Welcome to PeriVision Loops, currently home of Looping The Smiths, but hopefully that will expand to other artist as well in time. tl:dr for the last two years, just after Corona started up, I started playing guitar again, (mostly The Smiths) and then took up the hobby of ‘looping’ Looping is creating a song using… Read More

I finally got my Tesla Model 3 a few weeks back.  Driving in an unfamiliar parking area, I did an over correction avoiding a pedestrian and ‘crunch’, I scrapped the rim on my M3.  Sigh.  So here is how you can repair the damage without taking the wheel off or paying $200 to a shop.… Read More

Gear VR, the only way to fly. I took two plane trips in the last 2 weeks and decided to see what level of utility the gear VR would be on a flight.  Not only was it great, it totally changed the flight experience. In this post I’m going to list my favorite VR apps for… Read More

ok, I need to cross check these cheat codes I got off the web, but I’m going to place them here and then check up on them keep or remove each cheat code as I verify them.  BTW, there are not cheats as much as they are steam mods. In the main menu section click… Read More

Here is a great life hack.  If you do not need ice for your drinks, then put something else in there.  Like candy!  Of course you can put fruit or mochi or anything else that is small and taste good either frozen or just thawed.  I can see berries or grapes as well.  I wonder… Read More

There are two ways to write a pebble app, use c code and release to the Pebble store, or as I have done with NewsSnacker, write in JavaScript and release to the Pebble app store.  They only problem is Apple has not released an update to allow iOS users to install apps written in JavaScript.  … Read More

I took the 540 spin drive out of a new cheap laptop and decided to put an old SSD in.  Yes it totally makes a differnce.  However, when trying install off the USB drive, windows would not see the SSD I just installed.  After a number of trying and lots of searching, I found the… Read More

I originally wrote this for Monsoonco.com.  This is a repost. We work out of a historic bank in downtown Oakland.  It’s gorgeous. There are high ceilings with gorgeous artwork, and we have not one, but two bank vaults with huge metal doors that we use as conference rooms.  Unfortunately, solving simple problems in a historic… Read More

Now, have you ever been adding a bunch of numbers and thought, man this feel kinda slow.  Never mind its so fast you cant even think straight before the screen updates, that not the point.  ANYTHING is better when its faster.  Well, almost anything.  So I post a set of pics from imgur, via Reddit… Read More

When I first saw this in Reddit I thought it was pretty cool, why it was posted as a Japanese Visual multiplication method I don’t know since there was nothing in the comments saying it was Japanese.  But anyway, the idea is pretty simple.  To multiply two numbers between 11 and 99 you simply draw… Read More

Yes, you read that right. You can create a massive huge super monster pancake using your rice cooker.  That is assuming you have one of course. If not, with a few modification you can use a bread maker as well.  The cool part is you can add a number of ingredients like fruit, nuts, chocolate,… Read More

Their has been a jailbreak hack that has been around for awhile that speeds up or removes animations on iOS devices that make your older phone feel a bit faster.  Well turn out you can do this on Android as well without rooting or any other hacks.  Its pretty simple. First find the ‘developer options’… Read More

After living with my Pebble for awhile, I have found a few tips that have proven to save battery life on my Pebble.  For this post, I’ll break it down to 5 tips that should double your Pebbles battery life. 1) Turn the Pebble off when you are not using it. This may seem obvious… Read More