If you ever needed proof of a market demand for a new type of product, do a crowd funding raise.  Skully, producers of the cyber motorcycle helmet that gives the rider a Google Glass like HUD, is just about to pass the $1 million dollar mark for money raised.  The helmet is pretty cool.  Take… Read More

Have you seen the game trailers for Watch Dogs? In the game, the player is a cyber-vigilante that explores a connected ‘smart’ city and accesses its 2D and 3D information like a high tech Batman. As an example of this, the game even has a website called We Are Data that shows real geo-located information… Read More

2012 has been quite a year in tech, but things are still missing, and I have plenty of tech wishes for 2013.  I’m going to make my wishes doable instead of AGAIN wishing for a flying car for the everyday joe. So here is my list for for 2013 in no particular order. Improve existing… Read More

So your gmail and other Google apps have been acting up?  Screen locking up?  Mail not sending, then when it does you send out 2 or 3 copies?  I sure have.  The funny thing is this started for me the day after Google for iOS5. Now before any one jumps on this, I have no… Read More

Yes, the long national nightmare is over.  iOS5 users can finally say goodbye too Apple maps and use a better system.  And I bet the Auzzies are super happy. 🙂  I’m going to download this puppy right now and test it out.  More later.  Now we just need to wait for a jailbreak to make… Read More

There are a lot of very cool things in iOS6 that iPhone 5 users are going to get. Maps is not one of them. Dont get me wrong, the 3D stuff is very cool, but I do not need this on my iphone. Street view would be far more useful. But that is not the… Read More

Got this via email. Have not tried it myself and I’m not even sure I’m going to make it to the slopes this year, but if you looking for a 3D map for skiing, this could be what you are looking for. Movingworld is glad to announce the release of “Maps 3D 2.5” an 3D… Read More

I am not a fan of the Golden Arches, but I do have to give McDonald’s props for creating Pick ‘n Play. Pick ‘n Play is a Pong arcade game for the iPhone that allows visitors to Stockholm, Sweden to compete against a computer for coupons for McDonald’s menu items. Players connect to the billboard… Read More

The news broke out at where 2.0 that if you pull a .db file from your iphone, it has a record of everywhere you have been in the past year.  WOW.  Worse, this file in NOT encrypted. So the question is; why are they collecting this in the first place?  Perhaps the government wants it?… Read More

Mobipark is free until end of day 4/9/11. Download it now and get the app for free instead of $1.99 US. Where did you leave your car? When do you need to move it to avoid a costly ticket? How do you get back to a location if  you’re in an unfamiliar city? Mobipark combines… Read More

Seems that Google has included a Location History dashboard with their latest release of Google Maps 5.3 for Android. The dashboard is a feature for Google Latitude that allows you to view your location history on a personal dashboard at google.com/latitude or on the phone by tapping view location history from your Latitude profile. The… Read More

This week Layar, the mobile augmented reality platform, announced on their blog the launch of the Layer Player. The Layar Player is a unique piece of code that can be embedded directly within your own iPhone app. Yes, seems it only is available for iPhone apps. Nice thing is there are no licensing costs and… Read More

2010 was a great year for the more innovative technologies that interest me and 2011 is looking to be even better. It is a few hours until midnight and before I dash out for New Year Eve, I felt a look at the 2011 tech crystal ball was in order. Here are my top three… Read More

Just got an iPad eh?  But did not get the 3G version?  Thats ok right? Just connect to WIFI.  But if you do have has WIFI when your travel?   Well, there’s an iPhone app for that.  Jailbroken of course. I wrote about using GPS on your ipad a few months back.  To use GPS you… Read More