Here is something I have been waiting for, the ability to use my 2D Android applications and 2D games in VR.  The way it works is a 2D window is provided in your VR environment.  Within that window you can run Android apps!  Sweet Right? This GearVR App is call PhoneCast which is already out… Read More

ok, I need to cross check these cheat codes I got off the web, but I’m going to place them here and then check up on them keep or remove each cheat code as I verify them.  BTW, there are not cheats as much as they are steam mods. In the main menu section click… Read More

(Note, I’m posting this now, but its not done. But what I do want is feedback. Good list? Bad list? you have a better top 10? Tell me.) I finally got my Note 4 and start loading apps on the Samsung Gear VR and here is my top ten favorites.  Normally I do not include… Read More

When I first saw this in Reddit I thought it was pretty cool, why it was posted as a Japanese Visual multiplication method I don’t know since there was nothing in the comments saying it was Japanese.  But anyway, the idea is pretty simple.  To multiply two numbers between 11 and 99 you simply draw… Read More

Not much more I can say here.  A fap gauge for the Pebble smart watch.  FapGauge. Pretty straight forward: – up button starts recording – down button stops – long press on the select button erases the highscore Records how long you take, how many faps total end faps per second. The highest fps is… Read More

Sounds crazy but perhaps not as much as you might think.  The main expressed reason Facebook bought Oculus is the ‘platform’.  Basically trying to get in front of the next shift in hardware. When Facebook launched they were king of desktop, but then mobile takes over and they had to play a bit of catchup. … Read More

Finally Mac people can play SimCity the way must of us prefer to play it, offline and with lockups.  The next time you log into the game you should see the alert for update 10.  Install it.  Including offline play, here are a few more nice things. New: SimCity Single-Player Mode. Enables Offline Play. Single-Player Mode… Read More

And so they have finally released SimCity in offline mode.  Well, its not out yet, but SimCity Offline is being tested at the moment.  Looks like they have it right.  You can play offline by yourself, you can install mods and save your games without ever touching the cloud.  Here is a snip from the… Read More

So Microsoft reversed itself.  All along they have been claiming that DRM is the soul of the system, and they reverse it in a few days.  What a joke. Here is the thing, the can turn it back on again anytime they want.  Also, now they claim they had to remove family and other features. … Read More

This is very cool, and something I have thought about. How cool would it be to have Risk like boards but of different maps, like the US or Europe?  Well Havoc has done that. Its a kick starter project but they have 15 designed maps so far, Civil War US, New York, United Kingdom, Los… Read More

If you have not seen the video already, I have placed it at the end of this post.  The game in question is Super Monster Bros by Adventure Time Pocket Free Games. This is a review from IGN, and its worth watching.  What is unbelievable about this is the cost of in app purchases.  Half… Read More

When I was more active on this blog, I mostly wrote about the iPhone.  Especially jailbreaking.  The cat and mouse, back and forth between the Jailbreaking community and Apple. In time, a completely outside eco system based on Cydia appeared where people could submit apps, store purchase history and get SAAS services all without going… Read More