Controllers for mobile VR will become standard. Thanks Daydream! Although Google Cardboard, Samsung GearVR and the numerous copy cats have basically assumed the user will not have a controller, with exception to some GearVR titles that require a gamepad, the basic UI of most VR apps rely on gaze control or the track-pad on seen on the GearVR. And for a first try at… Read More
Daydream vs GearVR There has been a number of posts comparing the Google Daydream VR experience to the Samsung GearVR. I have been using both for a while now and think I can offer a pretty good evaluation. When I first tried the Daydream I had the same response most people had. It was small, attractive and felt… Read More
In 5 years you will no longer need to buy a new car. The coming Autono-cab Now there are exceptions to this of course, but when I tell people that in five years they will no longer need a new car, I get a look like I’m nuts. But once I explain that you are getting a new(ish) car and its a ‘need’ not want, then they are a little less… Read More
Why MS Cortana is a minor threat to Apple’s Siri, for now. Just read that in June Microsoft will release their voice assistant Cortana for Android and iOS. This is great for those of us who want to try something new who use Android and Google Now search, which is very good, but sometimes you want something a little more conversational. For my friends who have been complaining about Siri not… Read More
Driverless cabs on NY streets by 2016?? Ehh.. I’m not sure about that Ok, so this article on driver-less cabs just popped up saying NY’s Mayor de Blasio just signed with Google to have them put out a fleet of 5000 driver-less cars in Brooklyn and Queens. They will be called Zippie. Nice. And that is not all; order now and get an ATM machine, vending machine spitting… Read More
Thoughts on the Apple Watch from a Pebble and LG owner. Its been 24 hours since the Apple Watch debut. Now that we have seen more pictures of the watch and learned a bit more about it, I think I can finally give my impressions. This of course is tempered by the fact I have not seen it in person and there are still things we… Read More
Moto 360 smart watch sells out before the first hour. What can we learn from this? That was quick! As soon as the Moto 360 smart watch went on sale it sold out. What does that tell us in the wearable world? That looks matter! I have been pounding on this point over and over again, and just yesterday when I wrote about the Samsung gear 2 s, looking better, but… Read More
Google Cardboard now in Plastic if the Samsung rumors are true Last week at Google I/O, they sprang a cardboard phone holder that basically turn your smartphone into a VR HMD display device. Its extremely cleaver, and was quite the hit. So much so, there is a strong demand for these guys even a week later. Now we are hearing rumors that a plastic version of… Read More
Virtual Reality Hackathon coming to SF. Why its different this time so get your Helmets ready Did anyone watch the Google IO conference broadcast, or better yet, was there? Hope you are enjoying your watches. But more importantly, are you enjoying your cardboard HMD? I have to admit, that caught me by surprise, but very cool! But the point of the VR glasses is to demonstrate Google’s VR Build Kit. I… Read More
Google Glass will sell out of all models. But not for pure demand, but speculators Like we used to see when Apple released a new iPhone it would sell out very quickly, then on ebay and craigslist there will be a flood of posts of people selling for .5, 1 or even 4x the original price. I have a feeling the same thing is going to happen with Glass. Even… Read More
Google announces Android wear (watch). Why this is different from Samsung and perhaps better Although Google will not directly build the watch themselves, they are working with HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung. A bit surprised Samsung is working with them given they have their own watch, but there you go. I may have said this before, but I think watches running the Android wearable system will have a leg… Read More
DO NOT log into your Chrome account on a public computer. Your information stays there. Tip #112 I had no idea about this, but here is the warning directly from Chrome. When you login into any computer, Chrome will download all your sync information and store it on that computer. Even when you log out! You have to actually DELETE the account to get rid of this information. Direct quote from the… Read More
Possible fix for a Not Extended policy error. This just seems to be the week for things breaking on my site. For awhile now I have been getting an error when I go to this site from my service provider. Not Extended A mandatory extension policy in the request is not accepted by the server for this resource. A very odd error. A… Read More
Google Doodle for 2014? I saw this on Twitter from Japan. So could be legit. Not sure but what the heck. Image only. Here is my source.… Read More
How to get Outlook to connect to GMail Google Apps with 2-step verification This drove me nuts for awhile. I have Google Apps so my GMail account is not No matter what I tried, I could not get Outlook to connect to my GMail account which has 2-step verification turned on. After doing quite a bit of research I finally figured it out. You need to set… Read More
Google watch is coming. And I think it will be a winner The Wall Street Journal reported that Google Watch is just a few months away as they reach out to Chinese manufactures. They also supported the rumor it will run Android integrated with Google Now. Makes sense of course. They have been working on Google Now for a while, have it working with Google Glass, so… Read More
Make a good product, have a great advert, but poor business decisions can kill you I have the Pebble watch and love it especially now that I have finally made the jump from iPhone to Android, but that is another story. The Pebble watch has not lived up to the hyped expectations, but it has performed the basics. And its the basics that makes the Pebble great. And then comes… Read More
Now that Google Glass is Jailbroken, what does it mean? its good.. right? The jailbreaking of Google Glass (glassbreak?) is good, and bad. For those who remember back in the iphone1 days, there was all this panic that it would open the door to massive abuse, the phone could be bricked and even the whole network can be taken down … Still waiting for that to happen. Instead,… Read More
10 things that iOS could pick up from Android Seriously?!! Apple is already planning on making a new iPhone? If the iPhone5 what such a crash and burn (as alot of people think), shouldn’t they be taking a a little time to improve on some of the features that the iPhones are lacking? Android OS has quite a few things that put them ahead… Read More
Want more proof Apple Maps sucks? Upgrades to iOS6 has jumped I wrote a few days after the release of iOS6 that I would not be updating because Apple maps suck and told my readers that if you use maps ALOT, like I do, do not update until they fix it… or until Google releases an app. And they did. And now people are upgrading to… Read More