You knew it was coming.  They claim Increased stability.  I’ll download and test.  We’ll see if anything else is new. {UPDATE} OK, it does seem to work a bit better but when you start it, it recommends you do a reboot before starting the game.  Thanks, already figured that.  Still takes awhile to start and… Read More

I did a review of football when it first came out back in Sept. Story here. So I got another email last week saying LED football2 is out. Downloaded it, played with it, and just like the first one, its fun. Totally reminds me of when the original came out.  Whats different here is the… Read More

I played my fair share of desktop towers back in the day.  It was pretty fun, but I mostly burned myself out after a few multi hour sessions.  So when Towers first came out ( I guess a month?) ago, I did not bother with it. Well, last night I saw a free version and… Read More