

I have not used this, just popped up in my email.  Looks pretty good.  Straight forward voice recorder with image and text annotation.  I may download it later and give it try. Smart Recorder is the ultimate time based note taking tool for the iPhone or iPad. It allows the typing of textual notes as… Read More

So, you really liked that demo of garage band that Apple showed for the iPad 2 eh?  Want it but already have the iPad 1? Well, how about something kind of like it?  But better in someways? Especially if you cannot play an instrument? Stealth Bee Jam is more like a mixer then a way… Read More

The ipad2 announcement just kicked off and we will see what features we will, and mostly will not get.  The rumor mill has been pretty set saying we will get a few things with hardware;  A front facing camera, faster CPU; gyroscope, way thinner, etc…    As for software if you are into taking and editing… Read More

With the Game Developers Conference (GDC) right around the corner, I am excited to see what the conference will bring this year as last year was a blast. On the list of things is the Unity3D booth. Unity is a tool for video game development that has taken the international gaming industry by storm. This… Read More

We have the first look at the HP TouchPad running WebOS and from what I heard (no I was not there) it’s great! Snappy! Well designed! Great Multitasking! Works seamlessly with the new Pre 3 and other WebOS phones! … I dont care. We not ‘ME’; I’m actually dieing to get my hands on one… Read More

I just read this in VentureBeat and have not downloaded it myself, but just from the screenshot I can see its full of win. Thumbsnails with Craigslist listing.  How cool.  You can see pretty much how it will work in the screenshot.  I’ll update this after I’ve downloaded it. The app regularly retails for $1.99,… Read More

Last month I blogged and shot a video showing off a Black Eyed Peas augmented reality app I made using Metaio’s Junaio platform. At the time, I was surprised that Metaio didn’t share or retweet with their community this app I made as they usually do with work that others do with their platform and… Read More

So many press releases before MacWorld.  This is pretty cool.  You can secure your phone to only allow access behind a firewall if the phone is at pre approved locations.  Nice.  Check out the release.. Mobile Active Defense (M.A.D. Partners, LLC) announces the release of its patent-pending mobile firewall and contents filtering mechanisms that enforce… Read More